History’s Long Locked Doors

At Pop-A-Lock, we like to think we can open any locked door, no matter how stubborn the lock may be. But around the world, some doors, for one reason or another, simply will not be opened. Many ancient temples, tombs, and haunted hotel rooms remain sealed off to this day and contain mysterious things we can only speculate about. INDIA’S TEMPLE TREASURE TROVE The Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple (try saying that five times fast) in India is the richest temple in the world. In 2011, five sealed vaults beneath it were opened to reveal vast amounts of gold and precious jewels worth $22 billion. But a sixth vault remains sealed. Indian Astrologers believe anyone who opens that chamber will be cursed unless they recite a sacred chant before entering. The only problem is no one alive today knows the chant. Like the contents of the vault, it has been lost to time. BANFF SPRINGS HOTEL’S MISSING ROOM An entrance to a room at this hotel in Alberta, Canada, has been sealed shut with bricks and covered with wallpaper, concealing it from their guests. This is Room 873, outside of which many visitors have reported seeing the ghosts of previous guests. One common ghost spotted is a bride who was staying in room 873 and tragically died on the hotel stairs. Whether the hauntings are true or not, the room is real — even if it is sealed off for the foreseeable future.

THE TOMB OF CHINA’S FIRST EMPEROR Under a great hill outside the city of Xi’an,

recipe title archeological technology, so they can better preserve whatever they find. It is the country’s first emperor, after all. But still, it’s disappointing that some of us may never know what lies behind the door of his mausoleum. surrounded by a terracotta army, is the final resting place of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang. While the thousands of terracotta soldiers were a massive discovery alone, historic documents promise even greater treasures in the tomb itself. There’s just one problem: The government of China won’t open it. It’s not for any supernatural reason — China simply wants to wait for more advanced



On Tim Hudgins

When you lock yourself out of your car, it can be nice if your locksmith empathizes with the panic and frustration you feel. As someone who used to have a bad habit of locking himself out of his own car before he became a car door unlocking technician, Tim Hudgins understands those feelings all too well. Tim has been working at Pop-A-Lock for nearly four years, and in that time, he has never failed to make our customers feel comfortable in an incredibly uncomfortable situation. He always shows up with a smile on his face, and his cheerful demeanor disarms even the most frustrated of customers.

Tim spends any time he’s not working with his 4-year-old daughter, Aurora. She is the center of his life, and anything he does, he does for her.


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