

Green Gala gains ground ROCKLAND | As the autumn leaves begin to turn, it’s time now to mark the calen- dar for one of the biggest social events of the season. Sta! and board members for Tucker House throw open the doors at the end of September for the annual Green Gala soirée. The theme for the Sixth Annual Green Gala is “The Enchanted Woods” and the Sept. 27 event promises an evening of co-

lourful costumed creatures #itting in and about among the fairy lights and fresh-cut #oral arrangements at Tucker House to serve and entertain guests. The Green Gala is one of the major fund- raising events for Tucker House to help sup- port the non-pro!t agency’s community projects, including an ecological children’s summer camp program, “green living”, en- vironmentalism and gardening workshops, and operation of an ecological learning and retreat centre in a heritage-class home on a 30-acre natural setting. Tucker House also provides summer hiking and winter snow-

shoeing trails for community use, and is a popular site for outdoor weddings. The soirée highlights local food produc- ers with a selection of hors d’oeuvres made from local produce and beverages from Na- van’s Domaine Perrault winery and Beau’s All Natural Brewing in Vankleek Hill. Soft background music courtesy of talented lo- cal artists and both live and silent auctions round out the evening’s entertainment. Details on advance ticket reservations for the gala are available by phone to 613-327- 2389 or email to robinredmond22@gmail. com.

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Avis de convocation Valoris pour enfants et adultes de Prescott-Russell, la Fondation Valoris de Prescott-Russell, et l’Institut Valor vous invitent à leur assemblée générale annuelle le mercredi 24 septembre 2014 à compter de 19 h 30, à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb au 1033, rue King à L’Orignal (Ontario). À l’ordre du jour : ‡ 5DSSRUWVÀQDQFLHUVDXPDUV ‡ 1RPLQDWLRQGHVYpULÀFDWHXUVSRXUO·H[HUFLFHÀQDQFLHU ‡ Élection des administrateurs au conseil d’administration. Conférenciers invités : Des membres du personnel de Valoris feront une présentation sur l’approche d’intervention de l’ Enseignement par la douceur . Notice of Meeting Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell, the Valoris Foundation of Prescott-Russell and Valor Institute invite you to their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1033 King Street, L’Orignal, Ontario. On the agenda: ‡ )LQDQFLDOUHSRUWVDVRI0DUFK ‡ $SSRLQWPHQWRIDXGLWRUVIRUWKHÀVFDO\HDUDQG ‡ Election of directors to the Board of Directors. Guest Speakers: Valoris staff members will be presenting the Gentle Teaching intervention approach. Everyone is welcome! O!ce Relocation Announcement Dr. Robert Godin wishes to announce that as of September 15, 2014, he will be relocating his dental practice to 2661, Laurier St., In Rockland, with Dr. Geneviève Audet. Looking forward to seeing you at his new location, Dr. Godin can be reached at 613-446-5148. Avis de déménagement de bureau Dr. Robert Godin vous prie de bien vouloir noter qu’à partir du 15 septembre 2014, il se joindra au bureau dentaire du Dr. Geneviève Audet. Ce sera un grand plaisir de vous accueillir dans ses nouveaux locaux au 2661, rue Laurier, à Rockland. Vous pouvez joindre Dr. Godin au 613-446-5148. Bienvenue à tous!


IMPORTANT ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE Nous aimerions vous inviter à l’Assemblée générale annuelle des Services communautaires de Prescott et Russell

We would like to invite you at the Prescott and Russell Community Services Annual General Meeting

Thursday, September 25th 2014

Le jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Location: Chute-à-Blondeau Community Center 2005, Principale Street at Chute-à-Blondeau

Lieu : Centre communautaire de Chute-à-Blondeau 2005, rue Principale à Chute-à-Blondeau

Time: 1:30 p.m.

Heure : 13h30

AGENDA : • Welcoming address

ORDRE DU JOUR : • Mot de bienvenue

• Election of meeting chairperson • Election of meeting secretary

• Élection présidente d’assemblée • Élection secrétaire d’assemblée

• Presentation of 2013-2014 financial report • Election of 2014-2015 Financial Auditors • Annual report of activities • Modifications to the Corporation By-Laws • Nomination of Board members • Adjournment of meeting Following the adjournment of the annual general meeting, the Prescott & Russell Community Services will be proud to make special presentations followed by a light lunch.

• Dépôt de la vérification comptable 2013-2014 • Élection de la firme comptable 2014-2015 • Bilan des activités • Modifications aux statuts et règlement • Nominations au conseil d’administration • Clôture de l’assemblée Suite à l’ajournement de l’Assemblée générale annuelle, les Services communautaires de Prescott et Russell se feront un plaisir de faire des présentations spéciales et par la suite un léger goûter sera servi. Confirmez votre présence en téléphonant au 613.632.0939 ou le 1.800.267.0853 ou par courriel au

Please confirm your participation by calling 613.632.0939 or the toll free number 1.800.267.0853 or by email at


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