

Herbal Allies For Troubled Times: Herbs To Soothe Stress, Fear And Grief • Functional Medicine 101: Patient-Centered Healthcare • Yoga Nidra: A Pandemic Survival Strategy • Visual Stress During The COVID Mess: The Effects Of Eye Stress And Tips For Good Vision Health • Purposeless Practicality • Dental Hygiene For Whole Body Health • Red Aura, Black Aura: What Do Aura Colors Mean? • When Having A Difficult Time • Hardy Perennial Herbs: Three Easy Herbs For Your Garden • Astrological Insights: NowYou Need Information • A Place Called Emptiness • Book Reviews Plus Hundreds Of Local Resources • •

F eatured on television, podcasts, magazines, newspaper and radio. R ecognized as one of the top psychic mediums in the DC metropolitan area. P ublished astrologer.

Annie Larson Psychic Medium Reiki Master Teacher Astrologer To book a session or class: Sessions and classes online, in person, and by phone Dulles, Virginia.

Featured in:

Open yourself to the possibilities and Annie will shed light on your life! She serves as a channel for us to connect to something powerful that as a society we have yet to understand.

Amazing her skills! Our sessions have been over the phone, so I am so amazed how Annie knows all this having never met me in person.

She’s the trifecta! I could not have gotten through hard times without Annie’s energy therapy, readings, and life counsel.

2—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21

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PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—3

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4—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21

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WHAT IS VISION THERAPY? Vision Therapy is essentially physical therapy for the brain, through the eyes. VISION AND LEARNING Vision problems involving eye movements, convergence, and focusing can often cause ADD/ ADHD like behaviors and reluctance to read, even though a child or adult may have normal eye sight (20/20).

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1 in 5 children has a vision problem significant enough to impact learning. TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND

We offer treatment programs to reduce the Little Known Side-Effects of Visual Stress from On-Line Learning and What It’s Doing To Ourselves and especially To Our Children

CONCUSSIONS Research shows that over 50% of patients with a concussion have visual problems that cause headaches, light sensitivity, double vision, eye-strain or blurred vision. Vision therapy can help!

At AppelbaumVision Therapy , we place a unique emphasis on diagnosing and treating learning-related vision problems. Located in Bethesda and Annapolis, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality vision care to patients of all ages in a friendly, comfortable, professional atmosphere using a safe & healthy stringent COVID disinfection protocol , to limit possible exposure for our patients, team and families. With our highly trained staff and state of the art equipment, AppelbaumVision Therapy is committed to go beyond “20/20” to transform lives through vision. 6509 Democracy Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817 133 Defense Highway Suite 113, Annapolis, MD 21401 301-897-8484

AT APPELBAUM VISION… • Doctors are personally doing both the in-office & if necessary, remote virtual therapy • Flexible scheduling including Saturday treatment options • Caring, knowledgeable, and supportive team • High tech virtual reality • Bethesda & Annapolis office

PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—5


Christopher White ARTICLES EDITOR

WHAT WE’RE ABOUT Pathways is a quarterly journal and resource guide for the greater Washington area. We are committed to providing the public with free access to local resources and specific tools for improving the quality of life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is our intent to provide this access through information and ideas. The articles and advertisements in Pathways demonstrate a growing commitment on the part of local individuals to do business in a spirit of unity, cooperation and understanding and to maintain a high level of integrity, responsibility and service. —R. Buckminster Fuller Our journal encourages the “little individual” to join together in the dynamic process of personal and social transformation. Pathways is a communications network that can provide the who, what, where, and when for you to become involved in this dynamic process. But these tools for communication become meaningful only when you use them. Connect with individuals and groups listed in Pathways and take the next step towards your further involvement in this transformation. The world public has become disenchanted with both the political and financial leadership, which it no longer trusts to solve the problems of historical crises. Further more, all the individuals of humanity are looking for the answer to what the little individual can do that can’t be done by great nations and great enterprises. MAKING CONNECTIONS Pathways presents useful information in several ways—through articles, advertisements, a directory and a calendar of local events. Many of the journal articles contain specific resource lists that enable you to delve deeper into the subject area. When an ad, an article or an event in Pathways intrigues you, don’t hesitate to call the people up or arrange to visit them. The people in the Pathways network are happy to talk to you about what they do and why. Feel free to contact the authors and advertisers for comments or advice. The resources listed here are the people as much as the goods, services and activities they offer. So, when you call them up, it’s helpful to tell them what it was that caught your interest. The personal connection is the important thing. FINDING PATHWAYS PATHWAYS IS GOING GREEN! GIVEN THE CURRENT VIRUS SITUATION, WE HAVE DECIDED TO DOWHAT MOST PUBLICATIONS HAVE DONE AND STOP PRINTING ON PAPER AND CONTINUE USING OUR VERY POPULAR ONLINE VERSION OF OUR MAGAZINE. MOST READERS PREFER THE ONLINE VERSION BECAUSE OF THE CONVENIENCE OF READING ANYTIME, ANYPLACE AND THE HUNDREDS OF LINKS TO EXPLORE Go to to download the complete online edition of Pathways and many more resources. ADVERTISING IN PATHWAYS If you would like to advertise with us, contact us for specifications and rates. You can find our rates and specifications at: You can now even place and pay for your ad on our secure website. Or write to: Pathways, 6501 EasternAve., Takoma Park, MD 20912, or call us at 240-247-0393 (Mon.- Thurs. 12 PM - 5 PM). You can e-mail us at or fax us at 888-262-0870 (toll-free). We have been able to cut our advertising rates by over 1/2 since going green. We publish four times per year, 3/3, 6/3, 9/3 and 12/8. Advertising Deadlines are 2/10, 5/10, 8/1 0 and 11/10. If it is past the deadline, give us a call anyway—we may have space. Listings on our website are a free benefit to our display and logo listing advertisers.

