


of passport verification. There were several problems with this option: hiring would take up to a month and a half from interview to training, services would have to close if all the staff were unavailable to work, and the possibility of unhappy residents would make the position difficult and unpopular. The third option was to not allow people into non-essential spaces like the recrea- tional centre, and not rent out venues for public use. The spaces would be closed until restrictions eased, and while sports teams would still be able to practise and play against each other, there would be no spectators allowed. Council voted for the first option, and a decision will be made soon on what company the township will be going with. Councillors said that the cost of hiring would not be passed on to customers or residents and would instead come out of the township’s COVID-19 reserve fund. They are also hopeful that restrictions will ease by the end of the year, dependent on the province reaching 90 per cent first-vaccination rate, limiting the need for security.

Several options were considered for the enforcement of the new vaccine pass- port mandate that launched September 22. In their regular meeting on September 19, township council reviewed the vaccine passport mandate launching on Septem- ber 22. Council members reviewed several possible solutions for passport verification in non-essential settings, and although they didn’t reach an official verdict, they will call a later meeting to put one in place. The first option they explored was hiring a security company to provide staff to check passports. They were looking into three companies: Falcon Security, which handles security for the sports dome and would cost about $36 per hour; Capital Security, which the township employed for election days and would cost $30/hr; and Shield Security, a new company, which would also cost $30/hr. The second option they considered was hiring staff onto township payroll to take care

Le canton de Russell mettra en place son propre dispositif d’exécution pour tenir compte du système provincial de passeport vaccinal lancé le 22 septembre. —Pexels photo


Action de grâce


Our office will be closed Monday October 14 th for Thanksgiving!

Nos bureaux seront fermés, le lundi 14 octobre en raison du congé de l'Action de grâce

3-9 octobre 2021 • October 3-9, 2021 #SSMM21 • #MIAW21 • CAMIMH.CA of people des personnes souffrent d’une maladie mentale ou d’un problème de santé mentale au cours d’une année donnée (rendu à l’âge de 40 ans, 50% des personnes souffriront ou auront souffert d’une maladie mentale). experience a mental illness or mental health issue in any given year (by age 40, 50% of people will or will have expe- rienced mental illness). Canadian Mental Health Association, 2018 / Association canadienne pour la santé mentale, 2018 20%

Phyllis Webstad prête sa chemise orange pour marquer le 30 septembre, Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation —photo fournie


(Shuswap) from the Stswecem’c Xgat’tem 'JSTU/BUJPO XBTHJWFOBOPSBOHFTIJSUPO her first day of residential school in 1973, a shirt that was taken away when she arrived. Orange shirts have thus been adopted as a symbol of how residential schools stripped away the culture, freedom, and self-esteem of Indigenous children for generations. Schools did arts and crafts projects to mark the day, hanging their works in the halls, and events were organized like drum- ming sessions and a hoop dance by Feryn King. Students studied the 94 Calls to Action designed to forward reconciliation efforts, and Kindergarten to Grade 8 students throughout the district were invited to a webinar with Christy Jordan-Fenton, who co-authored Fatty Legs: A True Story and When I Was Eight , where she recounted the time her Inuvialuk mother-in-law Margeret Olemaun spent at a remote arctic residential school in the 1940s. Mayor Mario Zanth of Clarence-Rockland also released an official statement regarding UIFEBZ)FTBJE i8IBUDBOXFEP BTBO individual, to contribute positively to this EBZ 8FDBOTUBSUCZBTLJOHPVSTFMWFT8IBU EPFTSFDPODJMJBUJPONFBOGPSNF 8IBUJT the symbolism of wearing orange on this important day? More than that, we can listen with an open mind and heart when members of the Indigenous communities explain what reconciliation means to them.”

Staff, students, and residents of Prescott-Russell remembered the tragedy of the residential school system on September 30. The United Counties of Prescott and 3VTTFMM 6$13 PCTFSWFEUIFàSTU/BUJPOBM Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Septem- ber 30. The new statutory holiday is a part of the reconciliation process and honours the victims and survivors of the residential school system, as well as their families and the communities they belong to. The day was observed throughout the UCPR, and many schools in the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) held class activities to educate students on its importance. “At the UCDSB, we are committed to Truth and Reconciliation,” says UCDSB Director of &EVDBUJPO3PO'FSHVTPOi"GUFSUIFIPSSJàD findings at former residential schools earlier this year, it’s so important that we continue to have meaningful conversations in our class- rooms, share in the truths of our country’s past and work toward building partnerships with our Indigenous communities.” UCDSB schools flew their flags at half mast, and staff and students were encou- raged to wear orange shirts, which have CFDPNFBTZNCPMPGUIFEBZ1IZMMJT8FCT - UBE BOBVUIPSBOE/PSUIFSO4FDXQFND


des travailleurs de la santé of health care workers

ont déclaré que leur santé mentale était plutôt mauvaise ou bien pire pire maintenant par rapport à mars 2020.

reported that their mental health was somewhat worse now or much worse now compared to March 2020.

Statistique Canada, 2021 / Statistics Canada, 2021

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