Fall in love with trail running
Improper storage, handling and preparation of your food when camping can make you sick. Here are a few helpful food safety tips to keep in mind during your next outdoor adventure. 1. Prepare and freeze several dishes ahead of time. The frozen meals will last longer and help keep other items cool. 2. Place high-risk foods such as meat and dairy products on the bottom of your cooler. Keep more frequently used items on top to avoid leaving the lid open. 3. Use ice blocks, as they melt slower and last longer than ice cubes. 4. Place your cooler in a shady spot away from direct sunlight, and regularly add ice to make sure your perishables stay at or below 4 C. CAMPING 10 food safety tips
Trail running can be demanding, but many people enjoy it. Here are a few reasons this activity is becoming increasingly popular. PHYSICAL HEALTH On top of the usual benefits of running, trail running challenges your balance, co- ordination and agility. Running up and down hills, along winding trails and over uneven ground forces you to adjust your pace and stride to suit the terrain. Not only is it more challenging, but the movements are less re- petitive, reducing the risk of injury. In ad- dition, the ground is softer than asphalt, which limits the impact on your joints. MENTAL HEALTH Running over uneven terrain requires in-
tense concentration. This increased focus helps you stay present instead of thinking about your worries and concerns. Plus, the benefits of spending time in nature and brea- thing in fresh air are well known. For these reasons, running outdoors can help relieve stress and keep your mind sharp. What’s more, the beautiful scenery helps you focus less on your performance and more on enjoying yourself. In particular, it encourages you to slow down and admire your surroundings. There’s nothing like rea- ching your destination and being rewarded with a stunning view and a sense of accom- plishment. Lastly, trail running is simply fun. It can be freeing to let yourself trample through dust,
mud and puddles. If you don’t mind getting a little dirty, head out and explore the trails in your area this summer.
5 suggestions de sorties à faire en solo
5.Un repas au restaurant : manger un délicieux plat sans vous presser ou sans stresser parce que vous finissez toujours en dernier, ça vous dit? Spa, café, zoo, plage… ne vous privez pas de ce qui vous plaît sous prétexte que vous êtes seul : profitez pleinement de l’été!
Vous avez envie de sortir, mais hésitez à le faire en solo? Eh bien, ce n’est pas parce qu’on est seul qu’on ne peut pas se divertir! Laissez-vous inspirer par ces cinq idées : 1. Une visite au musée : non seulement vous pouvez choisir sans compromis, mais per- sonne ne s’impatiente si vous vous attardez à certains endroits! 2.Une soirée au cinéma ou au ciné-parc : le film commencé, quelle importance de ne pas
avoir de compagnie? Et en attendant, vous n’avez qu’à savourer votre maïs soufflé! 3.Une pause au parc : que ce soit pour lire, pique-niquer ou faire du yoga, un bon bol d’air frais procure encore plus de zénitude quand on est seul pour l’apprécier. 4.Un spectacle extérieur : une fois sur place, vous vous laisserez gagner par l’ambiance fes- tive et décontractée, et vous oublierez que vous n’avez personne avec qui parler.
5. Eat fresh or cooked meat within two to three days.
6. Wash your hands often, especially before cooking and after touching raw meat. 7. Keep your cooking utensils and work sur- faces clean at all times.
8. Rinse meat, vegetables and fruit with po- table water before eating.
9. Use different utensils for each food item, and never let raw meat touch cooked meat.
Services en santé mentale
10. Immediately cover and store leftover food in your cooler.
Lastly, you should keep in mind that high-risk foods that are kept out of the cooler for more than two hours have too much bacteria to safely consume.
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