Winter 2018 - Budget Allocation Increase Requests & Supplem…

d. Public Service and Community Engagement

These positions will be used to respond to external requests for surveys, state agencies and federal agencies.

e. Resource Development and Stewardship

The positions will greatly increase the department’s ability to function and operate effectively.

3. What efforts have there been to find these funds within the requesting unit or your VP’s division? Include documentation to that effect.

Funds have actually been taken from my department to use to bolster the Police Department and Environmental Health and Safety Salaries. Currently my department is understaffed which this funding will rectify.

4. What funds from within the requesting unit are being allocated towards this effort?

Money was taken out of my departmental budget to subsidize other units prior to my arrival leaving me with a significant handicap and shortfall.

5. Does the requesting unit have external revenue* or internal reimbursement streams? No If so: a) Where does it come from?

b) What efforts have been made to increase the requesting unit’s revenue generation?

c) How much of the unit’s external revenue or internal reimbursement will be devoted towards this effort?

*External revenue is generated from products/sales to persons/entities external to the Central community.

6. Did any of the units within the requestor’s division have carry-forward last year? What efforts have been made to reallocate these funds towards this effort?

No, we actually had a large amount of funds removed from the department that went towards another unit’s salary increases.

7. How will this allocation affect CWU faculty, staff and students? How will it impact recruitment and retention?

It has been very difficult to have an effective turnaround on requests due to the shortfall of personnel many of which has been centered around retention questions. More personnel assist in getting responses to the client quicker which can make a difference in operational decision-making. The data warehouse can be implemented in a projected timeline if the personnel are granted soon enough, otherwise that timeline is threatened and at risk.

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