Volume 5 • No. 4 • 8 pages • CORNWALL, ON • December 24 décembre 2014
22,300 COPIES
Joyeux Noël et bonne année
Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year
Photos: Francis Racine Un anniversaire chargé d’émotions pour l’Héritage C’est devant plusieurs dignitaires, dont le maire Leslie O’Shaughnessy, les conseillers Justin Towndale et Bernadette Clément, Gérald Samson (photo ci-dessus) ainsi qu’une centaine d’élèves, que l’École secondaire publique l’Héritage célébrait son 20 e anniversaire. Lisez l’article complet en page 5.
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Annual Year in Review meeting
Living in the middle ages without leaving Cornwall
La semaine du Fonds de Noël pour enfants
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Annual Year in Review meeting
Residential development activity was also high this year with 128 family units being constructed, almost triple the amount in 2013. In addition to subdivision develop- ment, major projects such as Knox City Cen- tre and the Cotton Mill Lofts are helping to attract new residents to Cornwall. Boileau also documented investments in the institutional sector, highlighting major projects at the Hospital, College, CityWaste- water Treatment Plant, Canada Customs and the Seaway International Bridge. “Most of the development in the institu- tional sector will not appear in our building permit totals, but it creates significant eco- nomic spin-off,” said the manager of Corn- wall Economic Development. The meeting was kicked off with greet- ings by Mayor Leslie O’Shaugnessy, who introduced the new city council. Team Cornwall Chair Peter Gault also pre- sented highlights from activities by the lo- cal ambassadorial group over the past year. “Cornwall once again is leading the way when it comes to attracting new invest- ments and new residents,” said Gault. “It starts with the people in the room this morning, but extends to all our ambassa- dors, young and old.” The Team Cornwall Chair also welcomed guest speaker Jean-Luc Brassard, the newly minted Chef de Mission for Canada’s Olym- pic Team in Rio 2016.
FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
CORNWALL | The year’s top business sto- ries were celebrated at the Team Cornwall Year in Review meeting, held on Decem- ber 17. Over 300 community and business leaders were on hand for Cornwall Eco- nomic Development’s presentation which chronicled investments made by well over 150 businesses. “(The year) 2014 was another positive year of growth for Cornwall, with significant development occurring across all sectors,” said Mark Boileau, manager of Cornwall Economic Development. One of the key measures of economic development activity is building permit ac- tivity, and while the final numbers are not quite tallied, the value of building permits issued in 2014 are expected to top $55mil- lion. “The value of building permits issued in
The year’s top business stories were celebrated at the Team Cornwall Year in Review meeting, held on December 17.
2014 represents an increase of 80% over 2013,” outlined Boileau. “Our Building Per- mit department has processed 715 permits this year, which is the highest total since 1989.” Some of the larger development proj-
ects occurred in the Cornwall Business Park with many industries and distribution centres reporting growth. The Business Park also welcomed Evotech, a new coat- ings manufacturer, as well as Source Wood. Cornwall’s commercial sector saw record levels of growth with Boston Pizza and Future Shop opening in 2014. A new com- mercial plaza by Smart Centres is also set to open in early 2015. Downtown Cornwall remains a vibrant and popular destination with residents and visitors alike, with new restaurants, new shops and the re-opening of Ontario’s old- est inn.
+(ŏ!/0ŏ!/0!.*ŏ!/0+3! ŏ3%0$ŏ $%#$!/0ŏ$+*+1. The local BestWestern Parkway Inn and Conference Centre in Cornwall was recently award- ed with the company’s highest honour, the M.K. Guertin Award, as well as the Champion Customer Care Award. The honours were bestowed to the establishment in front of thou- sands of Best Western hoteliers at the company’s international 2014 Convention held in Toronto. The prestigious M.K. Guertin Award is presented to those member properties that have best represented the vision of Best Western’s founder and have demonstrated excep- tional levels of service, quality, value and commitment to the brand. “We are ecstatic to be recognized, particularly because the awards are based upon feedback from our guests,” said Paul Lefebvre, General Manager of the Parkway Inn. “Our entire staff is committed to ensuring the best possible stay for visitors to Cornwall.” +(ŏ+1*0%*#ŏü.)ŏ!(!.0!/ŏ 60 0$ ŏ**%2!./.5 Cornwall’s largest accounting firm is celebrating its 60-year anniversary. Established in 1954 by Bryson Comrie, what is now the accounting firm of Craig Keen Despatie Markell LLP (CKDM) has provided 60 years of professional accounting, taxation and auditing services to Cornwall and area clients. “We are proud to count some of Eastern Ontario’s best companies and organizations as long-time clients,” said Mike Despatie, Managing Partner. “We stand committed to providing excellent local professional ac- counting and auditing services.” CKDM has evolved from the small accounting busi- ness established by Comrie to a firm that now employs 22 people, seven of which have been with the company for more than 25 years, and provides auditing, accounting and taxation services to hundreds of clients. Staffed by nine Chartered Professional Accountants and eleven accountants and support staff, CKDM offers its clients over 325 years of combined professional accounting experience.