Barbara Carpenter Cam MacQueen Daniel Redwood Harvey Wasserman Tom Wolfe CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Ann Silberlicht GRAPHIC DESIGN Omileye Achikeobi Lewis Michelle Alonso Geraldine Amaral Helena Amos Stan Appelbaum Trish Hall Kathy Jentz Misty Kuceris Alix Moore Claudia Neuman Rose Rosetree Sheri Salartash Laurie Timmerman Patricia Ullman Kathy Vines Barry Vissell Joyce Vissell Linda White Susan Wolfe Tom Wolfe CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS Alyce Ortuzar

BOOK REVIEWS Open Window by Amy Hopson ON THE COVER

See The Bottom of the Next Page For On The Cover Description

WINTER 2020-21 Volume 45, Number 4 Published quarterly

with the season change by LOU & ERIN DESABLA PATHWAYS MAGAZINE 6501 Eastern Ave. Takoma Park, MD 20912 PHONE 240-247-0393 (Mon.–Thurs. • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM) FAX 888-262-0870 (toll free) ADVERTISING E-MAIL : AD RATES ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE: Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising are 2/1, 5/1, 8/1 and 11/1 Publication is approximately four weeks after the deadlines. © 2020 Pathways Magazine Please e-mail all articles as attached files to the Editor at:

6—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21 6 PAT AYS inter–20-21

R esouRces F oR c Reative L iving • Pathways Winter Marketplace ..... 31 • Book Reviews By Alyce Ortuzar .. 35 • Winter Calendar.............................. 48 • Classes and Learning Centers....... 59 • Health Services................................ 62 • Metaphysical Sciences.................... 64 • Personal Services ............................ 66 • Psychology and Therapy ............... 67 • Resource Directory ......................... 68 • Online Directory ............................. 74 • Natural Food Stores Guide............ 75 • Advertiser Index ............................ 78 Most people understand that poor dental care can lead to cavities, plaque, gingivitis and halitosis. What many are discovering is the link to more serious health problems result- ing from poor oral care. The science is in: If you don’t take care of your teeth, you face far more serious consequenc- es than a simple toothache or some unsightly stains. d enTal H yGiene F or W Hole b ody H ealTH • P aGe 40 If health care treats just the tip of the iceberg, it rarely leads to long-term relief and vibrancy. Using scientific principles, advanced diagnostic test- ing, and treatments other than drugs or surgery, FM restores balance in the body’s primary physiological pro- cesses. By identifying and treating the underlying root cause or causes, a pa- tient’s health challenge has a much bet- ter chance to resolve successfully. Functional Medicine is patient-cen- tered medical healing at its best. In- stead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases, it treats individuals who may have bodily symptoms, imbalances, and dysfunc- tions. F uncTional m edicine 101: P aTienT -c enTered H ealTHcare P aGe 11 H erbal a llies F or T roubled T imes : H erbs T o s ooTHe s Tress , F ear a nd G rieF • P aGe 9 It’s hard to deny that with a new surge in our pandemic comes a fresh wave of stress, anxiety and even grief. Current world events continue to take its toll on our physical, mental and emotional health, felt more acutely as we are getting ready to enter the holi- day season and the darker, colder win- ter months. You’ve probably seen enough arti- cles on anti-viral herbs, immune herbs, and remedies for the lungs for the mo- ment. Immunity boosting and sup- port is very important, but let’s turn our attention to an equally important aspect of health and preventative care in challenging times: herbs to support us when we are experiencing anxiety, stress, uncertainty, fear and grief.

PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—7 P S inter– • You can see my portfolio of work at // along with my social media accounts, and shop links. [ Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Amy for being our Winter Pathways Cover Art Contest winner! Pathways is proud to support and showcase local artists in the DMV.] HERB CORNER H eRbaL a LLies F oR t RoubLed t imes : ..................................................... 9 H eRbs t o s ootHe s tRess , F eaR a nd g RieF b y t He s miLe H eRb s taFF TO YOUR HEALTH F unctionaL m edicine 101: P atient -c enteRed H eaLtHcaRe ............. 11 b y H eLena a mos YOGA TODAY y oga n idRa : a P andemic s uRvivaL s tRategy .................................... 13 b y c Laudia n euman TO YOUR HEALTH v isuaL s tRess d uRing t He covid m ess : .......................................... 17 t He e FFects o F e ye s tRess a nd t iPs F oR g ood v ision H eaLtH b y s tan a PPeLbaum , od, Fcovd ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS W inteR Q uaRteR 2020-21 – n oW y ou n eed i nFoRmation ................ 21 b y m isty K uceRis ENERGETIC LITERACY R ed a uRa , b LacK a uRa : W Hat d o a uRa c oLoRs m ean ?................. 26 b y R ose R osetRee MIND • BODY • SPIRIT P uRPoseLess P RacticaLity .................................................................................. 29 b y K atHy v ines MIND • BODY • SPIRIT W Hen H aving a d iFFicuLt t ime .......................................................... 34 b y J oyce a nd b aRRy v isseLL WASHINGTON GARDENER H aRdy P eRenniaL H eRbs . t HRee e asy H eRbs F oR y ouR g aRden .............37 b y K atHy J entz TO YOUR HEALTH d entaL H ygiene F oR W HoLe b ody H eaLtH ........................................... 40 b y s HeRi s aLaRtasH , dds CULTIVATING COMPASSION a P Lace c aLLed e mPtiness .................................................................... 41 b y o miLeye a cHiKeobi “o mi ” L eWis ON THE COVER: “Open Window” By Amy Hopson I was born in Miami, Florida, and was a Francis Wolfson art scholar at MDC. After college I worked with special needs children and adults, which led me on the path of discovering my spiritual gifts. I am an energy worker, card reader, and Reiki Master. I now live in Virginia where I am currently exploring the arts through channeling, meditative visions, feelings, and the inspirations around me. “Open Window” is about knowing that there are better days ahead and how we have the power to open the curtains of sadness to let the light in.

Love to Learn? Smile features DOZENS of Online Education Classes Taught by the Best on: Herbs & Herbal Remedies* Aromatherapy* Crystals* V egan Coo k ing* & MORE TRUST SMILE TO HAVE WHAT YOU NEED HERBS I TEA I VITAMINS I SUPPLEMENTS I GIFTS I PLANTS I EDUCATION Now you can learn with Smile ON L INE! Chec k our our new school site : www . smileherbschool . com for hundreds of free blogs, free webinars and our most popular web classes a v ailable for purchase! Deepen your knowledge with our extensiveherbal education & hands-on training course. Instructors with over 100 years of combined practical herbalism experience. For full class selections & registration visit • Vitamins & Supplements • Bulk Botanicals & Teas • Aromatherapy • Specialty Crystals & Gems • Botanica Section • Candles, Incense & Sage • D.I.Y Supplies • Unique Gifts • Handcrafted African Drums Protect the I mmune Sy stem Check out our selection of immune support herbs , adaptogens , and more , to support your wellness in a time of great change ! 4908 Berwyn Road College Park, MD 20740 I (301) 474-8791 I _IL. Like us on LJ Facebook *** Shipping or Curbside Pic k up a v ailable for all orders *** Place orders at www . smileherb . com or gi v e us a call! Winter Classes 2020-2021 December 5&6, January 9&10, February 6&7 MASH Professional H erbal C ertification C ourse A ll our courses now online !

8—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21


Herbal Allies for Troubled Times: Herbs to Soothe Stress, Fear and Grief

Mimosa is a specific for heartache, anxiety, and the memory problems and “brain fog” that can stem from post- traumatic stress disorder. Rose ( Rosa spp. ) Rose is one of our all-time favorite herbs for “gladdening the heart”. It gently lifts the mood, nourishes the nervous system, and helps bring bal- ance to the emotions. It’s especially helpful for the fatigue, anxiety, and in- somnia associated with a heavy emo- tional burden. We also love Rose because it helps to establish healthy gut flora, which is a key part of both immune and emo- tional well being. Rose also provides relief from ulcers and hyperacidity in the gut, which are common side effects of undigested grief. Hawthorn ( Crataegus spp.) Hawthorn is a true herbal angel when it comes to supporting the heart. Herbalists love to talk about Haw- thorn’s amazing abilities to resolve blood pressure imbalances, arrhyth- mia, angina, and cholesterol, all of which can be symptoms of an emotion- ally heavy heart. In addition to being a cardiac tonic, Hawthorn is also a powerful nervine that helps gently restore balance to the heart on an emotional level. We find Hawthorn to be very grounding and comforting, like getting a warm hug that puts everything into perspective. Herbalist Nicole at Smile has taken it for many years and finds it very sup- portive for a range of anxiety, depres- sion, and grief-related disorders. Late- ly, in addition to this formula, she’s been enjoying spoonfuls of Hawthorn Solid Extract on a regular basis, and the wonderful Heart Soother tea de- signed by Herbalist Susan Wolfe. There are many herbs and formulas to help us experience our feelings of stress, fear, anxiety and grief with com- passionate, strong, and open hearts. When we have the right herbal allies and community support, grief truly can be a relief and help transform us into stronger, more loving, and com- passionate individuals. And employ- ing herbal wisdom can nourish our bodies and spirits to survive these challenging times. Since 1975, Tom Wolfe, a Registered Herbalist, has co-owned Smile Herb Shop in College Park, MD. He and his staff of expert herbalists, including his wife Susan, teach classes throughout the year about all aspects of growing herbs and healing with herbs. Visit for class lists and descriptions, information on indi- vidual herbs, and to read their blog. Smile Herb is currently closed to foot traffic, but offers phone consultations & curbside pick- up Monday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm, and online shopping 24/7. See also their ad on page 8.

