Our Incredible Journey

but when you live a long life, you may outlive your children.

Death knocks on every door eventually. We’ve had to learn what Psalm 23 says, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, thou art with me. I praise God we can walk through to the victory side because we can cast all our burdens upon the Lord who cares for us. Facing death is difficult for all of us. The great evangelist, D. L. Moody, said, I’m not afraid of dying because I know where I am going. Though absent from the body, I will be present with the Lord. That’s true, and all Christians look forward to being with the Lord forever. But the process of dying can be difficult. We all wonder what it will be like for us in the end. Will we be in pain? Will we be in a wheelchair? Will we be in bed? Will we be conscious or unconscious? If you are a caregiver, it’s difficult to watch another person slowly die. And yet we know with certainty God is in control. He is sovereign. If the rapture takes place, we’ll be out of here right away. We’ll be caught up to be with Jesus. But if we remain, we die sooner or later. We’ll also be caught up in a different way. Our body will be placed in a grave, but we’ll go to be with the Lord waiting for the sound of that trumpet. I confess, I’d rather hear the sound of the trumpet and go directly to be with the Lord. However, either way we win. It’s either rapture or resurrection, and both bring glory and victory. We know all things work together for good to those who love God. (Romans 8:28) While we must face the prospect of death, we also know we’re on the winning team, and one day we’ll be finally Home.


A Great Faith

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