FMD 2018 Level II Training Book



Yes No


4 Is the facility free of excess tobacco smoke (Excess smoke means enough smoke to give one the impression that the ventilation system is not working properly.)?

5 Is the facility temperature and humidity comfortable (if temp or humidity is uncomfortable, the HVAC system may not be working properly)? 6 Is the facility free of visible water damage and other signs of mold (mildew smell or actual mold growth on walls or carpet)? 7 Does the facility record complaints about the air quality in the facility? 8 Does the facility have a plan to address air quality complaints?

Minor Issues may include: }

“Opportunities for Improvement”- Observations and recommendations that do not constitute violations of any code or deviation from relevant industry standards, but are worth recommending for improvement in handling environmental, public health and safety matters. } “Secondary Concerns”- situations where a known condition or practice violates applicable code or deviates from relevant industry standards, but where the condition or practice is unlikely to cause serious injury or damage to the environment, public health, or safety.” } “Missing Information”- may be easily resolved by obtaining existing information


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