2022 Corporate Report

Corporate Report for the year ended 30 June 2022

Introduction and overview

Business performance

Governance and risk

Directors’ report

Remuneration report

Financial statements

Sustainability supplement

Security holder information

—Case study—

Supporting Australia’s vaccine roll out Understanding what matters to governments and industry

State governments had created road maps that specified the levels of single and double-dose vaccinations required in their populations before restrictions could be lifted safely. In July 2021, the Australian Federal Government held a major roundtable meeting and called on businesses to work in partnership with it to accelerate vaccine uptake. Recognising the importance of increasing vaccination uptake to create safer communities and free up movement, we devised a campaign that incentivised our customers to get vaccinated. And with around six million Linkt customers we recognised we could offer significant support. Our Your Shot to Win competition encouraged Linkt customers to get fully vaccinated for the chance to win prizes including EVs, free toll road travel for a year and toll credits. Offering EVs as the major prize supported our ambitions to increase public awareness of the benefits of EVs and their role in reducing GHG emissions. Read more on page 39. In 2021, the Australian Federal Government—like many governments around the world—embarked on a major campaign to vaccinate and protect its population from COVID-19, while also paving the way for ending significant restrictions on movement and travel.

Competition details were shared with Federal and State members of Parliament and industry partners so they could help increase community awareness through their own constituent and member communication channels. In November 2021, Queensland vaccination rates were behind other states, so we launched a Queensland-specific competition, Queensland, It’s Your Shot to Win, that attracted 45,000 entries. Once first-dose vaccination levels had reached the required levels to allow restrictions to be eased, governments’ focus shifted to promoting booster shots.

In February 2022, we launched an additional incentive campaign, Boost Your Shot to Win, encouraging our customers to receive a booster shot for another chance to win an EV, and to thank Linkt customers for getting vaccinated. Recognising the challenges faced by small businesses to keep goods and services moving during the pandemic, we extended the eligibility criteria for Boost Your Shot to Win to include our small business Commercial Linkt customers. All up, these competitions attracted more than 417,000 entries and our research found nearly a quarter of Australians had entered a competition as a reward for being vaccinated.


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