BY THE SMILE HERB STAFF It’s hard to deny that with a new surge in our pandemic comes a fresh wave of stress, anxiety and even grief. Current world events continue to take its toll on our physical, mental and emotional health, felt more acutely as we are getting ready to enter the holi- day season and the darker, colder win- ter months. You’ve probably seen enough arti- cles on anti-viral herbs, immune herbs, and remedies for the lungs for the mo- ment. Immunity boosting and sup- port is very important, but let’s turn our attention to an equally important aspect of health and preventative care in challenging times: herbs to support us when we are experiencing anxiety, stress, uncertainty, fear and grief. Nourishing With Nervines There is a group of herbs known as nervines that support and nourish the nervous system. Each plant has its own specialties, and there are many to choose from. Here are a few of our favorites. Lemon Balm ( Melissa officinalis ) This delightful, lemon-scented member of the mint family is easy to find, easy to grow, and safe for chil- dren and adults. Taken as a strong tea (which is very tasty!) Lemon Balm is calming to the mind and the digestive system. Taken in stronger doses, like a cap- sule or tincture, it is also known to have anti-viral properties, making it an excellent preventative during flu (or coronavirus) season. Lemon Balm can be taken daily and for long periods of time, and mixes well with other nerv- ines as well as anti-flu remedies like Elderberry. Tulsi, or Holy Basil ( Ocimum sanctum ) Holy Basil is related to our com- mon culinary Basil, but it has a wilder and sweeter taste. This plant is taken for cold and flu in its native India and has recently become well-known in the West for its sugar-balancing and stress relieving properties. It is specifically effective in reducing Cortisol, a stress hormone that is a factor in stubborn belly fat. Holy Basil calms and soothes the mind, reduces anxiety, and encourages focus and concentration. It is soothing to the respiratory tract and makes a lovely tea. Holy Basil can be taken daily as tea, tincture, or capsule, and can be used as Italian Basil would: in soups, salads, sauces, and pesto (yum!). Scullcap ( Scutellaria lateriflora ) Scullcap isn’t as popular as it de- serves in the herbal world. It is a fa- vorite of ours, and can be taken every day. An easy-to-grow cooling nervine, Scullcap is our absolute favorite choice for tension headaches and neck pain.

Nervine Tea

Traditionally this plant is used for muscle pain and spasms, headaches, inflammation, anxiety, and fatigue. We use Scullcap to treat stress and overwhelm, exhaustion, and computer fatigue as well as headaches and anxi- ety. Taken regularly as a tea, capsule, or tincture, Skullcap helps us maintain calm, patience, and focus in times of stress. Larger doses in the short term are perfect for headaches, neck & shoul- der pain, and strain from computer or smartphone use. It blends well with Holy Basil for stress and tension, with

felt so like fear.” Grief, defined as deep sorrow, is most often associated with death. However, the fear, uncertainty and sense of loss due to our present circumstances can be manifestations of grief. One of our favorite formulas for depression, anxiety, and grief—Grief Relief—is a simple but powerful com- bination of Mimosa, Rose, and Haw- thorn. Taken separately, all three herbs support mental health, heart health, and peace of mind. But when they’re combined, they become a formula that


St. Johns Wort for mood issues or anxi- ety, and with Valerian for muscle pain. Try it—you’ll love it! If you’re looking for a delicious tea to sip while adjusting to the ways our world is changing, Herbalist Susan at Smile humbly suggests her own nerv- ine tea blends—Heart Soother and Nerve Soother. She developed these for her own use originally, because she was looking for something soothing that would also be tasty! Heart Soother is a cooling and calm- ing blend that has Lemon Balm and Skullcap (among others). If you’re looking to try Holy Basil, her Nerve Soother blend has that, along with Lemon Balm (can you tell how much she loves Lemon Balm?). Both are meant to ease tension, anxiety, stress, and worry. Grief Relief Power Trio Author C.S. Lewis once famously wrote, “No one ever told me that grief

is greater than the sum of their parts. These herbs don’t numb or take away our feelings, but rather help to open our hearts and give us the strength to experience both the ups and downs of life with balance, poise, and peace. Formulator David Winston, RH, has stories of clients who take this formu- la before therapy sessions because it helps them be more open and present with their emotions. He also names this formula as a specific for “stagnant depression”, feeling stuck in grief and unable to move beyond it or experi- ence joy. So let’s take a look at the three in- gredients: Mimosa ( Albizia julibrissin ) Mimosa’s name translates to “col- lective happiness bark”. It promotes emotional ease and supports the ad- renal glands to help us handle stress with more resilience and balance.

PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—9

Takoma Metaphysical Chapel

A Spiritual Community That Supports Your Individual Development

Sunday 11:00 Services now virtual at Zoom (81385184622) and Facebook Live. Other activities via conf. at 712-775-7000 (635833#)

Imagine A Place Where…. Your beliefs are supported and embraced. Everyday events are explored from the physical, mental and spiritual perspective. Like-minded individuals support you in your spiritual journey. At the Takoma Metaphysical Chapel, you will find such a place. The Takoma Metaphysical Chapel is a growing community of people committed to spiritual growth and development resulting in transformation and emotional well- being. You’ll find uplifting services, you’ll feel the spirit of Love, and you’ll learn practical ways to put this energy to work for your greatest good. Relevant, Practical Themes. Teachings based on numerous “new thought” spiritual traditions that show you how to apply timeless spiritual principles in practical ways to navigate your life with more peace, joy and grace.

Our Mailing Address Is: 1901 Powder Mill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20903

Classes and Workshops Include: SPIRIT SPEAKS Mondays 7:30 via conf. 712-775-7000 (635833#) SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Thursdays at 7:30 pm via conf. 712-775-7000 (635833#) See website for other classes, online support and more details. Many classes available via conference call also.

Come As You Are

Come experience uplifting music, meditation, prayer and messages designed to touch your heart and uplift your spirit. Experience wisdom from various spiritual traditions to heal your heart, mind and soul. The Takoma Metaphysical Chapel meets on Sundays at 11:00 am on Zoom (Meeting Code 541626278) and on Facebook Live.

OTHER EVENTS INCLUDE: Wednesday Evening Healing/ Meditation Circles 7:15 - 8:30 via conf. 712-775-7000 (635833#) 3rd Sunday Goddess Circle 7:30 p.m via conf. 712-775-7000 (635833#) A Course In Miracles Calls M-F 6:55 a.m. via conf Sunday 9:30 am via conf 712-775-7000 (635833#)

(301) 587-7200 •

10—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21


Functional Medicine 101: Patient-Centered Healthcare

for helping to advance positive health outcomes. Acupuncture is an impor- tant partner for testing, symptom relief and long-term treatment for any num- ber of conditions. As a tool for initial testing, acu- puncture is used to check the status of meridians and organs to determine if additional assessment is needed. For example, if a meridian test reveals low thyroid or adrenal readings, then further hormonal tests should be run. Or if the small intestine and stomach meridians are weak, a SIBO test can be conducted to identify small intestine issues. Acupuncture assists with the second FM principle of removing anything that impedes the body from moving toward its optimal physiological state. By administering acupuncture, we can help detox and regenerate cells of ma- jor organs like the pancreas, kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, colon and more. Furthermore, by checking organs/me- ridians throughout the treatment pro- cess, it allows for small corrections and adjustments to be made, as well as pro- viding for precise organ detoxification and support. The overall benefit is the whole treatment duration takes much less time. Acupuncture also helps to reduce what is known as the “healing crisis” by easing side effects, such as aches, pains, headaches, rashes, wheezing, insomnia, fatigue, digestion and emo- tional stress. Acupuncture allows for a smooth and speedy recovery with less discomfort. There are many ways to deal with your personal health challenges, so educating yourself on best practices in care is the best practice! Functional Medicine and acupuncture is a consid- eration if you want an approach that looks at your whole being and treats for long-term peak health. Helena Amos, M.Ac., L.Ac., is a li- censed acupuncturist and European phy- sician with more than 30 years of clinical experience combining the best of modern Functional Medicine with the ancient wisdom of Traditional Oriental Medicine. She is Founder/Owner of the Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic in Rockville, MD, and is available for in-office and tele- health consultations. Visit rockvilleacu- for appointments and to sign up for her monthly health e-news- letters. Article is adapted with permission from What is Functional Medicine? by Ronald Grisanti, DC, D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., MS. See also her ad on page 35.


