You said, Abbey did - parent feedback

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We are unhappy with the 48hour cancellation and booking process for Playden.

Let us bring siblings and younger children to our school performances or workshops.

(At Playden) we are unhappy with the late fee for children not collected on time.




Have to maintain two staff on-site for any late children (safeguarding) and staff are only paid to 5.30pm. Each member of staff would be entitled to claim overtime – we have to cover these costs.

Offer two seats to families, we want the performances to be special and they can run to 90 minutes. We don’t offer children on laps (only exception breastfeeding). Ask that siblings are Y7+ years (KS3). Abbey children will have the opportunity to see performances and so won’t miss out

Have to hold to statutory ratios and so cannot accept late notice bookings. Conversely, we have to pay wages and cannot cover cancellations and refunds.

Abbey Parents’ evening feedback March 2023 – please help us by completing our new survey.

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