IUJ brochure 2022-2023


Akiyoshi Kaneko East Japan Railway Company MBA, Class of 2022 EMLYON Business School (France )

<China> ❶ School of International Trade and Economics - UIBE <Korea> ❷ Graduate School of International Studies - SNU ❸ Graduate School of International Studies - Yonsei ❹ Graduate School of International Studies - Ewha <Thailand> ❺ Thammasat University <Taiwan> ❻ College of Social Sciences-NCCU

Lyon, where EMLYON Business School is located, is the second largest city in France, known for its excellent cuisine. I studied and worked in groups with relatively young European students and was impressed by their entrepreneurial spirit and IT skills. It was a great opportunity for us to get to know each other outside of class while enjoying local French food and wine, and to learn about their culture and ways of thinking.



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Shuki Koga JGDP, Class of 2022 WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany )

Asia <China>

My experience as an exchange student at WHU in Germany became a great asset for me. In particular, I had the opportunity to study subjects that are not offered at IUJ. In addition, the teamwork and active discussions in class among classmates from various backgrounds like consulting and finance were very stimulating. It made me more motivated and helped me understand the course content more deeply. I hope many IUJ students will have the same or even better experiences than I had through the exchange program.

❶ School of Business - Renmin ❷ School of Economics - Fudan * <Hong Kong> ❸ HKUST Business School * <India>

❹ Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad ❺ Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore <Indonesia> ❻ Master of Management Program - UGM <Malaysia> ❼ Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Science - IIUM <Singapore> ❽ NUS Business School <Taiwan> ❾ College of Commerce - NCCU <Thailand> 0 Sasin - Chulalongkorn


Exchange Partner Schools

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