Pierre Lemieux ended the Liberals’ grip on the federal riding in 2007. You will recall that the former provincial riding of Prescott- Russell was a Conservative territory for de- cades, before 1981, when Liberal Don Bou- dria defeated Albert Bélanger. In the October 2007 vote, Lalonde got 24,525 votes or 60 per cent of the popular vote. The Conservative candidate, Denis Pommainville, finished second, with 11,018 votes, or 27 per cent of all ballots cast. In October of last year, Grant Crack got 17,344 votes, or 43.14 per cent of all the bundles. But the Liberals saw their percent- age of the popular vote drop by 17 per cent. At the same time, Gosselin received 15,991 votes, or 39.77 per cent of the vote, improv- ing the Tories’ share of the popular vote by 13 per cent. For the New Democrats, the orange federal wave was not strong enough to score an historic victory for the NDP here. But with her 5,711 votes, Bonnie Jean-Louis improved the share of the popu- lar from 8.5 to 14.2 per cent. A strong NDP showing could help the Conservatives in the next election campaign since the “left vote” may be further divided among the Liberals and the New Democrats. A lot can change between now and the next election campaign. But the Conservatives in Glen- garry-Prescott-Russell have good reason to be confident and to entertain thoughts of a return to the glory days. Most electors shudder at the notion of another election campaign, regardless of when it is held. A spring vote is in the air. That will mate- rialize if enough people can be convinced that the Liberals must go. So we can expect another winter of at- tempts to make us discontent. MOULIN À RIPE 2010 INC. PRODUCTEUR DE PLANURE DE BOIS POUR LITIÈRE D’ANIMAUX
A spring election is in the offing. Yes, that is all we need as we try to get ready for an- other winter. The threat of another political campaign is all too present. With minority governments in Ontario and Québec, both provinces are only one disagreement or a burning issue away from another trip to the polls. Voters in Argenteuil have exercised their democratic rights twice this year – in the spring by-election and the Québec gen- eral election earlier this fall. They can expect to get a break from the ballot box for awhile. However, given the volatility of politics in Queen’s Park, electors in Glengarry- Prescott-Russell may be headed to the bal- lot box in the spring. Of course, this will happen only when the opposition parties believe that the time is right for them to make another attempt to topple the Liberal minority government, and finally oust Dalton McGuinty. What do politics and comedy have in common? Exactly, they both rely on per- fect timing. Remember that about a year ago, most people in Ontario thought that McGuinty’s time was up. Opposition strate- gists were convinced that the voters were so furious that the Conservatives were poised to sweep the province. But we all know that, although the electors were not delighted with the Liberals’ performance, that wrath did not translate into enough votes for Tim Hudak’s Tories. Most voters would be con- tent if the minority arrangement in Toronto carried on for another few years. However, once again, there is some bit-
It is all about timing
Noble Villeneuve, a former cabinet minis- ter who held agriculture and francophone affairs portfolios. Villeneuve-Robertson grew up on a beef farm and has worked for the foundation at the Glengarry Memorial Hospital in Alexandria. We can expect her to stress her knowledge of the challenges farmers face and of how hard they work to put food on our tables. There will be the standard promises – reduce the size of government, eliminate waste and stimu- late job creation in the private sector. The underlying message the Tories have been trying to convey is that the Liberals do not understand common folk, and particularly those who live in rural areas. It must be noted that in the last five years, the GPR Conservatives have come a long way. The Big Blue Machine had been misfiring for about three decades. The regional wing of the Conservative Party was almost invis- ible following the election of 2007, when veteran Liberal Jean-Marc Lalonde ran up another convincing victory. But the work resurrecting the provincial Tories began in earnest around the time Conservative
