Review and Activity Report November 2019 - Private Client1

In line with our Group strategy for promoting and supporting a joined- up approach, for the purpose of this review we have not separated IFA / Tax activity and collateral, but treated activity and output collectively as Private Client Service, encompassing both services (and where applicable, Private Client Insurance).

The marketing team have been working with the Private client team over the past year to build and deliver a calendar of events aimed at generating new business leads for both B2C and B2B.

Activity has been well spread out across the calendar year. Increased activity has taken place or is being scheduled for Essex, proving a greater balance between the two locations. Cambridge continues to be a geography which is underrepresented, but this is mostly due to the lack of permanent resource in the city and lower brand awareness of Scrutton Bland when compared to Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk where there is a greater brand legacy.

Event costs have been managed in accordance with the strategy for ensuring that events deliver value for money and do not spiral out of control.

The highest single area of spend on events is the IHT roadshows. Costs depend on venue, but on average the cost to Scrutton Bland is £2,500 to host an IHT event after a third of the cost has been charged to the event partner. Covering costs and generating revenue In 2019 marketing introduced Eventbrite software to manage event bookings, this also provides the functionality to charge and take payment for events. Assessing the value of new business generated from B2B events for introducers is more difficult than client events so it is important that costs are managed. Using the Eventbrite facility, a number of B2B events have been hosted for introducers/professionals which were ‘paid for’ events. Charging for events can help reduce the number of dropouts and add credibility in the mind of invitees. It has also enabled the cost of hosting these events to be covered so this is a strategy which marketing would propose is taken forward into 2020. As a Group we can offer CPD accreditation which enables us to issue certificates following events. Whilst some individual professional bodies have decentralised CPD management, it is still perceived by many professionals as of value and something which we should continue to offer.

Private client professionals, Games Night - Ipswich Pensions in Divorce seminar - Ipswich Pensions in Divorce seminar - Colchester Pensions in Divorce seminar - Birketts Private client Professional, Croquet - Ipswich Private client professionals, Bowls - Ipswich Private client professionals, Rivers Hall - Colchester B2B Navigating Care Seminar/ My Care - Ipswich B2B Navigating Care / My Care - Colchester IHT Roadshow with Ashtons - Cambs. CANCELLED Private Client professionals, Wiff Waff - Ipswich IHT Roadshow with Steeles Law - Diss, Corn Hall Pensions in Divorce seminar - From a tax perspective IHT Roadshow with Barker Gotelee - Ips, Ufford Park Private client event with Ellisons/Barclays - Colchester

£ 174.18

£ 248.25

£ 283.80

£ -

£ 541.00

£ -

£ 348.75

£ 200.88

£ 394.00

£ 1,071.15

£ 90.00

£ 3,110.00



£ 2,025.50


Approx. £800.00 £ 9,287.51

Focus for 2020 Now that the IHT events have been running for some years, it is important that the return on the investment is measured and assessed in 2020.

To do this, going forward we will need to agree in advance of each event the number of leads and conversions which we are aiming for each event to generate.

We know the cost of acquiring the leads by logging: • The costs associated of advertising • Cost of hosting the event (venue/catering) • Adviser time

However, what we do not have is clear sight of the ROI which each event returns. This is based on offsetting the event costs against new business opportunities created and the level of conversion into actual business.

It is only post-event that we will be able to create a clearer picture of how successful the event has been in terms of generating ‘new new’ and ‘new from existing’ business.

Due to the fact that we use separate databases in different areas of the business, in order to successfully log and assess the type and level of new business generated from each event, a manual follow up process is proposed.

Following each event in 2020, marketing propose to circulate a spreadsheet which will log opportunities and track conversion, however, this process will only work if both marketing and advisers commit to regular follow up on the leads generated and tracking progress toward a sale.

Below is a sample of the proposed form:


Mrs Miggins

New- new from door drop

Faye Howard

£ 1,000,000.00 75%

£ 750,000.00

follow up booked

31.12.19 Book

Mrs Miggins provided feedback to say she wanted to call and some advice, she has £2m in assets Mr Blobby had an adviser but was unhappy


Follow up on presentation

Mr Blobby

Rob Wood

presentat ion made 10.12.19





£ £ £ £ £ £ £


£ £ £ £ £ £

- - -

- - -

£ 1,004,000.00

£ 752,000.00

There are a number of events scheduled for Q4 2019 and Q1 2020, they are as follows:

IHT Roadshow with Ashtons - Cambs. CANCELLED

£ 1,071.15

Private Client professionals, Wiff Waff - Ipswich

£ 90.00

IHT Roadshow with Steeles Law - Diss, Corn Hall

£ 3,110.00

Pensions in Divorce seminar - From a tax perspective



IHT Roadshow with Barker Gotelee - IPS, Ufford Park

£ 2,025.50

Private client event with Ellisons/Barclays - Colchester

tbc £800.00 approx.

