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Les turbines tournent au parc éolien Nation Rise dans le canton de North Stormont, près des frontières de la municipalité avec la municipalité de La Nation et le canton de Russell. Les Algonquins de la Première nation de Pikwahanagan sont maintenant propriétaires majoritaires du parc éolien grâce à un accord de vente d’actions avec le promoteur du projet, EDP Renewables. —file photo
Des millions de personnes en Ontario ont reçu le vaccin contre la COVID-19. À vous de jouer! Faites-vous vacciner! Les vaccins approuvés par Santé Canada sont administrés dans des hôpitaux, des cabinets de médecin, des pharmacies et des centres de vaccination de masse. Et chaque dose administrée est un pas de plus vers la vie que nous avions avant. Prenez rendez-vous dès aujourd’hui, sur le site ontario.ca/rendezvousvaccin ou en téléphonant au 1 888 999-6488 pour obtenir de l’aide dans 300 langues différentes.
EAP NEWSROOM news@eap.on.ca
of $718,466.50. The Kin Club of Russell wants to thank and show their gratitude to their six very worthy charities; Breast Cancer Action (Ottawa), Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Osgoode Care Centre, Russell Minor Hockey Asso- DJBUJPO 7BMPSJT'PVOEBUJPOBOE8JODIFTUFS District Memorial Hospital Foundation, and everyone else involved. Thanks to their generosity, $972,000.00 has been raised to split amongst these great charities. 5IFUVSCJOFTPGUIF/BUJPO3JTFQSP - KFDUBSFMPDBUFEUISPVHIPVU/PSUI4UPSNPOU Township. Several of the turbine sites are OFBSUIFUPXOTIJQTCPSEFSTXJUI5IF/BUJPO Municipality and Russell Township. The pro- ject means more than $45 million over the OFYUUISFFEFDBEFTGPSUIF/PSUI4UPSNPOU economy through property taxes, a commu- nity benefit fund, landowner payments, and also 10 permanent on-site jobs. for decades to come.” &%13FOFXBCMFTBOE$IJ/ÓEJO-JNJUFE 1BSUOFSTIJQ BO "01'/PXOFE DPNQBOZ agreed on a purchase transfer of 50.1 per DFOUPG UIFPXOFSTIJQPG UIF/BUJPO3JTF QSPKFDU&%13XJMMDPOUJOVFUPCFSFTQPOTJCMF for operation and maintenance of the wind farm. i5IFPQQPSUVOJUZGPS"01'/UPQBSUJDJQBUF in the local economy and to be partners in renewable energy projects and local businesses definitely positions our com- munity for success,” stated Amanda Two-Axe ,PIPLP SFQSFTFOUJOHUIF$IJ/ÓEJO-JNJUFE 1BSUOFSTIJQCPBSE iBOEXFMPPLGPSXBSEUP this venture as well as many others that we expect to come in the future.”
A First Nation group has become the new majority shareholder in the Nation Rise wind farm project. 0GàDJBMTGPS&%13FOFXBCMFT &%13 BOE UIF"MHPORVJOTPG1JLXBIBOBHBO'JSTU/BUJPO "01'/ JTTVFEBKPJOUBOOPVODFNFOU+VMZ 15 of the majority ownership transfer for the 100-megawatt wind turbine project located JO/PSUI4UPSNPOU5PXOTIJQ5IFQSPKFDUIBT begun producing electricity for sale to the province under approval of the Independent &MFDUSJDJUZ4ZTUFN0QFSBUPS *&40 QSPHSBN “The development and construction of UIF/BUJPO3JTFXJOEGBSNXFSFIFSDVMFBO efforts and ones that required months of tireless, persistent work from many devoted employees, contractors, and stakeholders,” TUBUFE.JHVFM1SBEP &%13FOFXBCMFTDIJFG FYFDVUJWFPGàDFSGPS/PSUI"NFSJDBi/BUJPO Rise achieving commercial operations is a feat I am exceptionally proud of, and through our collaboration with the Algonquins of 1JLXBLBOBHBO'JSTU/BUJPO *BNQMFBTFEUP provide cost-effective energy to Ontarians
On July 18th, Shawn Stephenson of Brockville won the Kin Club of Russell’s Catch the Ace Lottery jackpot, an amount of $ 718,466.50. Mrs Stephenson selected the envelope number 4 that contained the elusive Ace of Spades, thus winning the $666,937.50 jackpot. She also brought home the weekly win of $51,529.00, for a grand total prize
Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario
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