first board meeting of the school year on September 14. A total of 40 elementary and 28 secon- dary schools are receiving new furniture to create more flexible learning spaces, as well as 1800 desktop and 730 laptop computers, complete with charging carts. The schools will receive network upgrades to support the new devices, replacements for office equipment, new tools for their tech shops, 3D printers, and a drone pilot program. “As a result of sound financial planning, we were able to make these additional invest- ments at the end of the last school year,” TBJE%JSFDUPSPG&EVDBUJPO3PO'FSHVTPO i8FBSFGPSUVOBUFUPIBWFBCPBSEPGUSVTUFFT that planned for and fully supported these actions The implementation of these pur- chases and upgrades are just the beginning. 8FIBWFJOOPWBUJWFBOEBNCJUJPVTHPBMT defined in our overall strategic plans for our school board that we are looking forward UPBDIJFWJOH8FXBOUUPFODPVSBHFPVS schools to continue with this thinking and we will work with them at the central level to carry out real-world learning activities and
JOOPWBUJWFPQQPSUVOJUJFTu3PDLMBOE%JTUSJDU High School will be receiving two classrooms worth of furniture, a 3D printer and scanner, B$/$NBDIJOF BWJOZMDVUUFS BMBTFSDVUUFS tools for the tech shop, two laptop carts, and around 45 computers. 3PDLMBOE1VCMJD4DIPPMXJMMSFDFJWFUISFF classrooms worth of furniture, a replacement phone system for the front office, two laptop carts, and around 45 computers. 3VTTFMM)JHI4DIPPMXJMMSFDFJWFUISFF classrooms worth of furniture, a 3D printer, B$/$NBDIJOF BWJOZMDVUUFS BMBTFSDVUUFS tools for the tech shop, three laptop carts, and around 50 computers. 3VTTFMM1VCMJD4DIPPMXJMMSFDFJWFBSFQMB - cement phone system for the front office, 17 laptops, 23 desktops, and two laptop carts. Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute will SFDFJWFB%QSJOUFSBOETDBOOFS B$/$ machine, a vinyl cutter, a laser cutter, tools for the tech shop, two laptop carts, and around 30 computers. 1MFBTBOU$PSOFST1VCMJD4DIPPMJO7BO - kleek Hill will receive three laptop carts and 50 computers.
The UCDSB will be upgrading almost 70 schools with new technology. —archive photo
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) opened the new school year with a $5,287,200 investment in technology and classroom furniture as part of the board’s goal to engage students, staff, and community partners in real-world learning. They discussed the investment during the
During its first meeting of the year, the UCDSB discussed a $5 million investment in classroom technology to promote hands-on learning.
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
shortages continue, meaning routes could be cancelled on short notice. There are 30 new drivers still in training, but in the meantime, spare drivers, licensed office staff, or mechanical/maintenance staff may have to pick up the slack. /FXTUVEFOUUSVTUFFT0MJWJB1FSFJSBBOE +BOFWSB1JFSXFSFTXPSOJOEVSJOHUIFJSàSTU board meeting. The two gave their declara- tions and oaths of allegiance and signed all requisite paperwork. Student Trustee 1JFS GSPN(BOBOPRVF4FDPOEBSZ4DIPPM will serve as the chair of Student Senate .FFUJOHT XIJMF4UVEFOU5SVTUFF1FSFJSB GSPN/PSUI%VOEBT%JTUSJDU)JHI4DIPPM XJMM serve as vice-chair. %JSFDUPSPG&EVDBUJPO3PO'FSHVTPO VQEBUFEUIFCPBSEPOUIF%JSFDUPST8PSL 1MBOGPSUIFTDIPPMZFBS0OFPG the main points is a $5 million investment in updating classrooms, enhancing techno- logy shops, and upgrading technology and DPNQVUFSTBDSPTTUIFCPBSEUIJT'BMM5IJT upgrade to the UCDSB technology program is part of the multi-year strategic plan and will engage students, staff, and community partners in real-world learning.
The UCDSB received operational updates and swore in this year’s student trustees during the first meeting of the school year. Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) trustees had their first regular mee- ting of the new school year on September 14. The board welcomed this year’s student trustees, received reports on enrolment, staffing, and transportation, and discussed UIF%JSFDUPST8PSL1MBO Superintendent Bill Loshaw reported that enrollment is even higher than projected, with 468 more elementary school students and 116 more secondary school students than expected. Superintendent of Human 3FTPVSDFT$IBE#SPXOMFFSFQPSUFEUIBU after a summer of hiring, the board has hired 28 permanent elementary teachers, 12 permanent secondary teachers, 33 support staff, and 71 occasional teachers 4VQFSJOUFOEFOU%FBOOB1FSSZSFQPSUFE UIBUUIF4UVEFOU5SBOTQPSUBUJPOPG&BTUFSO 0OUBSJP 45&0 IBTBEWJTFEUIBUCVTTUBGàOH
The 2022-2023 Upper Canada District School Board student trustees were sworn in during the board’s first meeting of the school year. Left to right: Director of Education Ron Ferguson, Student Trustee Janevra Pier, Student Trustee Olivia Pereira, and John McAllister, board chairman. —supplied photo
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