Reflet _2013_10_17 732 route 800 est, St-Albert, ON 613 764-1874 Self Storage / Mini Entreposage INTÉRIEUR  EXTÉRIEUR / INDOOR  OUTDOOR Environmental recycling day The 2nd Russell Scouts Jamboree En- vironmental Recycling Day is coming to Embrun this Saturday, October 19 at the Rona parking lot in Embrun, 755 rue Notre-Dame, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Scouts will be accepting bottles for de- posit, batteries, large batteries (vehicle and computer server), electronics, and scrap metal. They will also be selling small household replacement batteries. If needed they will make arrangements for individuals to drop off items at their recyclers in Ottawa if needed. Contact through their new email address 2ndrus- The Scouts have increased the types of items they can accept since their last recycling drive. Funds raised will go towards future activities. (CV) Guylain Wathier Manon Desnoyers


St. Mary’s steeple restoration in Russell


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Photo Candice Vetter

St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Russell had its steeple removed recently as part of its ongoing restoration. The steeple had been leaning to one side and was tem- porarily stabilized last year. A number of fundraising events have contributed to the cost of the steeple restoration, which should be completed later this year. (CV)

Nous acceptons

3 e génération de propriétaires

Cérémonie de coupure du ruban à 13h avec Bill McGimpsey, conseiller

Il mord dans l’hiver, non dans votre portefeuille

Barbara, la petite ϔille de Thérèse Théoret, fondatrice de Chez Thérèse, il y a déjà 46 ans, est ϔière de suivre dans les pas de sa grand-mère.

Léger goûter et des rafraîchissements

Spéciaux en magasin

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L ’ O F F R E D E R A B A I S S E T E R M I N E L E 1 5 D É C E M B R E 2 0 1 3

HEURES RÉGULIÈRES: Lun.-mer. 9h à 17h; jeu.-ven. 9h à 20h; sam. 9h à 17h; dim. 11h à 16h Ouvert lesdimanchesexceptés le longweek-endsde congé 49 Racine, P.O. Box 787 Casselman, Ontario K0A 1M0 • 613 764-3308


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