JUMBO Sechang Flexo Folder Gluer A Sechang Company, LTD Providing “High Quality, Cost Efficient, and Modern Technology"
Boxed Ads: $100.00 per column inch. Rates include a listing on our website. For more information on larger ads and multiple inser- tions, write advertising@nvpublications.com Mail Blind Box Replies to: NV Publications PO Box 802 Manasquan, NJ 08736 Indicate Box# on lower left corner of envelope.
78 X 197 Sechang 2/C Jumbo Flexo Folder Gluer & 66 X 198 Sechang 2/C Flexo Folder Gluer Also Available Machinery Features
Model 2050, Sun Lead Edge Feeder, Steel Print Cylinders, Ceramic Anilox Rolls, Chambered Doctor Blades, Dual Slotting Sections, Rotary Die Cut Section, Folding Section With Downstacker, Computerized Setup
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As always, ACM is here to serve all of your machinery and appraisal needs. Please call or visit http://www.acm-corp.com for more information on this machinery & all available ACM machinery offers. ACM American Corrugated Machine Corp 110 Liberty Lane P.O. Box 357 Indian Trail, NC 28079 Toll Free (800) 528-2331 or (704) 821-6799 Fax (704) 821-6831
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June 8, 2020
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