With individual health and health- care weighing so heavily on people’s minds these days, its important to be aware of what your options are when you are advocating for your own well- being. In my practice, we place em- phasis on the Functional Medicine ap- proach to patient care in combination with Traditional Chinese Medicine. But what is Functional Medicine? It is an extremely effective method for manag- ing your health, so it’s important you understand the method, and why you should consider it among your person- al healthcare choices. Functional Medicine 101 Functional Medicine is patient-cen- tered medical healing at its best. In- stead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases, it treats individuals who may have bodily symptoms, imbalances, and dysfunc- tions. Consider the iceberg graphic. A named disease such as diabetes, cancer, or fibromyalgia might be visible above the surface at the tip, but according to Functional Medicine, the real causes of a patient’s health problems lie in the altered physiology below the surface; their symptoms are an underlying dys- function or an imbalance of bodily sys- tems. If health care treats just the tip of the iceberg, it rarely leads to long-term re- lief and vibrancy. Using scientific prin- ciples, advanced diagnostic testing, and treatments other than drugs or sur- gery, FM restores balance in the body’s primary physiological processes. By identifying and treating the underlying root cause or causes, a patient’s health challenge has a much better chance to resolve successfully. The Two-Pronged Healing Approach of Functional Medicine To battle chronic health conditions, Functional Medicine uses two scientifi- cally grounded principles: 1. Add what’s lacking in the body to nudge its physiology back to a state of optimal functioning. 2. Remove anything that impedes the body from moving toward this op- timal state of physiology. Plainly put, your body naturally wants to be healthy. Functional Medi- cine first identifies the factors respon- The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease. ~ Sir William Osler, former Physician-in-Chief, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

photo source:

would normally prescribe pharmaceu- ticals like Prilosec, Prevacid, or Aci- phex to treat acid reflux or heartburn. When the patient stops taking such drugs, the heartburn symptoms can reoccur. In contrast, a FM practitioner might find Helicobacter pylori bacteria cause a patient’s acid reflux. Eradicat- ing the H-pylori increases the chance of ending heartburn symptoms perma- nently. It’s also important to note that with a FM approach, treatment for similar symptoms might vary tremendously for different patients, according to their medical histories, a comprehen- sive physical examination, and results of laboratory tests. Factors that can come into play in producing the same symptoms include toxic chemicals, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, chronic viral pathogens, emotional poisons like anger, greed or envy, and struc- tural factors such as tumors or cysts. After diagnosis and treatment, a Functional Medicine patient can ex- pect his or her symptoms to diminish in severity, and to experience a re- newed sense of well-being and signifi- cant increase in health and vitality. The goal is the patient’s lifelong optimal health. Functional Medicine and Acupunc- ture: Partners in Healing The use of acupuncture with Func- tional Medicine methods is a particu- larly powerful treatment combination

sible for the malfunctioning. Then it deals with those factors in a way ap- propriate to the patient’s particular situation. FM practitioners often use advanced laboratory testing to identify the root cause or causes of the patient’s health problem. Old-fashioned medical diag- nosis helps too, in the form of listen- ing carefully to the patient’s history of symptoms and asking questions about his or her activities and lifestyle. For treatment, FMpractitioners use a combination of natural agents (supple- ments, herbs, nutraceuticals, and ho- meopathics), nutritional and lifestyle changes, spiritual/ emotional coun- seling, and pharmaceuticals, if neces- sary, to prod a patient’s physiology back to an optimal state. In addition, educating patients about their condi- tions empowers them to take charge of their own health, ultimately leading to greater success in treatment. Treating Symptoms Versus Treating the Person In the dominant health care model today, medication is prescribed to rid of people’s symptoms. If the patient stops taking the medication, symptoms generally return. Although Functional Medicine practitioners may prescribe pharmaceuticals, they use medications to nudge the patient’s physiology gen- tly in a positive direction so the patient will no longer need them. For example, conventional doctors

PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—11

Learn to be a Professional Massage Therapist • Now offering 9-month and 18-month programs • Our Professional Massage Training Program is one of the most comprehensive and respected in the US • PMTI graduates have a 95% average pass rate on the National Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) (vs. US avg 70%, MD avg 62% – source: FSTMB 2010-2018) • Lowest Cost Tuition Massage School in Maryland • Continuing Education and Community Workshops to fulfill licensing requirements and help your practice grow! • Easy Metro access in Silver Spring, Maryland The PMTI Graduate Clinic is now open! Staffed by recent graduates of our acclaimed Professional Training Program, PMTI’s Graduate Clinic is open 7 days a week. $ 65 appointments: (202) 686-7046 / Join our email list for discounts and specials! PMTI has introduced new protocols and procedures for the health and safety of our clients and practitioners. Go to to watch a short video for more details.

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These classes have been postponed and will be rescheduled:

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The PMTI Store open by appointment only.

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Classes, dates, and times subject to change.

