OrthosportsPT_The Difference Between Back Pain & Sciatica


You can tell that you might have a sway back if your back is over-arched and your pelvis is in a rocked forward position. Having your body in sway back position lengthens the hamstrings and makes them feel tight. Individuals with sway back posture often put more weight on their toes than heels when they walk. In addition to abdominal weakness, a lack of strength in the gluteals and hamstrings can cause your pelvis to be rotated forward, also known as anterior pelvic tilt. Often caused by sitting without the proper exercise and stretching needed to counteract the effects, this forward pelvic tilt forces your spine to curve. You may notice that the muscles in the front of your pelvis (abdominals) and thighs are tight, while the ones in the back (gluteals) are weak. While the abdominals stabilize the pelvis by pulling upward on the front, the gluteals and hamstrings offer stability by pulling down on the rear of the pelvis. Running is a great way to strengthen the gluteals. Likewise, the abdominal muscles can be conditioned through physical therapy and easy weight training exercises. You can tell that you might ave a sway back if your back is over-arched and your pelvis is in a rocked forward position. Having your body in sway back position lengthens the hamstrings and makes them feel tight. Individuals with sway back posture often put more weight on their toes than heels when they walk. In addition to abdominal weakness, a lack of strength in the gluteals and hamstrings can cause your pelvis to be rota ed forward, also known as anterio pelvic tilt. Often caused by sitt ng without the proper ex rcise and stretching needed to counteract the eff cts, this forward pelvic tilt forces your spine to curve. You may notice that the muscles in the front of your pelvis (abdominals) and thighs are tight, while the ones in the back (gluteals) are weak. While the abdominals stabilize the pelvis by pulling upward on the front, the gluteals and hamstrings offer stability by pulling down on the r ar of the pelvis. Running is a great way to strengthen the gluteals. Likewise, the abdominal muscles can be conditioned through physical therapy and easy weight training ex rcise . You can tell that you mig t have sway back if your back is ove -arche and your pelvi is in a rocked forward position. Having your body in sway back position lengthens the hamstrings and makes th m feel tight. Individuals with sway back postur often put more weight on their oes t an heels w n they walk. In addition to abdominal w akness, lack of strength in the gluteals and hamstrings an cause your pelvis to be rotated forward, also k own as ante ior pelvic tilt. Often caused by sitting wi hout the p op r x rcise and s retchi g ne ed t counterac the ffects, this forward pelvic tilt forces your spine to curve. You may notice that the muscles in the fr nt of your pelvis (abdomin ls) and t ighs are tight, while th o es in the back (glute ls) are weak. Whil the abdominals stabiliz the pelvis by pulling upward on the front, the glute ls and hamstrings offer s ability by pulling d wn on th rear of the pelvis. Running is a gre t way o strengthen the gluteals. L k wis , the abdominal muscles can be conditioned through physical therapy and easy weight training x rci es.

On a daily basis, walking and running occur more than many other physical activities. Your physical ability can be impacted by your level and method of motion. Sometimes, the way you move might be the reason you have pain, and physical therapy can help you change it. Running is as natural as breathing. The motion involves many body parts interacting together such as your six weight bearing joints (ankles, knees, and hips). If these joints are not in good alignment, you might be at risk for structural pain. One minor running error repeated many times can do an incredible amount of damage to your back, muscles, nerves and joints. This could eventually cause pain and arthritis. Often, the cause of back pain is poor strength -- specifically, weak abdominal muscles. The pelvis is held in place by numerous muscles, including the abdominals, hamstrings, gluteals and hip flexors. An imbalance or weakness in these muscles can lead to pelvic misalignment, causing the pelvis to tilt forward or backward. Forward tilt of the pelvis leads to a sway back. On a daily basis, walking and running occur more than many other physical activities. Your physical ability can be impacted by our lev l and method of moti n. Sometimes, the way ou move might be the reason you have pain, and physical therapy can help you change it. Running is as natural as breathing. The moti n involves many body parts interacting together such as your six weight bearing joints (ankles, knees, and hips). If thes joints are not in good alignment, you might be at risk for structural pain. One minor running erro ep ated many times can do an incredible amount of damage to your back, muscles, nerves and joints. This could ev ntually cause pain and arthritis. Often, the cause of back pain is poor strength -- specifically, weak abdominal muscles. The pelvis is held in place by numerous muscles, including the abdominals, hamstrings, gluteals and hip flexors. An imbal nce or weakness in thes muscles can lead to pelvic misalignment, causing the pelvis to tilt forward or backward. Forward tilt of the pelvis leads to a sway back. On a daily basis, walking and running occur more than many other physical activities. Your physic ability can be impacted by your l vel and method of m tion. So times, the way you mov migh be th reas n you have p in, and physical therapy can help you change it. Runn ng is as natural as breathing. The m tio in olves many body parts interactin ogether such as your six weight bearing joints (ankles, knees, and hips). If th se joints are not in good alig ment, you might be at risk for structur l pai . One minor running e ror r peated many times can do an incredible amount of damage to your back, muscles, nerves and joints. This could ventu lly cause pai and arthritis. Of en, the cause of back pain is poor strength -- spe ifically, weak abdominal muscles. The pelvis is held in place by numerous muscles, including the abdominals, hamstrings, glute ls and hip flexors. An imbalance or w akness in th se muscles can lead to pelvic misalig ment, causing the pelvis o tilt forward or b ckward. Forward tilt of the pelvis leads to sway back.

Upcoming Workshop! Low Back Pain May 14 | 7:00 pm at the Clarence Office. Call 634-1578 now to reserve your spot! Upcoming Workshop! Low Back Pain May 14 | 7:0 pm at he Clarence Office. Call 634-1578 now to res rve your spot! Upcoming Workshop! Low Back Pain May 14 | 7: 0 pm a the Clarence Office. Call 634-1578 n w to r s rve your spot!

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