OUR OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED FROM: December 24 th to January 5, 2015
THE JOURNAL WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Wednesday, January 7, 2015
OUR NEXT PUBLICATION WILL BE ON: Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Construction of a new pum
ping station
CORNWALL | A new sewage pumping sta- tion, which will form part of a major sewer rehabilitation project in the area of Elev- enth Street and Grand andMiron avenues, is currently under construction. The new pumping station is being built on the north side of Eleventh Street, just west of McConnell Avenue and it will in- clude state-of-the-art controls and a back- up power system. Once completed, the structure will be about the size of a small shed and the surrounding area will be fenced and landscaped. A new subdivision is planned for the
ager, Infrastructure Planning. In addition to benefitting homeowners in the Grand and Miron area, it will also indi- rectly benefit other sections of the city by redirecting sewage to an alternate outlet and separating storm water. This will create additional capacity in the city’s sewer net-
work. “This will provide a reduction in surcharge levels further ‘upstream’ in the large feeder trunks that service the central, western, northwestern and northern sections of Cornwall,” saidWintle.
northwest corner of McConnell Avenue and Eleventh Street, and the developer is con- tributing to the cost of the new pumping station rather than building a second one. This will result in savings in ongoing main- tenance costs for the city in the future. The new pumping station represents one small piece of a $5 million project that is de- signed to address basement flooding con- cerns. The project started in the summer and will continue into next year. “It is one of the largest infrastructure proj- ects that the city has undertaken in recent memory,” said Steve Wintle, Division Man-
ŏ/!)%*!ŏ 1ŏ+* /ŏ !ŏ+p(ŏ pour enfants
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jim McDonell M.P.P/DÉPUTÉ
Constituency office Bureau de Circonscription 120, Second St. West, Time Square, Cornwall, ON K6J 1G5 613 933-6513
Satellites Offices Bureaux Satellites Winchester Morrisburg 1 800 514-9660
jim.mcdonellco@pc.ola.org | Fax: 613 933-6449 | www.jimmcdonellmpp.ca
Le 16 décembre dernier, le conseil municipal de Cornwall a décrété que la semaine du 14 décembre serait la semaine officielle du Fonds de Noël pour enfants dans la ville de Cornwall. Lemaire, Leslie O’Shaughnessy, s’est joint auxmembres du Cornwall and District Service Club pour hisser le drapeau du Fonds de Noël pour enfants, à l’édifice de la Justice sur la rue Pitt. Une initiative annuelle dont les racines remontent à 1928, le Fonds de Noël pour enfants s’efforce de fournir de la nourriture et des jouets aux familles dans le besoin, à Cornwall et les environs. «C’est un effort de la communauté, a déclaré Peter Morgan, président de l’administration du conseil du Fonds de Noël pour enfants.» Depuis sa création, il est estimé que le Fonds de Noël pour enfants a recueilli plus de 1 million $ et aidé plus de 26 000 familles. En photo, Marvin Pluma- dore, Peter Morgan, Ralph Brunton, Terry Muir et le maire Leslie O’Shaughnessy.
Groupe d’exercices pour les 55+ qui vous aidera à :
• Rester actifs • Améliorer votre force et votre équilibre • Adopter des comportements sécuritaires pour prévenir les chutes • Socialiser
May the holiday season bring you peace and joy to last the whole year through. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
POUR QUI? Les personnes autonomes de 55 ans et plus, vivant à domicile. (Membres ou non-membres du CCÉC) OÙ? Le Centre Charles-Émile-Claude, 146-B, avenue Chevrier à Cornwall QUAND? Les mardis et jeudis de 10h à 11h30 du 13 janvier au 2 avril 2015
Inscription et information: Contactez Stephanie, promoteure santé au 613-937-3132, poste 284.
