How's Your Balance?

Staff Spotlight

Jeffrey Shand, Rehab Tech Jeffrey has been a rehab tech with Agility since the fall of 2013. He is responsible for assisting with patient care and provides support for our PTs, PTAs, fitness clients, personal trainers and all administrative staff; and he does it all with a willing heart and pleasant nature! In 2015 Jeffrey

earned his EMT certification and is currently a trainee in the Fire Academy at the Englewood Fire Academy Training Center, where he hopes to attain his certification as a Fire Fighter. In his spare time, Jeffrey enjoys drawing and playing guitar.


As you age, your muscle tissue actually dries out a little, tightening. This causes a loss of range of motion in your joints and tissues. In addition to the loss of range of motion, it can really limit your active lifestyles and hinder day-to-day, normal motions. Tasks that used to be simple, such as dressing or squatting down to tie your shoes, now become extremely difficult. A regular stretching programhelps lengthen your muscles andmakes daily living activities much easier. Everyone can learn to stretch, regardless of age or flexibility. Stretching should be a part of your daily routine, whether you exercise or not. It does not have to involve a huge amount of time, but stretching can end up giving you huge results! Stretching is a natural part of what we do on a daily basis. You might notice that if you have been sitting in a particular position for a long time, you stretch unconsciously. It feels good! In addition to that good feeling, a consistent stretching programwill produce large gains in flexibility and joint movement. Be kind to your muscles and they will be kind to you!

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