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The Vankleek Hill Skating Club saw sil- ver as four figure skating students took to the ice for Skate Canada’s CanSkate program. The four students have been learning to figure skate as part of the program for the better part of a year, navigating shutdowns and uncertain ice availability, but all their work has paid off. Alice Brunet, Joannie Labre, and Coralie Labre received a bronze assessment, and Haylee Diotte Leduc received a silver assessment in their Star 1 showcase. “They were quite proud to be wearing the dress, they were very nervous on the JDFPGDPVSTF uTBJE4UBSMFUUFT$PBDI/BODZ /FVNBOOi*UT UIFàSTU UJNF GPS UIFN UP skate in front of parents and other people, BOEJUTBMXBZTBMJUUMFCJUOFSWFXSBDLJOH CVU UIFZSFMPPLJOHGPSXBSEUPSFQFBUJOHJUBHBJO next year and hopefully scoring a better score before they move up into the next level.” The CanSkate program teaches both kids and adults how to reach their skating goals. The program helps students meet base  line balance, control, and agility goals based POXIBUFWFSUIFZSFUSZJOHUPEP XIFUIFSJU be figure skating, hockey, ringette, or just a loop around the rink. The Star showcases then allow students UPTIPXXIBU UIFZWF MFBSOFEBOE SFDFJWF feedback from judges on what portion of their routines they need to work on next for future competition. The Starlettes skated in the Star 1 show  case, which works on the most basic skating skills. The students showed off jumps, spins, spirals, and how they move on the ice, a typical showing for Star 1 assessments. 5IFJOEJWJEVBMNPWFTEPOUHFUKVEHFEVOUJM at least Star 5, but overall they did very well. The assessments go up to Star 10. The date of their next event is uncertain, as rural areas have less ice time available for booking, especially in the summer. According UP/FVNBOO MPDBMJDFUJNFJTVTVBMMZUBLFO up by hockey or ringette, so the Skating Club PGUFOIBTUPXBJUGPS-BDIVUFPS7BVESFVJM%P rion to announce a skating event. Travelling down to the Toronto area is too expensive to consider for recreational skaters. The club

Le programme Patinage Plus crée une nouvelle génération de patineurs artistiques. - photo fournie

is hoping to go to Aylmer before Christmas. .FBOXIJMF  UIFHJSMTIBWFCFFO UPME UP look for a piece of music to create their own INVESTISSEMENT DANS LES SKATEPARKS


Les planchistes de Hawkesbury auront des raisons de se réjouir. La ville recevra 265 500 $ du programme provincial Fonds de développement des collectivités pour construire trois patinoires polyvalentes à surface dure dans les parcs de quartier Cadieux, Old Mill et Larocque. La construction des patinoires commencera en mai et devrait se terminer en octobre. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

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