Que la nouvelle année vous apporte joie, paix, santé et prospérité. Joyeux Noël, bonne et heureuse année!
Guy Lauzon, MP / Député Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry South / Sud 621, rue Pitt St., Cornwall ON K6J 3R8 613 937-3331 • www.guylauzon.ca
Living in the middle ages without leaving Cornwall FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
decided to start hosting practices in Corn- wall in order to gain more visibility. The Cornwall canton became official faction of the SCA in 2007. When asked how much members are ex- pected to pay for their equipment, Piette answers: “My husband has probably spent about over $2000 on his equipment! But this includes many of the garb and tunics that he can wear to events. Most people compare playing in the SCA with playing hockey. As for myself, I amnot a fully fledged fighter but I can say I have spent about 300$ on various garbs and equipment,” she high-
CORNWALL | Although they don’t sit around a circular table, members of the Canton of Harrowgate Heath are still knights at heart. The clinking sounds of metal on metal can therefore be heard on some nights, haunting the hallways of St. Joseph High School, as the members prac- tice their sword fighting. “When you join the Society for Creative
lighted. “We do have “loaner” equipment, equipment and garb that we lend out to those who are com- ing out. The garb is worn at events, and the equipment is lent out but doesn’t fit as well as getting your own would. This does allow for more peo-
Anachronism (SCA), a nonprofit organi- zation, you are not just playing a game, but becoming part of a family, explained Christine Piette, chat- elaine for the canton, a member in charge of greeting and help- ing new recruits. “Some of my clos-
When you join the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a nonprofit organiza- tion, you are not just playing a game, but becoming part of a family.”
ple to try it without having to commit right away. It also lets you see what kinds of items are needed.” In all, there are roughly 50 members in the group, all ranging in different status and standings. “We have active and inactive members,” says Piette. “That means some of us go to events, others help organize events. Some participate in fighting, others will not fight and prefer to participate in arts and sci- ences.” The Society for Creative Anachronism
est friends are in the group, and these are friendships that have grown strong over the last couple of years. Being part of the group means that you are in touch with people who not only have similar interests, but who have a strong desire to introduce others to what life was like during the time period that the SCA represents.” The Cornwall faction was started with a couple of members who had experienced the SCA in other parts of the country back in 2004. Two members, Mike Smith and Christine Brewer, started in Winchester but
22 300 copies
625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:
613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798
The clinking sounds of metal on metal can be heard on some nights, haunting the hallways of St. Joseph High School, as the members of the Canton of Harrowgate Heath practice their sword fighting. In the summer, the group practices in Lamou- reux Park.
Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , roger@eap.on.ca François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , fbelair@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, francois.legault@eap.on.ca Thomas Stevens, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. thomas.stevens@eap.on.ca Publicité • Advertising : francois.belair@eap.on.ca Nouvelles / News: jcornwall@eap.on.ca Classées • Classified : lyse.emond@eap.on.ca Distribution : jcornwall@eap.on.ca
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an organization that was founded to celebrate what was best about the Mid- dle Ages; honour, pageantry and chivalry, without those pesky plagues and famines of course. The SCA focuses on recreating life from the time between 600 AD and 1650 AD in Western Europe. Members of the SCA are from all walks of life and share a common interest in re- searching and re-creating aspects of life in the Middle Ages. This includes crafts, ar- mored fighting, archery or any other aspect of life,in the Middle Ages, you can think of. When at events, members of the SCA adopt medieval personas that help them get in the spirit of medieval life. They may
adopt a new name for use in the Society, dress in period clothing (called garb) and even develop a background story to explain who they are. The organization consists of 19 “king- doms”, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. The SCA was established in 1966 by some friends who were, of course, history en- thusiasts, science fiction and fantasy fans who hosted an outdoor party in Berkeley, California. The invitation declared a tour- nament, to be held on the first of May, and summoned “all knights to defend in single combat the title of fairest” for their ladies. Everyone enjoyed the first tournament so much that they planned another.
Publié tous les mercredis par • Published every Wednesdays by La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell 1100 Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6122 1 800 267-0850 Total Distribution totale: 23 000 copies # convention: 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.
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Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.
