

GSR wants to be a senior friendly municipality

residence with a clinic available for communitymembers. “There is a senior’s residence in Arundel/Weir with a clinic and a nurse practitioner. It keeps people from going into a residence far from the community and family,” explained Abbey. “And people don’t have to go all the way to the hospital for minor treatment. They can go to the clinic. That would be ideal for this community.” Daniel Gauthier, council member for elders and family for Grenville-sur-la- Rouge, was on hand to answer questions, and to offer support. “We try to bringmore services to the community.” Gauthier explained that a residence with a clinic is one of the projects currently being discussed for the area. Other topics discussed were road conditions, access to services, and community events. Some residents prefer to travel to Hawkesbury to go to the hospital because it is closer, and service is available in English. Lapointe reminded residents about the CLSC in Grenville, which offers services for tests, flu shots, diabetes, new mothers, immunization, psychologists, and social workers in both official languages. Lapointe said the next step is to compile the results of several surveys and create an active plan for the next three years. The MRCwill bemeeting with local residence in the fall to discuss the plan.


La Municipalité régionale de comté d’Argenteuil (MRC) is working hard to ensure senior friendlymunicipalities. A meeting at the Avoca community center on May 22 shed some light on what’s working, what needs improving, and what still needs to be done. Catherine Lapointe from the MRC led an informative meeting explaining findings from a recent survey taken for the community of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge. Lapointe asked if residents were happy with community services, and what could be done to improve. Services available, transportation, communication, and safety were some of the topics discussed. “We’re meeting to see what can be done for seniors and families, and to get the results of a survey that was taken in the fall,” said Shirley Young, one of the community center’s committeemembers. “I’d like to see a senior’s home in the area. Seniors have tomove into town to go into a residence. It’s very traumatic for them. They are used to living in the country where they know everyone, and they are surrounded by nature. Then all of a sudden they are in a town, where nothing is familiar.” Art Abbey suggested opening a

Catherine Lapointe from the Argenteuil MRCmet with concerned seniors at the Avoca community center, May 22, to explain services available and find out what they feel is still missing in their community.

Faites ressortir vos yeux même à la piscine !


Venez pour le festin, Festival Homard du restez pour le plaisir! Le samedi 13 juin à 17 h


Come for the feast,

stay for the fun!

Saturday, June 13 at 5 p.m.

pour donner l’impression d’avoir plus de cils ou de sourcils.

Vous aimez être à votre meilleur sans avoir à vous soucier d’un maquillage qui coule, durant la période estivale. Ainsi, que ce soit pour votre « Eye liner » ou pour vos sourcils dégarnis, le maquillage permanent est idéal pour les gens actifs. Pour le golf ou la piscine, qui n’aime pas avoir de beaux yeux ? Dès maintenant, cessez d’avoir peur de vous éponger le visage ou que vos yeux brûlent, car le maquillage permanent s’offre à vous. D’ailleurs, sachez que plusieurs techniques peuvent être utilisées, que ce soit pour donner de la profondeur à votre regard, pour agrandir vos yeux ou bien

Surf n’ Turf

All you can eat lobster

One lobster boiled or grilled

Le tracé « Eye liner », le fard à paupières ou pour déƒnir vos sourcils doivent absolument être adaptés à vos yeux. Comme pour tout ce que vous désirez améliorer dans votre visage, votre regard exige une attention particulière. Les gens ne doivent pas remarquer votre maquillage permanent, mais bien vos yeux en premier ! Une consultation s’impose pour vous donner un aperçu de ce que peut faire un maquillage permanent personnalisé pour vos yeux.

boiled or grilled

One lobster & 6 oz. Filet Mignon

Terre et Mer un homard avec filet mignon de 6 oz

Homard à volonté au choix: bouilli ou grillé

Un homard

au choix: bouilli ou grillé

65 99$

35 99$

55 99$

Extra Lobster | homard additionnel 16.99$

Side Dishes: Crab Bisque Summer Salad bar Choice of: Baked potato, fries or rice Grilled vegetable brochette Bread & garlic butter Co€ee / Tea

Accompagnements: Bisque de crabe Bar à salades ; variétés de salades d'été Choix de : Patate au four, frites ou riz Brochette de légumes grillés Pain à volonté & beurre à l'ail Café / thé

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5 $ de rabais sur les

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Bonne bouffe, apéros & rencontres agréables dans une ambiance festive!

with a festive ambiance!

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