Central Michigan Roofing - May 2019


who approach life’s hurdles as an opportunity for growth are the ones who find long-term success.

For decades, Dr. Carol S. Dweck studied the phenomena of success. How is it that some people are able to grow their business, stay fit, or achieve their personal goals while others in similar situations stall out? “Mindset” is Dr. Dweck’s answer to this question. Subtitled “The New Psychology of Success,” this book chronicles the Stanford psychologist’s findings, which suggest an inseparable link between belief and achievement.

If you’ve ever said “I’m just not good at math” or “I’m not a natural leader,” you’ve fallen into the fixed mindset trap. If you believe there’s nothing you can do to change your circumstances, you’ll never strive to improve them. The same is true of positive fixed opinions of yourself. Dr. Dweck points out that those who believe themselves to be “a great boss” or “an amazing athlete” are also doing themselves a disservice. Once you think your skills are tied to who you are as a person, you’ll avoid challenging them for fear they might be found wanting. This leads your talents to atrophy as you seek detours rather than facing challenges head-on. Dr. Dweck argues that, instead of falling victim to the pessimism and self-delusion that defines fixed mindset thinking, we need to recognize that the path to success lies in open-minded perseverance. “A person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable),” she says. “It’s impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training.” Not only does “Mindset” drive this point home with well-documented experiments and studies, but it also provides a workshop to help people break free of their fixed mindset and find success.

According to Dr. Dweck, people tend to think about the challenges in front of them in one of two ways. They either have a “fixed” mindset — believing that their talents and abilities are static, intrinsic properties of who they are — or a “growth” mindset — believing they can improve every aspect of themselves with practice and perseverance. Those


PAD-STYLE SNOW GUARDS This idea involves using several staggered rows of snow guards that are mounted directly to the roof panel. Together, these rows are able to protect against dangerous snow- slides. They are typically crafted using cast metal, stainless steel, aluminum, UV stabilized polycarbonate, or other dependable metals. The unique style holds the snow in place until it melts or can be safely removed. Think of it as a fence that keeps the snow contained and out of harm’s way.

As summer slowly creeps in, wintertime snowfalls are probably the last thing on your mind. While snow season may be far away now, it’s never too early to start planning ahead. A good snow retention system is extremely important for protecting your home and surrounding areas from the perils of ice damage. If your metal roof is caught without it, you could be looking at some costly or potentially dangerous consequences from the falling snow. With a proper system in place, it’s one less thing you have to worry about when braving our bitter Michigan winters. Let’s take a look at some of the key components of a good system. GENERAL SNOW GUARD SYSTEMS A snow guard system, when done right, can help you enjoy a safe winter. Without it, you may be looking at broken windows and gutters, water buildup, or damaged HVAC systems. That’s why it’s so important to get it right the first time. Make sure you’re designing it with consideration for the practical sliding or gravity loads it will be exposed to. This means designing it to account for the snow load in pounds per square foot, the sine of the roof angle, the tributary load area, and the allowable load for the specific type of snow guard.

By using snow guards that are well-designed, you’re saving yourself and your clients a lot of heartache.

Central Michigan Roofing | (269) 758-3330 2

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!

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