Un anniversaire chargé d’émotions pour l’Héritage FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
Le président à aussi tenu à remercier Gérald Samson, pionnier francophone de la région et l’un des individus à qui est revenu la tâche de créer l’institut. «Tout n’aurait été possible sans des gens comme Gérald Samson, un homme qui peut non seulement rêver, mais aussi créer.» Pour remercier M. Samson, M. Génier an- nonça que la rotonde de l’école serait nom- mée en son honneur. «Bonjour ma belle famille, commençait M. Samson devant les personnes présentes. Ce que nous avons bâtit ne se fait pas tout seul, mais en équipe. Ce qui compte n’est pas le travail que l’on fait individuel- lement, mais les projets que l’on crée ensemble.» Le surintendant retraité souligna aussi l’importance que les étudi- ants doivent apporter à l’usage de la langue de Molière. «Gardez en tête que l’utilisation de la langue française est bien importante, dit il. Vous devez maintenir et dévelop- per votre langue francophone.» La fin du discours de M. Samson créa une vraie ovation, chaque individu ap- plaudissant l’homme souvent interpelé comme étant le parrain de l’école. Comme là dit si bien M. Génier lors de la présentation, «M Samson à la francophonie tatoué sur le cœur.»
CORNWALL | C’est devant plusieurs di- gnataires, dont le maire Leslie O’Shaugh- nessy, les conseillers Justin Towndale et Bernadette Clément, Gérald Samson ainsi qu’une centaine d’élèves, que l’école secondaire publique l’Héritage célébrait son anniversaire. Il y a donc 20 ans que l’établissement dessert la communauté de Cornwall. Ouverte officiellement à titre d’école le 19 décembre 1994, l’Héritage fut l’une des premières institutions éducationnelle fran- cophone à être publique. «M. O’Shaughnessy m’a demandé de venir aujourd’hui, parce qu’il ne parle pas français, a expliqué Mme Clément. Mais celui-ci disait vouloir venir, puisqu’il sait que c’est un événement important. On doit remercier les enseignants et membres du personnel pour leurs rôles qu’ils ont joués dans notre communauté. Les élèves fran- cophones dans cette salle font partie de la relève de Cornwall.» Suivant son discours, la conseillère ainsi que lemaire ont tous deux remis une plaque au directeur de l’Héritage, Éric Génier. Ce fut ensuite au tour de Denis Chartrand,
Photos Francis Racine
président du Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario, à prendre la parole. «La première fois que je suis Pour remercier M. Samson, M. Gé- nier annonça que la rotonde de l’école serait nommée en son hon- neur. venu ici, c’était en 1997, soulignait celui-ci. Quel changement. C’est un site très enchan- teur. L’Héritage est une très belle et grande
é c o l e pour ceux qui veulent une éduca- tion laïque de première qualité à Cornwall.»
Une tumeur cancéreuse risquait d’écourter la vie d’Émilienne. Grâce à vos dons, sa vie se prolonge.
Chimiothérapie ,
ici, dans notre communauté . L’avenir est prometteur pour Émilienne parce que vous vous êtes donné la peine de ǯ ǯ±±ϐǤǯǤ ǯ±±± Ǥ Ǧϐ Ø des services de chimiothérapie soient offerts aux familles, à nos voisins et à toutes les personnes devant composer avec le poids de cette maladie qui change des vies?
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Colts charity game raises more than just money
The Cornwall Colts, along with the Benson Group and several local personalities, raised $720 and more than 350 pounds of food for Saint Vincent de Paul, during the second annual Charity Hockey Game held at the Benson Centre, on December 13. “The Colts organization is more than happy to assist Saint Vincent de Paul, especially heading into the Christmas season,” said Colts owner and head coach, Ian MacInnis. “It’s an opportunity for us to give back to the community.” For the second year in a row, the game ended tied (10-10) with good times and laughs had by players and fans alike.
Règles concernant les ordures
La collecte d’ordures et de recyclage requiert une attention spéciale durant l’hiver et la Ville de Cornwall souhaite que ses résidents adhèrent aux règlements en place. Il est interdit de déposer des sacs à ordures ou des bacs bleus sur le dessus des amas de neige. La Ville demande aussi que les résidents déneigent jusqu’au sol l’entrée de leur cour ou la bordure de la chaussée où les ordures et les bacs bleus sont déposés pour la collecte.
