
CONTENT: Remember, content is king! What does this mean? The more relevant content you have around specific keywords and phrases the more relevant you will seem to Google and Bing, which in turn improves your ranking! Consider continually creating new relevant content pages, blog posts, and incoming links around import- ant keywords and phrases. PATIENCE: SEO work is not a sprint but a long, well-planned mara- thon. The work is very tedious and not an exact science. It will take time to improve your rankings. COST: Many Digital Marketing Con- sultant Companies ask for a large chunk of money up front. Consider negotiating a fixed-cost contract for the initial work and then an on-go- ing maintenance contract to con- tinue to grow your business. Please remember to check third-party consultant reviews, ask for refer- rals, and call the referrals to see how they like working with the Digi- tal Marketing Consultant Company. Does your professional website bring in new business? Or is it just a billboard in the desert? Try a few, or all, of these tips and watch your business grow! •

sulting Company should be able to generate a report on your ranking against the best keywords (phras- es) for your business. DEVELOPMENT: The SEO consulting company you choose to work with should be able to document an SEO Master Plan. You don’t have to understand everything in the plan, but you do need to understand the value of their work. Brown also shared, “Their marketing plan should identify best keywords and phrases, how they will optimize each page, blogging strategy, link campaigns and how they will mea- sure site performance!” CONSULTATION: Discuss their SEO Master Plan. Get a basic understanding of the work being performed and how long it will take for them to complete the work. Consider, how will you mea- sure the ROI on their work? BUDGET: You need to think about your budget prior to finding your Digital Marketing Consul- tant. Please understand SEO work is not cheap, but the time, resourc- es, and effort your SEO consultant puts in is valuable, hard work. METRICS: Make sure they provide you with a baseline of metrics, so you understand where your website is ranked and positioned today. This is very important! Once they have completed their initial work and your website is indexed again, let about 30 days go by and ask them to rerun your metrics. Evaluate the incremental improvement and discuss the next steps to continue to improve rankings. This will take months to optimize your website.

consultant or company to develop a personalized Search Engine Mar - keting plan for your business. Brian Brown, a Digital Marketing Consultant for ReachLocal, shared “Without mar - keting your website online, it’s like putting up a billboard in the desert.” Here are a few ideas to consider in improving your online ranking: RESEARCH: Your Digital Marketing Consultant or in-house SEO Web - master should do an evaluation of your website to determine the best keywords and keyword phrases for your business. ASSESSMENT: You need to know. What is your current baseline page(s) ranking on Google and Bing? Is it poor, adequate, or great? A Digital Marketing Con-

Tiffany Monday Richmond is the Property Manager for Florida Suncoast Property Management, LLC. She is a member of NARPM (National

Association of Residential Property Managers). Members of NARPM® receive information like this article every month through its news magazine, Residential Resource. To join NARPM or to learn more, visit

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