tation dove or the picture of one and a piece of chain. LESSON: A boy once said to the coach, “ I would like to learn how to play football.” The coach replied, “ You will have to learn some hard lessons before you will be able to play football.” A girl once said, “Mother, will you teach me how to make a silk dress?” The mother answered, “There are many lessons about sewing which you will need to know before you can sew on silk.” The disciples knew that they must learn to pray if they were to grow
OBJECT LESSONS continued lazy ball, and needs air in it. We will put a little air in it and see if it will help. It still needs more, for it does not respond when I bounce it. Christian boys and girls are often very much like this football. It is hard for their Sunday school teachers to get them to respond. They seem lazy and indifferent. The reason for this condition is that they have not obeyed the words of Peter: “ Grqw in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” As the football grows, it becomes more useful. It is the same in the Christian life. . The more a boy or girl grows in grace and in the knowl edge of Christ, the better he or she can serve God. Much is said in these days about developing the body, but very little is said about developing the soul. Schools have gymnasiums in order that boys and girls may develop their bodies. We need to know how to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ, in order that our souls may develop. The person who faithfully reads the Bible and prays every day will grow in grace. It would be impos sible to grow strong physically with out eating food, and it is just as im possible to grow strong spiritually without prayer and reading of the Bible.
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spiritually and they said to Christ, “ Lord, teach us to pray.” He gave them a model for prayer, but they had not really learned to pray when they could repeat the words which He had given them. In the case of some, days and even years passed before they learned to pray. They did not realize that the cru cifixion would take place before they would learn to really pray. Here is a little cross, reminding us of the scenes the disciples had to witness while learning to pray. Then, there were the days of wait ing between the resurrection and the day of Pentecost. We will let this little dove remind us of the coming of the Holy Spirit on that day, as another lesson in the school of prayer. Would you like to have this chain around your wrists and be chained in a dark dungeon? Some of the fol lowers of Christ did not learn to pray until they were chained as prisoners and their freedom had been taken away. God often lets different trials come into our lives in order that'we may learn to pray, for He knows that we cannot grow without these lessons. Many boys and girls never learn to pray until they have problems that they cannot solve, and then they ask God to help them. Prayer is of much more value than football or dressmaking, and we should be willing to learn by what ever lesson God thinks best, for only then can we grow.
THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND COLLEGE Biblical — Evangelical — Fremillennial Alva J. McClain, President GRACE
Timothy was a Christian'who grew, and Paul wrote to him, “ And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee w ise un to salvation through faith which is in Christ Je sus” (2 Tim. 3:15). Timothy had doubtless been taught the Scriptures by his mother and grandmother, for we read, “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also” (2 Tim. 1:5). If you are to grow, you must spend time in Bible reading and prayer. July 25, 1954 P r o f it i n P r a y e r OBJECTS: A cardboard cross, an imi
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