Pelletez avant de jeter! La collecte d’ordures et de recyclage requiert une attention spéciale durant l’hiver. Veuillez respecter les règles suivantes :
Ne déposez pas de sacs à ordures ni de matières dans les bacs bleus sur le dessus des amas de neige. Déneigez jusqu’au sol l’entrée de votre cour ou la bordure de chaussée où les ordures et les matières dans les bacs bleus sont déposées pour la collecte.
La Ville de Cornwall remercie tous les résidents de leur coopération. Pour des renseignements supplémentaires, veuillez visiter le site www.Cornwall.ca . Durant les conditions hivernales, il est de la responsabilité du propriétaire d’exposer et de dégager les ordures et les matières recyclables enneigées ou bloquées par l’équipement de déneigement.
Local Centre named a Good Food Organization
CORNWALL | The Agapè Centre has joined 36 other organizations from across Can- ada to work for a healthy and fair food system and, in doing so, has been named a Good Food Organization. “We are very excited to have been selected as a Good Food Organization,” said Alyssa Blais, Ex- ecutive Director of the Agapè Centre. “We have been working hard to create a cul- ture at Agapè which places a premium on delivering healthy, nutritious meals to our clients.” Good Food organizations are making a commitment to offer respectful, responsive, and impactful food programs in their com- munities as a way of decreasing hunger, building better physical and mental health,
to work with partners to develop welcom- ing spaces where people come together to grow, cook, share and advocate for good food. People learn cooking skills and get their hands dirty in the garden, in ways that expand their taste buds and help them make healthier food choices. Good Food organizations will gain access to centralized resources, customized train- ing as well as a granting stream. The Agapè Centre has undertaken a
number of initiatives to support the con- cept of “good food”. The centre has created and maintains its own fresh garden, and it regularly receives donations of fresh spin- ach and other leafy vegetables from Smart Greens in Cornwall. It has been encourag- ing donations of healthy food items and, wherever possible, has been using fresh, organic ingredients in meal preparation. “We’ve received over 10,000 pounds of vegetables from local farmers and garden-
ers this summer,”said Blais.“Marlin Orchards alone has donated thousands of pounds of apples.” Agapè Centre staff has also been working hard to educate the community about the importance of healthy eating. “Today, there is a lot more awareness about the benefits of making healthy food choices,” expressed Blais. “Good food leads to good health which creates more oppor- tunity for personal growth.”
In celebration of our new partnership with the Ottawa Senators, I would like to extend a special offer to our loyal readers, customers and employees to enjoy a game at Canadian Tire Centre for $60 taxes and fees included (300 lower level)
Johanne Gauthier and Alyssa Blais
and reducing social isolation. The program has been developed by Community Food Centres Canada. “We launched this initiative to provide support and inspiration to organizations across the country, whether they be health centres, food banks, or community orga- nizations that are doing important grass- roots food work,” outlined Kathryn Scharf, VP National Programs for Community Food Centres Canada. “We want to amplify these voices and program outcomes to show what effects an investment in healthy food can have.” Community Food Centres Canada is a national organization with the mandate Hammer armed thief robs studio The Cornwall Community Police Service is asking the public for help, following an armed robbery that occurred on De- cember 16. At approximately 4 p.m., a lone man armed with a hammer entered the hair studio located at 385 Eleventh Street East and demanded money from one of the workers. The man then fled the area northbound on Paul Street in a silver/grey car with an undisclosed amount of money. He is described as 5’11” tall, thin build and spoke with a speech impediment.
Thursday, December 11, 2014 @ 7:30 p.m. vs. Los Angeles Kings Monday, December 29, 2014 @ 7:30 p.m. vs. Buffalo Sabres Sunday, January 4, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. vs. Tampa Bay Lightning Saturday, January 17, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. vs. Carolina Hurricanes Available for the following games:
Please use this promo code: Bertrand at capitaltickets.ca I’ll see you at the game! Bertrand Castonguay President — Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc.
