Elkins Dental March 2018


FEELING FAINT, LIGHTHEADED, OR DIZZY Feeling like you’re going to faint or actually fainting are both warning signs of a heart attack or other cardiac issue. This is especially worrying if it happens while exercising. SUDDEN SWEATING Sudden sweating can easily be confused with night sweats or hot flashes. However, sweating that indicates a heart attack is particularly extreme, doesn’t go away, or can make it difficult to sleep. NAUSEA OR VOMITING Often, women who experience nausea or vomiting think they have food poisoning, gastrointestinal issues, or a bug. However, these are common heart attack symptoms and should be taken very seriously. UNUSUAL FATIGUE New, unexplained fatigue may be a warning sign of a heart attack. However, fatigue can also be a symptom of many other issues, including anemia, depression, thyroid conditions, and even cancer. So even if it’s not a heart attack, it’s still important check in with your doctor. Research suggests that women often don’t recognize heart attack symptoms simply because they don’t know what they are experiencing.The best thing a woman can do is make herself aware of heart attack symptoms and get checked out immediately if there is a concern.

When people think of heart attack symptoms, they often think of stabbing chest pain. However, that’s not always how symptoms manifest, particularly in women.The following are serious symptoms that can indicate a looming heart attack. If any of these symptoms are present, consider seeking medical attention. CHEST DISCOMFORT The most common symptom is chest discomfort, including pain, tightness, squeezing,

or pressure. In women, chest discomfort is more likely to feel like pressure or tightness. RADIATING PAIN Pain isn’t necessarily restricted to the center of the chest. It may be felt at the sides or even in the upper abdomen or back. It can also radiate into your shoulders, jaw, neck, or arms. Remember, anything above the waist could be related to the heart. SHORTNESS OF BREATH Sometimes your body will present symptoms well before an attack. For instance, you may experience shortness of breath during normal activities. If you notice this symptom, your doctor may run blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose tests and administer an EKG.

A Word From

Kalie and Caryn

When your gums and bones are healthy, and you have no signs of gum disease, a prophylaxis cleaning is usually the type we’ll perform. It’s focused on preventive care, so it’s all about keeping your smile healthy and clean. If we see any reason for concern, we’re able to address it early, before it becomes an issue. During your professional prophylaxis cleaning, we remove plaque before it can cause damage to your bones and gums. Your hygienist will focus on the area above the gums as they remove soft plaque deposits. We also remove calcium buildup — the grime you might sometimes feel behind your lower front teeth — to keep your gums happy. For the final step in prophylaxis cleaning, we’ll make sure your teeth are looking lovely and feeling smooth by giving them a polish. If you’re brushing and flossing regularly, your smile is probably already in great shape. We’re just here to help you maintain it. We’ll be back next month to give you more information on the second type of cleaning. If you have any questions about what we’ve covered in this article, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re happy to help!

Keeping your teeth clean is a huge part of what we do. We love getting to see you twice a year for your professional cleanings. When you can’t stop

smiling as you leave our office because your teeth have that smooth, clean feeling, we know

we’ve done our job right. Have you ever wondered why you have two professional cleanings a year? It’s a good question. Even when you take great care of your teeth, plaque that cannot be removed by your toothbrush builds up. Luckily, our special tools are here to save the day! They help us remove that hard- to-eliminate buildup. There are four different types of professional cleanings, and today, we’re going to take a look at the first kind, which focuses on removing buildup. It’s called a prophylaxis cleaning, and this is the kind most people have during their semi-annual reservation.

–Kalie and Caryn

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