Chapel meets every Sunday at 8:50AM in La Palma C HAPLAIN J IM G WINN Lot 274 847-445-0077

will begin January 9, 2019 at 9AM in the East room at La Palma Clubhouse. The study

Chapel begins each Sunday at 8:50 Come Join Us! All are Welcome. Faith: Things that are not seen; trusting what is fact but often easy to doubt; believing in a good outcome. God has left us with two things to verify our faith in Him and wanting to know His will for life: 1. The Bible, it is God’s blueprint for living a life filled with purpose and life’s secrets. 2. Jesus Christ; His only Son who lived and died for us, He never changes and His promises are true. The real meaning of Christmas is God reaching out to mankind, enabling us to know Him personally and to accept His gift of love which brings eternal life with Him in Heaven. Can't get any better than that!!! Hope: To hope is to wait for something or someone that we pray brings good results. It is the feeling that what is desired can be realized: "we hope that things turn out for the best." The Bible definition of hope is better than the secular one; rather than wishing we can be certain of what will occur, Scripture is full of promises of so many things that will occur. Repent of your sin and be forgiven, fact, no need for hope. Trust Jesus Christ as personal Savior and eternal life is a fact not hope. "If we confess our sin He is more than faithful to forgive us." This is a fact not a hope. don't let doubt rob you of that reality. Those who have taken hold of hope offered to us can be greatly encouraged, the Bible and God’s Son never change. True hope. HOPE GIVES US THE ABILITY TO ACHIEVE . God does mighty and great things. Love: We need to remember that life is but a breath, goes so fast. Earthly life is temporal so we need to build on things that are eternal. Major on God’s everlasting love. Read I Corinthians, chapter 13 and see these characteristics of love: 1. Love is patient; knows how to take rejection and not fight back. 2. Love is kind: not hurtful or angry, doesn't hold or harbor resentment. 3. Love is humble: not arrogant, doesn't think too highly of itself. 4. Love is refined: speaks with dignity and care. 5. Love is generous not envious: always ready to give and offer help when needed. 6. Love is lasting: things never last forever. God’s love does, it never fails. The name Jesus can be substituted for love and He fulfills all those attributes. This Christmas Season make a move to live by FAITH; HOPE for and accept Christ’s plan for your life; LOVE life as He brings it to you. FAITH GIVES US THE ABILITY TO BELIEVE. Jesus said “ I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

is Gideon by P RISCILLA S HIRER . Study books are $15 and a few will be available during our first session. If you have ordered your book you can pick it up on or before our first session. This study will encourage you to recognize your weaknesses as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. Don’t ignore or try to escape your weaknesses, see them as the gifts they are, given specifically and strategically by God to unlock the door of His strength in your life. PLEASE join us and you’ll meet the friendliest ladies in the resort. RESORTERS’ CHORUS If you like to sing, keep reading. For over 20 years ORPS has had its own four-part chorus. We welcome ladies and men to sing soprano, alto, tenor and bass (SATB). The group is “easy-going”. We don’t memorize our parts, we have an experienced director and a piano accompanist. We sing a wide variety of songs from hymns & gospel to Broadway to old favorites, even some modern rock tunes. Practice is every Tuesday from 2PM to 3:30PM at La Palma. There are no auditions – if you like to sing, please join us. D ONNICE K OCH , Lot 81 Phone: 913-952-9285

THANKS RON! The Resorters’ Chorus wants to express a sincere thanks to our retiring music director. R ON J AMES has been tireless and has

led us for well over ten years. He is a pretty good bass and we hope he will continue to be with us as a singer. We welcome P AT D UNCAN as the new director .



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