11.Salesman’s model 19.Mr. Lincoln 21.Corrects 22.Frightened 23.Wash’s partner 24.Impose, as a tax
32.Other than 35.Most uptight 38.Spun 40.Fruit beverage 42.Mitt 44.Papa’s partner 45.Doing business 46.Budget item 48.Business 51.Society gal 53.Kith and ____ 54.Pub offering 55.Certain evergreen
Week of December 21 to 27, 2014
Vegetable Lasagna For easy cleanup, you can assemble in a disposable 20.5 cm (8 inch) aluminum-foil pan. Make it ahead and deliver to a friend uncooked with baking instructions. • 180 ml (3/4 cup) sliced mushrooms • 180 ml (3/4 cup) chopped zucchini • 125 ml (1/2 cup) sliced carrot • 125 ml (1/2 cup) chopped red bell pepper • 125 ml (1/2 cup) thinly sliced red onion • 810 ml (26 oz) bottle fat-free tomato basil pasta sauce • 30 ml (2 tbsp) commercial pesto • 455 ml (15 oz) carton part-skim • 6 hot cooked lasagna noodles (about 180 ml (6 oz) uncooked), cut in half • 180 ml (6 oz) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese • Basil leaves (optional) ricotta cheese • Cooking spray INGREDIENTS: • 15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil
ARIES You are really helpful at the next few social events. You organize a most impressive Christmas party where pleasure is the name of the game. TAURUS Luck is on your side, so don’t he- sitate to ask your family to contri- bute to a group lottery ticket. You may also realize a family project with your loved ones. GEMINI You don’t always show your sensi- tivity. However, if there is any ten- sion at all in the family, you man- age to placate everyone once and for all. CANCER You bring together family as well as friends. Over the holidays, you successfully unite family members who do not always get along. LEO There is a good chance that you’ll be hosting various receptions and lavishing plenty of attention on your loved ones. Even as a guest, you are generous with your help. VIRGO You enjoy large gatherings this year. You are also the centre of attention when you do some crazy things or make certain comments. LIBRA You are open to the idea of discove- ring new cultures. A person of diffe- rent origins than yours might be pre- sent during the upcoming festivities. SCORPIO You’re a real chatterbox and you are the one who can cheer people up and get them in the party mood. Be careful and practice awareness in all your comings and goings. SAGITTARIUS You have access to some extra money during the Christmas sea- son. You are very generous and you warm the hearts of those who truly need it. CAPRICORN You are in search of parties to go to. You feel the need for physical activity, to have a change of air, and especially to be surrounded by people. You suggest some great ideas to enhance the fun. AQUARIUS You could very well miss out on a few hours of sleep, so try to go to bed early if you can. Otherwise you won’t be able to celebrate Chris- tmas Eve with your family. PISCES You make considerable efforts to bring people together and unite the whole family. You devote yourself to waiting on everyone. Fatigue and a few sniffles could be coming your way.
26.Revere 28.Ships’
stabilizers 30.Provisions 31.Ruled mark
Copyright © 2014, Penny Press
ACROSS 1. Herringlike fish 5. Newton ingredients
29.Shoulder firearm 33.Roof part 34.“I ____ You Babe” 36.Labor 37.Laundry machine 39.Motives 41.Folk story 43.Passing grade needlepoint 49.Chimpanzee 50.Ore vein 52.Approval word 56.“Of Mice and ____” 57.Nights before celebrations 44.Bit 47.Do
58.Annoy 59.Small insect 60.Obligation to pay 61.Recognized DOWN 1. Health haven 2. Murmur 3. Shirt part 4. Dismiss 5. Stirring up 6. Bartender’s rocks 7. Lawn material 8. Hunting dog 9. “____ the Hill” 10.Take out, in printing
9. Not even 12.Kitty sigh 13.Land tract 14.Flying formation 15.Bullets, to a GI 16.Nifty 17.Horror-film street 18.Baking vessel 20.Hi-fi system 22.Shoemaking tool 25.Prejudiced 27.Saturday and Sunday
DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 190°C (375°F). Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add mushrooms and next 4 ingredients; cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add pasta sauce; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer 10 minutes. Combine pesto and ricotta in a small bowl. Spread 125 ml (1/2 cup) tomato mixture in the bot- tom of a 20.5 cm (8 inch) square bak- ing dish or pan coated with cooking spray. Arrange 4 noodle halves over tomato mixture. Top noodles with half of ricotta mixture and 250 ml (1 cup) tomato mixture. Repeat layers, end- ing with noodles. Spread remaining tomato mixture over noodles; sprinkle with mozzarella. Cover and bake at 190°C (375°F) for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake an additional 20 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes. Garnish with basil leaves, if desired. Note: To make ahead, assemble as directed; stop before bak- ing. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Let stand 30 minutes at room tempera- ture, and bake as directed. Recipe and photo: The best of cooking light – Oxmoor House Inc.
HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.
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