



As a divorce attorney, Chris Bruce works with people going through challenging situations, so he’s happy to leave one part of his business up to the Pros. Since starting his newsletter last year, Chris’ firm has grown. He is so excited about how well direct mail is working for him that he’s been telling others about us. “I appreciate the work my team at The Newsletter Pro does, because they make it very easy for me. It’s an awesome company. I wish I could make other aspects of my business as stress-free as my newsletter! “I hear from so many clients and other attorneys who comment on the newsletter. They feel like they’re keeping up with me, even though I haven’t been able to be in touch with them personally. I’m staying top of mind for people who help my business grow. “The thing that’s been most impressive to me — in addition to the great writing — is that I was told during our initial call that it would require an hour of my time each month. That initial promise has been spot on. The results I get from that hour are far more than anything I could expect to get with my other business promotions, marketing, and subsistence activities put together. “I’ve told other companies and friends who are business owners that it is absolutely worth it.”

Some people simply don’t like to write copy. I get it — writing is not easy, and when you first start out, it can be downright frustrating. Below is a copy of a sales email I got and my rewrite of it. Email Copy Critique and Tips DOWN-AND-DIRTY

Here is the original email I got.

Hi Friend,

There are times in a person’s life when they react differently to things. Times like Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Christmas apply to people in general, and they’re good times to get higher response rates by making offers that relate.


ANNIE DUKE’S ‘THINKING IN BETS’ Is the New Handbook on Risk Assessment Annie Duke may be a world-class poker player, but “Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts” is by no means a book that’s going to teach you what to do at the tables. Instead, it’s a risk assessment guide that will benefit businesses of all sizes. In addition to winning millions (no joke!) at poker, Duke has studied at the University of Pennsylvania and consulted for numerous businesses. Her decision-making skills have been tested at the highest stakes, both in the boardroom and the poker room. When you think about it, poker is a perfect metaphor for the process of making business decisions. No matter how much information you gather, you’ll never know what your opponent is holding until the hand is over. The same goes for venturing into a new business practice or endeavor. You might be able to limit uncertainty, but you’ll never be able to get rid of it entirely. “Thinking in bets starts with recognizing that there are exactly two things that determine how our lives turn out: the quality of our decisions and luck,” Duke writes. She argues that we are prone to minimizing the effect luck has on outcomes. When something goes wrong, it’s because we made

– Crhistopher Bruce Bruce Law




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