Response awaited from Steeles law regarding confirmation of date. Following the postponement of the Budget, new proposed dates of the roadshow are 12/16 March 2020. Updates will follow.

Estimated cost: £2025.50 of which Barker Gotelee will pay a third = £675.17. The venue is booked and promotional activity is scheduled to start next month.

PC website page refresh Build new landing page for IHT Technical SEO

Social Media Google paid PPC online campaign Door drop (8,000) Half page Ad Woodbridge flyer Half page in Living Ad Woodbridge Mag PC newsletter Invitations sent Event

Marketing log all leads generated via the website, Live Chat and third-party subscribed websites. As with the monitoring of ROI for events, going forward in order to measure the effectiveness of our online presence we will need to track the opportunities presented and will need support in tracking conversions for business units.

Digital advertising

The aim is to increase the number of leads driven through digital channels. As part of a wider group strategy we will be looking at enhancing online promotions. This will involve looking to enhance traffic driven to the website through SEO key words, paid for online advertising and tracking IP addresses and marketing to those prospects who have visited specific pages on the site. Within this strategy we will be proposing that the Private Client Service is promoted. Effectiveness will be greater when a specific service line is promoted, so we are proposing that IHT will the theme for the 2019/20 digital campaign.

Digital content

We continue to post all PCS articles online via our social media channels. This will continue into 2020/21. Content not only enhances our brand awareness and positions Scrutton Bland as an authoritative voice, but also acts in increase web traffic to the site.

Marketing regularly track social media following of competitors and peers. Scrutton Bland maintain a constant and steady social media following, avoiding any significant drop-off of followers which what we want to avoid. Once digital promotion and activity begins, we would aim for follower numbers to increase further. Marketing regularly monitor competitor’s social media, we do not currently monitor any specific PCS providers, so marketing would welcome any suggestions on firms to add to the watch list in 2020.

Content both on and offline continues to play an important part in the marketing strategy for 2019/2020 and into 2020/21. It is our approach to invest time in producing quality content which can be posted across all of our on and offline channels. We are currently producing content on (at least) a monthly basis, going forward, marketing would like more short, reactive content which can be used on the website and social media in the form of blogs and posts. We have recently engaged the services of professional videographer to shoot and produce video content in the form of case studies which can be used online, we propose to use this approach to promote the PCS service in 2020/21.

Essex Life Magazines Essential Suffolk Essex Life Magazines Essex Life Magazines Essential Suffolk Essex Life Magazines Scrutton k Essex Life Magazines Essex Life Magazines Essex Life Magazines Essential Suffolk Essex Life Magazines Essex Life Magazines Essential Suffolk Essex Life Magazines

Starting them young, investments for children

£ 495.00

Helping you plan for your inheritance

£ 450.00

Protecting your legacy

£ 495.00

Use it or lose it - what to do before the end of the year

£ 495.00

A helping hand with taxes

£ 450.00

Alternatives to pensions contributions

£ 495.00

All in a week’s planning

£ -

Financial planning for later in life

£ 450.00

A golden opportunity

£ 495.00

tax changes in buy-to-let

£ 495.00

A risky business

£ 450.00

Financial planning in divorce

£ 495.00

Can you afford to retire

£ 495.00

Is it still worth investing in buy to let

tbc £ 450.00

Insuring works of art

£ 495.00

Essex Life Magazines Essential Suffolk Essex Life Magazines Essex Life Magazines Essential Suffolk Essex Life Magazines Essential Suffolk Essex Life Magazines

Setting up a trust fund

£ 495.00

IHT in the spotlight

£ 450.00

insuring your home and contents against flood

£ 495.00

TBC pension planning

£ 495.00

TBC financial housekeeping

£ 450.00


£ 495.00


£ 450.00


£ 495.00 £ 10,530.00

Printed collateral will continue to play a part in the marketing mix for Private Clients. All collateral is listed on and downloadable from the HUB In addition to the quarterly Adviser magazine which always includes articles aimed at Private Clients, we produce a Personal Adviser newsletter which is produced annually to compliment the quarterly Adviser. The 2019 Personal Adviser has been created and is ready for review with a view to distributing in December. We are suggesting a hard copy mailing for the edition with a note from each ‘client contact manager’ to illustrate a personal approach.

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