
The summer is just warming up and

$173 million

there are just so many ways to enjoy

ourselves in the Far East of Ontario. Since

people love being told where to go, as a

free public service, this space, over the


course of the next few weeks, will

sporadically offer options for outings.

But first — a safety message.



running, get out on thehighwayandbegin

Gone fishing in the Far East

summertime adventures, for everyone’s

The Catholic District School Board of

sake, we should just ease off the gas pedal

Eastern Ontario has approved an

a tad. That lake, tennis court or fairway is

usheadoff toa fishinghole. “There isgold in

Remember that only Ontarians may fish

operating budget of $164.9 million and a

not going anywhere. Slow down. And

the Ottawa River that is floating by your

in provincial waters licence-free during that

capitalbudget of $7.6millionfor the2011-

please, if you are driving, get off the cell

doorstep,” said Reno Viola earlier this year


12 school year.

phone, idiot.

when he landed an allocation of $15,000

Some facts:

The 2010-2011 operating budget was

The number of fatal crashes in Eastern

fromHawkesbury to promote the town as a

Anglers in Ontario catch more than 100

$157.5 million while capital allocations

Ontario is on the rise. That is why the

fishing destination.

million fish each year.

totaled $17 million last year.

Ontario Provincial Police would like to

The onetime co-host of TV shows such as

Approximately 1.3million anglers fish in

The board has received $1.4 million in

remind everyone that safety is everyone’s

Fish ‘N’ Canada, Viola points out that the

Ontario each year and spend $2.5 billion in


responsibility. In2010,theO.P.P.inEastern

investment will pay off big time if the casts

the province annually.

school renewal needs, and $3 million to

Region investigated 17 fatal crashes

for anglers have the desired ripple effect.

With 250,000 inland lakes, countless

address accommodation requirements for

between January 1 and June 27. Of the 17

“Wehave themoney fish,”hesaid, noting

rivers, and shorelines on four Great Lakes,

full-day kindergarten.

victims, sevenwere not wearing a seatbelt

that bass, walleye andmusky can be hauled

Ontario is home to 160 species of freshwater

Construction projects include a 12-

properly, four were ejected from vehicles

in from the Ottawa River which offers the


classroomaddition at St. ThomasAquinas

and one had consumed alcohol before

best multi-species waters in Ontario.

If you lack the means or the desire to toss

Catholic High School, in Russell.

gettingbehind thewheel. In2011, between

Fishing is a huge $13 billion industry in

a line, you may want to amble onto the

The budget includes provisions to

January 1 and June 27, 23 people had died


Prescott-Russell recreational trail. Built on a

implement full-day, every day, junior and

in20 fatal crashes. Five canbeattributed to

Some 17 million anglers are hooked on

former railway bed, the corridor runs the

senior Kindergarten programs in

improper seatbelt usage, resulting in four

the sport and will spend fortunes in the

length of the united counties and provides a

September at 21 schools.

people being ejected; alcohol was a factor

pursuit of the big ones.

different perspective of our little corner of


in four collisions. Summer has just begun

Do not judge a river by its surface. Take

theworld. This summer, several stops along

said:“The EarlyLearningProgram and Ready

and already officers have investigated


the route have been spruced up by the

to Learn continues to benefit our youngest

drowning deaths related to cliff diving

is not much more than a creek.

counties and local schools. Under the

learners. It gives them a great start and an

and boating. Summer recreation can be

The South Nation watershed is teeming

Canadian Wildlife Federation’s Wild about

opportunity todevelopskills thatwill help

fun, but not if someone dies in the process.

with a wide variety of fish — 69 different

Gardening program, groups of pupils have

them over the course of their Catholic

Only you can ensure your safety and the

species to be exact.

been creating habitats for hummingbirds,

school careers.”

safety of your loved ones. Be responsible,

Familiarity can breed contempt. But in

bees and butterflies by planting gardens

The2011-2012 financial estimates allow

drivesafe, playsafeandfollowgoodsafety


along the trail in Hammond, Bourget,

the board to continue to remain compliant


That is one of the reasons South Nation

Pendleton, Plantagenet and Alfred.

with the provincially mandated primary

“Wewill continue to enforce the lawon


These plots are fun, educational, and if

class size requirement and will also allow

ourhighways,waterways and trails,” said

every year.

you are fortunate enough to see a

the Board to reduce class sizes in grades 4

Inspector Chris Lungstrass, Manager,

In addition to teaching youngsters the

hummingbird in flight, a source of high-

to 8.

Traffic and Marine Eastern Region.

basics of angling, the program helps to

energy entertainment.

Additional funding allows for an

“Education and enforcement are key

familiarize young people with the natural

To paraphrase the licence plate, The Far

increase of ten minutes per week in

components, but only you can prevent

environment in the watershed.

East has much to discover.

elementary teacher preparation time and

unnecessary death and injuries.”

RyanRobson,whocoordinates theevent,

Next week: Bears with us!

increased support for elementary teacher

So, now that we are all buckled up, let

explains the approach is based on the belief

professional learning opportunities.

that those who learn early to appreciate the

natural surroundings develop into

Family Day Fund-raiser

conservationists conditioned to protect


wildlife and its habitat.

Alliance holds its first Family Day fund-

At the same time, it should be noted that

raiser, at noon July 30 and at 4 p.m. July 31,

bird-watching, cycling and walking are


other, less intrusive pursuits that instill an

will be volleyball, face-painting, a reptile

appreciation for flora and fauna.

petting zoo, barbecue and kids’ games.

Anyway, fishing isagreat familyactivity.


The fishing camp, which was held this

year in Casselman, coincides with Ontario


Family Fishing Week which began July 2

The Macdonell-Williamson House, 25

and ends July 10, a time when fishing can be

des Outaouais Rd., Chute-à-Blondeau,


hosts Saturday, July 9 a genealogy

a licence.

workshopwith Jennifer Paquette at 2 p.m.

“At the endof the day, fishing is all about

Sunday, July 10 is the opening of “Jack the

having fun with friends in the great

Diamond King” Exhibit at 2 p.m.

outdoors,” Robson points out.

July 16, at 2 p.m., there will be a wool

Fishing Week must be a good thing,

spinning demonstration with members of

because the Ontario government says so.

the “Twistle Guild,” and July 17, also at 2

Strengthening tourism is part of Premier

p.m. Roberta Histed will explain


“Symbolism inQuilt Designs.” Telephone

thenumber of visitors, strengtheneconomic

866-269-2962, 450-451-5666, or visit

growth and support jobs in Ontario.

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