Auro cacao

Expanding our Impact MEDA

For MEDA thru its RIISA Project in the Philippines, the expectation is that clients and recipients of MEDA’s support will achieve the following: (a) desired environmental impact for women and men in adopting environmentally sustainable practices and technologies that generate equitable, thriving, and resilient businesses, workplaces, and communities; (b) desired social impact for stakeholders to co-create solutions for improved agency and influence, and equitable access to resources for systematically marginalized groups such as women, youth, and IPs; and, (c) economic impact resulting from innovative financing and business expertise from MEDA’s support and generate inclusive economic growth for women and men, youth, and IPs’ small-scale producers and SMEs in the cacao sector.

Innovative financing and business expertise generates inclusive economic growth for small-scale producers and agri-MSMEs

INCLUSIVE, SUSTAINABLE ANDnJU ST AGRI-FOOD MARKET SYSTEMS that achieve positive economic, social and environmental impacts, including decent work, and address social norms, power dynamics and systems barriers that perpetuate inequalities within the food system

Sustainable economic growth and decent work that leads to inclusive development and poverty reduction

Diverse stakeholders are convened to co-create solutions for improved agency and influence and equitable access to resources for systematically marginalized groups.

Adoption of environmentally-sustainable practices and technologies generates equitable, thriving and resilient business, workplaces and communities.

Figure B


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