PCOA Annual Report 2022-2023



Home Repair referrals are continuing to increase in the community. 748 people served through home repair and adaptation.

1,363 people received 170,271 hours of in-home services.

PCOA’s Home Repair program assists with home repairs for lower-income homeowners in Pima County. We have helped hundreds of people with modifications to their home such as grab bar installation, shower chairs and wheelchair ramps. Home repairs and adaptations help keep the homes of older adults safe and accessible. The number of repairs has increased 20% in the last two years, and we have needed to adjust the type of jobs and client eligibility due to the rising costs of repairs and limited funds. This year, we have been able to hire an additional Home Repair Specialist to help with the increased need in the

PCOA offers in-home support to those who struggle with performing activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, cooking, and cleaning. In-home services allow older adults needing help to remain safe and independent in their own homes. Our PCOA case managers visit each client at home twice a year to complete an in-depth assessment and determine what the individual can do themselves and what help they need to remain independent. The case manager then works with the client to build a care plan to meet those needs. Services that can be provided at no cost by PCOA and our network of community providers include light housekeeping, help with bathing and dressing, emergency alert services and shopping. While the need for in-home care continues to outpace the availability of caregivers, our innovative Friends & Neighbors option offers a model where qualifying older adults can hire a caregiver of their choice and submit for reimbursement for approved hours. 232 clients currently served through this option would be waiting on a direct care worker if this option didn’t exist. Our team provides services and information in Spanish or English to meet the needs of our community.

community to help older adults live in their homes longer. PCOA is actively pursuing and successfully acquiring additional funding to meet growing demands.

“Without the cooling assistance, I could not stay in my house, thank you!” – Home Repair Recipient

“I can’t find words to tell you how much I appreciate the help and guidance you provided me with my dad. I was lost in a sea of confusion, and you threw me a raft.” –PCOA Client



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