James O. Henry, M .A ., Editor, Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College
teachers, he will seek for attention in undesirable ways,” from a 17-year- old boy. “ If the community is delin quent, the child will be, too,” from a 14-year-old girl. “Most delinquency is started because a child is neglected at home,” from a 16-year-old girl. It seems that youth has placed the blame where it rightfully belongs. The problem is to convince the par ents. D evotion to M a r y Urged Devotion to the Virgin Mary was urged by the Rev. Francis F. Reh at solemn mass in St. Patrick’s Cathe dral in the first in a series of Lenten sermons at which Cardinal Spellman presided. Father Reh, who is a vice chancellor of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, asserted: “ Those who fail to honor Mary fail to honor God who so honored her.” He further declared: “ From the mo ment of her conception, Mary was preserved from all trace of original sin.” “ Catholics,” he said, “ should try to realize what these words mean when thev seek Mary’s intercession in prayer.” Chief of Relig iou s P o lic y The United States Information Agency announced recently the cre ation of a new post, Chief of Re ligious Policy, and the appointment of Dr. D. Elton Trueblood, a Quaker from Indiana, to fill the position. Dr. Trueblood, 53 years old. was appoint ed by Theodore C. Streibert, director of the agency, to advise on its over seas broadcasts and other information programs. Mr. Streibert said the appointment reflected “ the importance this agency is now giving to our moral and spiritual heritage.” Dr. Trueblood is Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. He had previously taught the Philoso phy of Religion at Stanford Univer sity before going to Earlham College in 1946. He has also taught at Har vard University and at Haverford College. In accepting the post Dr.
• Stamp with a Relig iou s Tone The nation’s first regular stamp with a religious sentiment has been released. Red, white and blue, the new eight-cent stamp carries the in scription “ In God We Trust” arched over the Statue of Liberty. The big gest ceremony in the history of the United States Post Office Department attended by the President, Cabinet members, and high Church Officials,' introduced the stamp. The Post Office Department states that there have been stamps before with religious overtones, but they were commemorative issues that were discontinued after the first printing order. Postmaster General Summer- field described the stamp as a “ Postal Ambassador” that would go abroad at the rate of about 200,000,000 or more per year. It will be used pri marily for the first ounce of inter national mail. In describing the mes sage the stamp will carry abroad, Mr. Summerfield said: “ In 16 years, we have seen the first radar, jet planes, guided missiles, atomic bombs and all the misery and slavery and tragedy the world’s greatest war has wrought, but we still retain our faith in the partnership of God and liberty that has preserved our country.” It might be added that it is not enough to send an ambassador abroad to tell the world our nation believes and trusts in God, we must show them. Pa ren ts Ilia ined fo r Relinquencg Parents were blamed for juvenile delinquency in a recent New York Times Youth Forum televised over a New York station. The students agreed that “ bad examples set by parents and lack of love and under standing at home were the prime rea sons for delinquency among the young.” Among the numerous com ments from young participants were these: “ Lack of love and affection at home makes for delinquency,” 15- year-old girl. “ A child wants to be understood. If he doesn’t get under standing from his parents and his
Trueblood said he would devote him self to helping overcome what he called' a Communist initiative in the war of ideas. T ea ch ers U rge Relig ion The State Council of the California T ea ch e rs Association, rejpresenting 70,000 public school teachers, adopt ed a program to help “ develop in pupils a greater recognition of God and religion as factors in our cul ture,” at a recent meeting held at Asilomar, Calif. Thfe policy state ment recommended a j program that also would help teachers develop In pupils “ a desire to participate in the religious life of their communities.” It would further help teachers “ find, explore and use methods of teaching which will implant and nourish in youth the moral virtues and spir itual values sanctioned in our demo cratic society.” A P roph e t W ith ou t R ew a rd in Russia The Soviet press has exposed a “ base masquerade” involving a young building technician who was a “mod el Communist” on week-days and a “religious preacher on Sundays.” An drei Semkin, 26, was considered a bright student of materialism and an ardent party member. He lectured on Marx, Lenin and Stalin to his fellow workers, but on Sundays, according to the Literary Gazette, he “ conduct ed religious services in Kolodnya,” a small town near Smolensk. The Literary Gazette joined Komsomol Pravda, Communist youth newspaper, in calling for an “ intensified cam paign against religion.” The paper summed up the case of the technician preacher: “A double-dealer and ob scurantist lives for five years among them (Communist party officials) and conducts his base masquerade while party officials are smiling complacent ly and satisfying themselves with his political notes and his question-sheet (on Marxist studies).” This would certainly give the lie to any claims of religious freedom in Russia.
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