8380 Colesville Rd., Suite 600 • Silver Spring MD 20910 (202)686-7046

12—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21

Yoga Nidra: A Pandemic Survival Strategy YOGA TODAY

tary about these three states, which are: waking (vaisvanara), dreaming (taijasa) and deep sleep (prajna). In the wisdom of these ancient Rishis, who must have been doing sleep studies themselves, they felt the state of deep, dreamless sleep was a lead in to exquisite rejuve- nation of the mind and body, as well as a stepping-stone to enlightenment and total union with the Infinite. Many of the texts that describe these teachings focus on what lies beyond the so-called “ordinary states” (wak- ing, dreaming and deep sleep)—that state is called Turiya . This refers to a state of pure consciousness; the mind is aware, but moving in very slow, steady waves. In this state we have what is called direct knowledge , meaning, we are in a state of union, or pure Yoga. The practices of Yoga Nidra are aimed at facilitating the state of deep sleep and remaining aware of it. Deep Sleep, ac- cording to the ancients, is one of the portals for this most auspicious state of consciousness. It is through this prac- tice we can begin to come “home” to our truest selves and eventually enter into that state of Turiya. The thought of remaining aware while in a state of deep sleep sounds ominous and paradoxical. The Healthy


That which stays awake in deep, dreamless sleep is Yoga Nidra. ~ Ancient Text Long before the COVID pandemic, sleep deprivation was declared a pub- lic health epidemic by the Centers for Disease Control. Gazing endlessly at computer screens and smart phones are throwing off our circadian rhythms to the extent we have, as a culture, adjusted to less sleep. Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and ADHD are linked to the fact that as a society we are getting an average of 6.8 hours of sleep per night instead of the much-needed 9 hours; and the quality of our sleep is ques- tionable. We have seen that those of us with compromised physical health issues, such as the ones mentioned, make us that much more vulnerable to contracting COVID if exposed. Now that many of us are gazing even more at the stimulating light from our electronic devices in order to stay connected during this pandemic, the quality of our sleep is even more com- promised and the potential for weak- ened immune systems is there. I have

of the deep sleep state. Through a se- ries of specific mental exercises done by laying on your back, you are guided into that state that is ultimately healing and profound on all levels. The Yogis of ancient times were wise cognitive scientists. They knew a thing or two about the ways our minds work. They especially knew the place we go to during that state of deep sleep is very valuable. In many of the ancient texts there is reference made to three states of consciousness we all live in. The Mandukya Upanishad , for example, offers us a detailed commen-

found that using the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra, sometimes translated as ‘the Yoga of Sleep’, has been invaluable to my body and mind. In short: this practice has been a godsend solution for myself and many of my students who are discovering it. Many have re- ported they are sleeping better, feeling stronger physically, and are realizing more mental resilience as a result of a regular Yoga Nidra practice. What Is Yoga Nidra? Plainly stated, Yoga Nidra is an an- cient practice that harvests the benefits

continued on page 15

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PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—13


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14—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21


research studies on iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation, and has been enormously successful in helping those who suf- fer from PTSD, chronic pain and even chemical dependency in his work with the concepts of Yoga Nidra. Suffice to say that Miller is using the ancient methods to help thousands who suffer, and his very accessible practices speak to individuals who are deeply in need of healing. His work has been used in conjunction with other healing modali- ties to help people get themselves back on track and break long held patterns of stress and trauma. Second, and along more traditional lines, is Yogarupa Rod Stryker’s Para Yoga Nidra, which utilizes direct prac- tices from the Tantric tradition, such as the 61 points (Shavayatra) and the 75 breaths (Shithali Karana), to help participants towards that state beyond waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Para Yoga Nidra has five specif- ic goals, and there are five specific practices to reach them. The aims of Para Yoga Nidra are: Healing (mind and body), Cognition, Transforma- tion, Sankalpa (resolve), and Spiritual Awakening. Yogarupa Rod Stryker has delivered these time-tested, traditional teachings with a sophisticated grace, and has designed specific practices for each goal. While he remains dedicated to the original intentions of this practice as set forth in the ancient texts, he has

Yoga Nidra: A Pandemic Survival Strategy ...continued from page 13

also been trained himself by teachers who have experienced the essence of Yoga Nidra itself. In his own words, all the practices are accessible, and each practice will end with you “resting on a cloud of sublime healing, expansion, effortlessness and peace….” There is much to learn from his master train- ings and his certification trainings in Yoga Nidra. Stryker also has numer- ous offerings on other websites, but has just launched his own app, Sanc- tuary, which includes an abundant ar- ray of practices in meditation and Yoga Nidra. You can also access several of his Sanctuary Yoga Nidra practices on YouTube. In Practices of the Himalayan Tradition, Volume 2: Yoga Nidra , by Swami Rama, Rama states: ‘The practice of Yoga Nidra should be done systematically. You start by doing the 61 Point Exercise (Shavayatra), you then do the Shithali Karana Exercise. This is then followed by the actual Yoga Nidra Exercise. Yoga Nidra is conscious sleep. It ex- pands your mind, deepens your intu- ition and magnifies your consciousness. Yoga Nidra is best done before sunrise or around sunset, after your meditation. Allow about 2 to 3 hours after a meal before you begin the practice. …Try to find a place for your practice which is quiet and free from disturbances and

