Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine


A Guide to Decide... ...continued from page 55

materials farmers can take in from off-site sources for the creation of compost or mulch. The initiative helps return valuable nutrients to the soil, increases food waste diversion rates, and altogether reduc- es greenhouse gasses. In 2023, he helped pass an updated version of the Forest Conservation Law, including amendments intended to eliminate net loss of forest in Montgomery County. This effort encour - ages the planting of trees in sensitive areas like stream valleys, and implements other measures to protect our natural environment. He conquers all of this while maintaining a down-to-earth and relatable quality that is rare to find in a bureaucracy. In addition, Councilmember Glass is the first openly LGBTQ+ in - dividual to serve the Montgomery County Council; it is evident in the SPIRIT of his endless pursuit for social equity that he feels an obliga- tion to represent and support other marginalized groups of varying identities. Furthermore, when I reflect on Mental Health Awareness Month, I think back to a panel discussion held in March of this year where Councilmember Glass helped raise awareness around opioid addiction to combat overdose deaths. I witnessed the community join- ing forces, guided by his compassionate leadership, to find practical ways to break down barriers that perpetuate the stigmatization and miscomprehension of this tragically widespread epidemic. Having been on my own sobriety journey for eight years now, I hold this topic near and dear to my heart. The Whole Picture It is clear from my view that Councilmember Glass takes a ho- listic approach to healing his county and the world “At-Large,” one

Look for leaders who embrace a holistic approach to public service, such as Coun- cilmember Evan Glass, here highlighting a solar installation financed by a Green Bank investment. legislative issue at a time, all the while integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit. Over the next few months, as you start your own process of discernment when considering the roster of individuals running for local, state, and federal office, I encourage you to do so from a holistic approach. Think about what qualities in mind, body, and spirit you value in yourself and within others, particularly those who will hold positions of political power. We need not travel far or wide to explore a change of perspective and uncover significant insights. You can look at local individuals who already possess the mind, body, and spirit you appreciate. Let their examples and your own holistic value system cre- ate a complete picture to guide your decision-making this fall. [*Note: This article is not intended as an endorsement or criticism of any political entity. All opinions expressed herein are based on per - sonal observations and research. The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Pathways organization. The author is not affiliated with or in any way connected to the office of Councilmember Evan Glass and there exists no conflicts of interest.] Lindsey Van Wagner is a writer, speaker, instructor, and lifestyle guide known for empowering clients to live with more intention, higher energy, and peace. She is passionate about behavior change, and her knowledge of health psychology as well as her own personal experience contribute to her passion to help others transform. Instagram: @spiritvigilante | Website:

Gathering comes naturally...

Artwork by Diane Wilbon Parks

Poetry X Hunger Poets Speaking Back to Hunger

at The Retreat Center We’re putting the finishing touches on a safe and flexible meeting space for up to 20 people. Creative productivity thrives in this peaceful, wooded setting near National Harbor, with in-person gatherings beginning April 2022! Visit

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