The Lakes South Morang College - Issue 3 2023

Goal 3: Optimise community partnerships.




Target 3.2

By 2026, increase the percentage of student positive endorsement on the AtoSS for:

Maintain high levels of positive communication with your child and their teacher Take an evidenced based approach to your child ’ s performance at school and help them set achievable steps for success Provide opportunities for your child to grow socially and emotionally by encouraging participating in leader ’ s programs, sports, performing and visual arts, lunchtime clubs, camps and excursions

Years 4 – 12 students for Sense of connectedness from 57% (2022) to 65%

Year 7 – 12 for Community connections from 44% (2022) to 55%

Target 3.3

By 2026, increase on the POS:

Read your child ’ s Academic School Reports

Parent overall general satisfaction from 65% (2021) to 75%

Complete the DET Annual Parent Opinion Survey

Participation rates from 9% (2022) to 30%

Complete school - based surveys

Key Improvement Strategy 3.a

Strengthen community partnerships in both learning and wellbeing •

If you are an ex student join the new college Alumni

Attend school networking and social functions

Support, encourage and assist with volunteer work, community and part time/ casual work placements

Support to enhance school programs using your professional expertise

Promote the virtues and achievements of our college and students in the local and wider community Participate in school improvement programs and fundraising to develop facilities and grounds

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