The Newsletter Pro February 2018





OUR BOOKSHELF SUPERSTAR TAYLOR SWIFT, MASTER MARKETER ‘THE POWER OF HABIT’ GIVES YOU THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO CHANGE UNWANTED BEHAVIOR Habits affect us in every aspect of our lives, from our offices to our houses. Whether it’s nail biting, eating too many sweets, or putting off tasks until the last minute, we all have habits we wish we could break. But how do you escape a behavior you know little about? In his book “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business,” New York Times reporter Charles Duhigg examines the structure of habit, its underlying causes, and the impact of habit in our careers and personal lives. The first part of “The Power of Habit” investigates what Duhigg calls the “habit loop.” This loop comprises the cue (the situation that leads to habitual behavior), the routine (the behavior itself), and the reward (the feeling of satisfaction provided by the behavior). Breaking down this loop, Duhigg argues, is the key to altering behavior. If you don’t understand the “why” for an action, it becomes much harder to escape that action itself. “Once you break a habit into its components,” Duhigg writes, “you can fiddle with the gears.”


“We had a newsletter prior to signing on with The Newsletter Pro, but it could best be described as run-of-the-mill. From the moment we sent out the first edition of our new newsletter, we started getting calls. People told us how great the version created by The Newsletter Pro looked and how much they enjoyed the articles. “Everything from the design to the layout allows us to put a bolder stamp on our community and give people something to be excited to read. In 2017, we opened our new office, and the newsletter has been a great way to promote it. We’ve even had people come in for tours after reading about it in a cover story! The newsletter matches our branding and is a better reflection of our team, office, and values than we could’ve ever imagined. “Mailing a monthly newsletter helps us improve our marketing, bring in clients, and increase awareness of our firm. Other lawyers in the area call us asking how we manage to put out such a good-looking custom newsletter. The process is easy, and the results are impressive. Whenever an existing or prospective client mentions the newsletter (which happens a lot), we know it’s working.”

The Team at The Law Office of James R. Snell Jr.




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