NEWS FROM DR. TORREY. Good letters reach us from our Dpan, Dr. Torrey. God has been using him in a gracious manner in Ireland and England. From Dublin he writes:—"We close here tonight. Have had a great time of blessing. I think I wrote you that we have a hall about twice the size of the hall we had when Alexander was here with me. That seated something over 2,000, but this one seats something over 5,000. Sunday night there were people turned away. There have been many hun- dreds who have professed to accept Christ, quite a number of these being Roman Catholics. The eity is greatly stirred and we hope that the work is but just b e g u n ." From Bristol he .writes:—"We are having times of great blessing here in Bristol. The crowd was so great last Sun- day night t h at we had to begin a meet- ing thati was advertised for 8:00 o'clock at 6:15, and then when I dismissed this crowd those who had been standing out- side for hours came pouring into the building, so we have arranged to have two meetings tomorrow night, one at 6:15 and the other at 8:00 o'clock, emptying the building and letting others in at 7:45. This is the only way we can accommodate the great crowd." He will be closing his work abroad when this paper reaches you and will sail for America on the 15th of December, reaching Montrose for the holidays with his family, and will be with us by the first of January. Be much in prayer for him. COURSE. Great interest is being awakened in the Scofield Course. We have already secured a number of students. Some ministers are taking an interest in thfe matter and are proposing to use the course in their own study. We have prepared a circular giving full information concerning the Course, which will be mailed upon application. With the Course goes a Scofield Bible (the best Bible ever published), a copy of Dr. Wishard's book against Higher Criticism, and a year's subscription to the King's Business. Write us at once for full par- ticulars, THE SCOFIELD CORRESPONDENCE
AFRICAN INLAND MISSION NOTES. Our brother, Charles E. Iltirlburt, Di- rector of the Mission, spent three weeKs with us in October. His expositions of i i r st and Second Corinthians were greatly appreciated by the classes. He has moved his family to this city and they are now located in Highland Park. His children are in Occidental College. Our brother sailed the fifteenth of November for Afri- ca, taking with him a number of new missionaries. Mr. Tom Youngken, who was to have been married to Miss Edith Palmer, and who expected to sail with Mr. Hurlburt, was hindered by the seri- ous illness of Mr. Youngken. At present he is rapidly recovering and the time of their going to the Field will depend upon the condition of his health. A prayer circle of the volunteers for the field has been organized. We covet the earnest intercession of our readers for this African work and for a band frôm the coast to go to a tribe of five millions who are yet without the mes- sage of salvation. A great Personal Workers' Class meets in our Auditorium on Friday nights. Ev- ery student in the class has a list of un- saved for whom they are praying and working. We expect practical results from this class. The following is the pro- gram of the evening: Lunch at 6:00 for those who desire; 6:30 special service of prayer; 7:00 Devotional Bible Study; 7:30 Song Service; 7:45 Personal Evan- gelism; 8:30 Personal Experience in Soul Saving. A CLASS OF MUCH PROMISE. On the evening of Wednesday, Novem- ber 8th, Miss Nan Tedford, one of our most successful and popular Bible women, took upon herself the care of a new class, one in number but large as to size to whom she pledged personal and perma- nent attention. This class was organized according to law, but was an act of grace on her part. Her name is now Mrs. Ray Petty, but she expects to continue in lier chosen and beloved work as Bible woman. Many friends congratulate both members of the new class and wish for them the choicest blessings in the gift of the Mas- ter, whom they both so earnestly serve.
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