chomping in that tiny segment of the masses where politics is considered to be interesting, even when there is no election to get excited about. In Glengarry-Prescott- Russell, the Conservatives are once again expressing optimism. True, they were also confident about a year ago, during the election campaign of 2011, when they were convinced that their candidate, Maril- issa Gosselin, would retake what had once been a deep blue riding. But, despite an impressive performance, Gosselin did not succeed and the Liberal winning tradition, that dates back to 1981, was preserved. Yet, rookie M.P.P. Grant Crack, did not win by a huge margin; he edged Gosselin by 1,353 votes. This result has given hope to the Conservatives that the next time, the Tories will prevail in a rare riding – a rural jurisdiction in Ontario that is represented by a Liberal. Gosselin has since decided not to run again as a candidate. The new hopeful is Roxane Villeneuve-Robertson, of Maxville, who defeated Jocelyn Ferguson, of Bour- get, at a recent nomination meeting. The standard bearer is the daughter of
CANTON D’ALFRED ET PLANTAGENET TOWNSHIP OF ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET 205, Vieille Route 17 / 205 Old Highway 17, C.P. 350/ P.O. Box 350, Plantagenet ON K0B 1L0 Telephone: 673-4797 • Fax: 673-4812 FORM 6
FORMULE 6 VENTE DE BIENS-FONDS PAR APPEL D’OFFRES Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités CORPORATION DU CANTON D’ALFRED ET PLANTAGENET Avis est donné qu’un appel d’offres est lancé relativement à l’achat des biens-fonds décrits ci-dessous et que les offres seront reçues jusqu’à 15 heures, heure locale, le 14 novembre 2012 au 205 vieille route 17, C.P. 350, Plantagenet, Ontario, K0B 1L0. L’ouverture des offres aura lieu en public le même jour à 15h00 à l’Hôtel de ville, 205 vieille route 17, Plantagenet, Ontario. Description du bien-fonds : Pt Lt 33 Con 1 Alfred tel que décrit R31024 T/W R31024; Alfred/Plantagenet; Terrain vacant non assigné, Alfred (PIN 54137 -0254LT). Montant minimal de l’offre : 8 911,22 $ Description du bien-fonds : Pt Lt 19 Con 3 Alfred tel que décrit R85049; S/T DEBTS R85049; Alfred/Plantagenet; Terrain vacant non assigné, Alfred (PIN 54139 -0182LT Montant minimal de l’offre : 10 329,57 $ Description du bien-fonds : Pt Lt 10 Con 1 Alfred tel que décrit R7102 (PREMIÈREMENT); Alfred/Plantagenet; Terrain vacant non assigné, Alfred (PIN 54140-0344LT). Montant minimal de l’offre : 5 297,08 $ Description du bien-fonds : Pt N 1/2 Con 2 Plantagenet Nord tel que décrit R106162; Alfred/Plantagenet; Terrain vacant non assigné, Alfred (PIN 54104-0285LT). Montant minimal de l’offre : 12 572,24 $ Les offres doivent être rédigées selon la formule prescrite et être accompagnées d’un dépôt d’au moins 20 pour cent de leur montant, sous forme de mandat, de traite bancaire ou de chèque visé par une banque ou une société de fiducie, fait à l’ordre de la municipalité. Exception faite de ce qui suit, la municipalité ne fait aucune déclaration à l’égard des biens-fonds faisant l’objet de la vente, notamment en ce qui concerne le titre. Il incombe aux acheteurs éventuels de faire les vérifications nécessaires. La Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités et les Règles concernant les ventes pour non- paiement des impôts municipaux adoptées en application de cette loi régissent la vente. L’adjudicataire est tenue de payer le montant de son offre, les impôts accumulés et les droits de cession immobilière applicables. La municipalité n’est pas tenue d’offrir la libre possession à l’adjudicataire. Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur la vente et une copie de la formule d’offre prescrite, s’adresser à :
SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER Municipal Act, 2001 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on November 14th, 2012 at the 205 Old Highway 17,P.O. Box 350, Plantagenet, Ontario K0B 1L0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at the Town Hall at 205 Old Highway 17, Plantagenet, Ontario. Description of Land: Pt Lt33 Con 1 Alfred as in R31024; T/W R31024; Alfred/ Plantagenet Vacant Land not assigned, Alfred (PIN 54137 - 0254 LT). Minimum Tender Amount: $ 8,911.22 Description of Land: Pt Lt19 Con 3 Alfred as in R85049; S/T DEBTS in R85049; Alfred/ Plantagenet Vacant Land not assigned, Alfred (PIN 54139 - 0182LT). Minimum Tender Amount: $ 10,329.57 Description of Land: Pt Lt 10 Con 1 Alfred as in R7102 (FIRSTLY); Alfred/Plantagenet Vacant Land not assigned, Alfred (PIN 54140-0344LT). Minimum Tender Amount: $ 5,297.08 Description of Land: Pt N1/2 Con 2 North Plantagenet as in R106162; Alfred/ Plantagenet Vacant Land not assigned, Alfred (PIN 54104-0285LT). Minimum Tender Amount: $ 12,572.24 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Diane Thauvette, Treasurer Township of Alfred and Plantagenet 265 St-Philippe Street, Alfred, Ontario K0B 1A0 Tel.: (613) 679-2292 (27)
NORMAND PAIEMENT 514 797-7473 450 495-1575 normandpaiement@bell.net
Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131
www.cinemaclock.com Quebec Grenville FRI. AND SAT. AT 6:30 AND 8:15 SUNDAY & WEEKDAY AT 7:00 SUNDAY MATINÉE AT 1:30
Diane Thauvette, Trésorière Canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet 265 St-Philippe Street, Alfred, Ontario K0B 1A0 Tel.: (613) 679-2292 (27)
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