December, 1937
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
day should be started with prayer, no matter how early this may get us up. The loss of prayer is more serious than the loss of sleep. Second, while there is great value in united prayer, there are times when we need to seek the “solitary place” as our Lord did. But third, sometimes un noticed in this text, we should learn that prayer is just as essential after we have preached and ministered as it is before we begin. In fact, after we have ministered successfully, it may be more necessary to pray than before, if we consider our own spiritual welfare. Success is likely to build up the illusion of self-confidence and self exaltation. 4. “Those things which Moses com manded” (v. 44). This is one of the many passages in the Gospels which prove that our Lord considered that the dispensation of the Law was in full effect until He died upon the cross and fulfilled all its holy demands. Therefore He commands the healed leper to comply with all the minute ceremonial details of the Law. . Professor Schoenborn of the University of Wurzburg said at the dedication of a new operating amphitheater: “Every pa tient entering here should bring us the faith and hope that the God of grace and compassion can and will heal him of his sufferings. Every operator who takes knife in hand should feel a full sense of responsi bility. And if he has the joy of receiving the thanks of a recovered patient, he can use the words of the famous Huguenot physician of the sixteenth century, Am- brogia Pâté, addressed to the French King: ‘I have treated thee ; God has cured thee.’ ” —Sunday School Times. When Jesus Went to Peter’s House M ark 1 :29-45 Memory Verse: “He healed many that were sick” (Mk. 1:34). Approach: Last week we talked about how Andrew and Simon Peter were called by the Lord Jesus and how they got right up and followed Him. He called James Golden Text Illustration M ark 1:34
to her and took her by the hand, and immediately she was well. How quickly everybody heard of this miracle! By even ing all who had sick friends gathered about the door while Jesus cured them of their diseases. Was taking care of people and making them well what Jesus meant when He told His followers that He would make them “fishers of men” ? No, taking care of people’s bodies wasn’t the great thing that Jesus had come into the world to do. He wants His followers to be kind and helpful to people, even as He was, but Jesus came not just to heal people’s diseases but to heal them from sin, as we shall learn in our story next week.
After the Call • • • P e r h a p s you hurry to the curb for the Doctor’s verdict. He may have made a guarded statement in the house— but you must know the whole truth. And how often, in these strenu ous years, the whole truth is, Old Age Wor ries —financial problems that sap the vital forces, set the nerves on edge, and steal the very joy of living! To many cont ent ed elderly people, anAnnuity Contract withWheaton College has given a new lease on life. They are happy indeed that they invested their funds with Wheaton before they lost them. For a Life Annuity Contract with Wheaton College is backed by the vigorous growth of a rapidly expanding Christian institution whose assets are conservatively invested and efficiently managed. It is fire-, burglar-, litigation-, and depression- proof; does not fluctuate in value; and yields to elderly people a more generous income than most other safe securities. Why not~become at once a happy and per manent partner with Wheaton College in thefar-reaching work of Christian Higher Education? Clip the Coupon. MR. GEORGE V. KIRK, Vice Pres. Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. Please tell me, without obligation, how I may pro vide an income for life, for myself or a survivor. Box KB1237
Object Lesson H earts C aught
Objects: Two unused correspondence envelopes, four colored paper hearts, a narrow black ribbon, and a pair of scis sors. (Cut down both sides and across the bottom of one envelope. Discard the ir regular h alt of the envelope, and keep the complete side that bears the flap. Insert this side and flap in the uncut envelope with the gummed portion in the normal position for sealing the envelope. This will make a partition in the envelope. Hide two of the colored hearts behind the partition. Make a slit in the middle of the envelope, running the black ribbon directly through both sides and the partition and through the two hearts. Then stick the two flaps together. This gives the envelope the appearance of being empty except for the black ribbon.) Lesson: This envelope appears to be empty, except for this black ribbon run ning through it. I am going to call this envelope “bad company.” It looks all right, except for this ribbon of sin that runs through it. These two clean hearts are saying, “We can go with bad company and not get caught with the black ribbon of sin.” They think they are smarter than others are. Often boys and girls think they are wiser than their parents. We will slip these hearts into the en velope, seal it, and see what happens. Let’s cut the end of the envelope open, and we will be able to tell how they are progress ing. (Cut the end off, blow the envelope open, reach into the back compartment and remove the hearts which have been caught with the black ribbon. After removing the hearts, press the opening in the envelope into a diamond shape, and allow the audi ence to look in. It will appear to be empty.) Here is what happens to those who go with bad company—they are caught by sin. The Lord Jesus knew that people had been caught by sin, and therefore He came [Continued on page SOS]
and John, two other fishermen b ro th ers, also. Jesus had prom ised to ma ke them “fishers o f m e n , ’ and they must have wondered just what He meant by that. Lesson Story: How t h e y m u s t ha ve watched everything that He did as they
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followed Him about! He went into the synagogue and sat down with the teach ers there, and He began to teach the peo ple. To everybody’s surprise He knew more than the teachers themselves did. Were these four fishermen to become “fish ers of men” by explaining the Scriptures to the people? This was part of the way that they were to be “fishers,” but that wasn’t all. Next, Jesus went into the house where Simon Peter and Andrew lived. Peter had a wife whose mother was sick. Jesus went
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