your mental faculties. At the very least, you will experience a sense of prob- ably what could be described in simple terms as ‘deep relaxation’; but in truth, many will attest it is much more. You will touch the aspect of your self that ‘knows’: the part of you that guides you, the part of you that is always and forever aware. Even if you fall asleep, which many do, there is a part of your awareness that will be there. This is why a good Yoga Nidra practice is more than just relaxing. A consistent practice begins to sharpen your intu- ition, and sparks the conversation be- tween you and your ever-present self. The Practice There are many modern adaptations of Yoga Nidra in the Yoga landscape to- day. Most of what is available is good and will give the participant a way to rest the body and the soul deeply. I am quite fond of the following two recom- mendations. First, a very popular and exciting in- terpretation of Yoga Nidra to research is called “iRest”, which stands for In- tegrative Restoration Institute (www. Its founder Richard Miller developed “iRest meditation”, and of- fers it along with several products and trainings that anyone can do, who is so inclined. He has conducted landmark

Sleep Harvard Medical blog entitled, “What is Sleep?’” describes it beauti- fully, “Every night, nearly every per- son undergoes a remarkable change: we leave waking consciousness and for hours traverse a landscape of dreams and deep sleep. When we wake, we typically remember little or nothing about the hours that have just passed. Except in rare instances, we never con- template and appreciate that we are sleeping while we are asleep….” Imagine…what would it be like to actually be present when we “traverse the landscape of dreams and deep sleep”? Who is it that goes there? What part of our innermost self would we learn about if we could actually train ourselves to be conscious while in that state of deep sleep? Yoga Nidra is the practice of exploring this unknown as- pect of our being. If this is all just a little too “out there” for you to comprehend, then think of this practice as one of the most user friendly, beneficial ways to nourish yourself on every level: physically, psy- chologically, emotionally and mentally. Through the ancient practices that re- quire no effort, such as the rotation of consciousness, sometimes referred to as the ’61 Points’, you will be training your mind to focus without straining

continued on page 57

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PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—15

Wanda Lasseter Lundy

Learning At Its Best! Lasseter Lundy Institute is: The Lasseter Lundy Institute is an educational organization that provides a full curriculum for intuitive healers to be certified as Lasseter Lundy Method practitioners and to become faculty members of Lasseter Lundy Institute. Lasseter Lundy Institute provides a full curriculum of learning for becoming a master of intuitive healing. The course material is unique to Lasseter Lundy Institute and provides a comprehensive education in energy healing, intuition and combining the two skill sets. You will understand how intuition and energy work, how these skills can be fully developed, and you will become more enlightened in the process.

Upcoming 2021 Courses: Level 1 *** All classes are online until further notice *** January 9, 2021 Becoming Intuitive: Empathy is a Gift Many people are naturally empathic. They are able to feel what other people are feeling, either physically or emotionally. Often empathic people are uncomfortable with these feelings and affected by them for a period of time after having them. This class teaches you how to turn empathy into a gift that informs you about others and situations while simultaneously maintaining your energy and feeling well. Time: 12:00pm–5:30pm Tuition: $140 if paid by December 4, 2020: $170 if paid later To Register: call Wanda at (812)-705-5135 or email Katie at February 20, 2021 Becoming Intuitive: Reading People This class explains how readings are performed. You will learn to connect to another person, tune into their energy and sense it, read the energy at a beginning level and provide the information to the person you are reading. Practice exercises included. Time: 12:00pm–5:30pm Tuition: $140 if paid by January 15, 2021: $170 if paid later To Register: call Wanda at (812)-705-5135 or email Katie at

Upcoming 2021 Courses: Level 2 *** All classes are online until further notice *** March 20 & 21, 2021 All Faculty Healing Event

Come and receive two great days of energy healing guided by intuition. The faculty of Lasseter-Lundy Institute will provide healing to the audience. The healing during the event will be powerful and profound, building intensity and strength throughout the event. Faculty members will take turns leading the healing for the audience while supported and assisted by other faculty members. The first and last healing of each day will be delivered by Wanda Lasseter Lundy with staff. Future Classes: ❖ April 17 & 18, 2021 - Energy Structure & Mechanics ❖ May 15, 2021 - Becoming Intuitive: Channeling Mediumship ❖ June 26 & 27, 2021 - Intuition & Energy Part 1 ❖ July 17, 2021 - Becoming a Healer: Initiations and Openings ❖ August 21 & 22, 2021 - Energy Redistribution, Clearing, & Balancing ❖ September 18, 2021 - Becoming a Healer: Energy Issues ❖ October 16 & 17, 2021 - Intuition & Energy Part 2 ❖ November 20, 2021 - Becoming a Healer: Energy Flows

For more information and to see more on our upcoming classes, please visit our Website and Facebook Page: Website: Facebook:

16—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21

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