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Jessups Falls review begins


Jessup Falls Escarpment. RichardMakush of the OMB chaired the Wednesday morning session, listening to legal counsel for both the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) and others listed as participants and interested parties in the case. “It seems obvious that we need another pre-hearing conference,” saidMakush, after the first hour of listening to various legal counsels bring up concerns about both their clients’ issues and also questions from the gallery about legal procedure for the OMB review.

D’autre part, la cat é gorie francophile sera ouverte à un r é cipiendaire de n’importe quel â ge. Traditionnellement, cette cat é gorie é tait plac é e sous celle de l’Ordre de la francopho- nie et était destinée à des récipiendaires âgés de 35 ou plus. Elle devient maintenant une cat é gorie sans âge. Les catégories sont donc les suivantes : Ordre de la francophonie - cat é gorie ouverte - 35 ans et plus; Ordre de la francophonie - b é n é vole - 35 ans et plus; Ordre de la franco- phonie - organisme communautaire; Ordre de la francophonie - francophile - aucune cat é gorie d’âge; Prix jeunesse Thomas-Go- defroy 14-19 ans; Prix jeunesse Thomas- Godefroy 20-35 ans. Les intéressés peuvent se procurer des formulaires en se rendant à www.acfopr. com. in the case.That consolidated list will then be the subject of the April pre-hearing session. Following a brief recess, Makush an- nounced that he was able to schedule the appeal case for a confirmed five-week hea- ring date next fall, in L’Orignal, from Oct. 2 to Nov. 3. He dismissed a suggestion for a teleconferencing option as part of the OMB review process. “With this number of parties (involved),” he said, “it’s just unmanageable.” The Jessups Falls Escarpment is the centre of the controversy over the current UCPR Official Plan.The previous plan had the area listed as an aggregatemineral source, which is important for a local developer who wants to build an asphalt plant there. During themandatory review process for revising the Official Plan, counties council, in response to a grassroots lobby effort, remo- ved the aggregate resources designation from the escarpment. This also blocked the proposed asphalt plant development. The provincial government, when it re- viewed the revised-and-approved OP, res- tored the aggregate resources designation for the escarpment. Several area residents objected and filed appeals so the matter is now before the OMB.

The beginning of November saw the first gathering of what will be a long provincial review process on the Official Plan for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell that began this month. The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) held its first pre-hearing session in coun- ties council chambers in L’Orignal Nov. 2, dealing with appeals to the OMB from the Prescott-Russell area concerning the parts of the Official Plan (OP) centering on the

La semaine dernière, les bureaux des Comtés unis ont servi de lieu pour l’audiencepréliminaireavec laCommission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario au sujet de l’escarpement de Jessups Falls. —photo Gregg Chamberlain Both Makush and all the lawyers agreed to adjourn the pre-hearing to April next year. During the time in between legal counsels for all involved in the appeal will confer, through emails, by phone, and/or in person to try and consolidate the lists of issues filed

Ordre de la francophonie et Prix Jeunesse: appel aux candidatures ont é t é précisées.

Les organismes et les particuliers ont jusqu’au lundi 12 décembre 2016, à 17 h, pour soumettre des candidatures à l’Ordre de la francophonie de Prescott et Russell et au Prix Jeunesse Thomas-Godefroy. Ces reconnaissances seront d é cern é es par l’Association canadienne-fran ç aise de l’Ontario (ACFO) de Prescott et Russell à l’occasion du 19 e Banquet de la Francopho- nie de Prescott et Russell. Cette année, l’événement aura lieu le samedi 8 avril 2017. Cette année, quelques changements sont apportés dans les cat é gories de mises en candidatures. Dans la section de l’Ordre de la francophonie de Prescott et Russell, jusqu’ à quatre candidatures seront retenues, comme par le passé, à la différence près que la sous-cat é gorie « b é n é vole », et la sous- catégorie « organisme communautaire »

Manoir Rockland Manor Stationnement additionnel à la clinique médicale Additional parking at the medical clinic 9045, Ch. du comté 17 / County Rd. 17, Rockland, ON K4K 0J9 www. ManoirRocklandManor .com | 613-627-4854 Samedi le 12 novembre de 10h à 15h Saturday, November 12 th , from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. dans la salle d’activités / in the activity room

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