Les profits du Salon de la femme pour le Centre Novas
Centre Novas – CALACS francophone de Prescott-Russell. Le comité du Salon de la femme de St- Albert s’est donné le mandat de remettre les profits de l’événement, qui aura lieu le 8 novembre 2013, de 18h à 22h, à un pro- jet communautaire oeuvrant auprès des femmes. Le projet de Café-rencontres du
tions de toutes sortes selon les besoins des femmes. Cette interaction avec les femmes est importante pour le centre car cela nous permets de mieux connaître le besoin des femmes dans Prescott-Russell », explique la directrice du Centre Novas, Anne Jutras. Avec les profits du Salon de la femme de St- Albert, le Centre Novas espère faire évoluer l’activité et y recruter de nouvelles partici- pantes. Le Salon de la femme de St-Albert est une soirée annuelle au Centre communautaire de St-Albert. Les entreprises spécialisées locales peuvent venir présenter et vendre leurs produits et services qui s’adressent aux femmes.La deuxième édition du Salon de la femme de St-Albert offre à ses « girls» une excellente variété d’exposants et de thématiques. L’objectif de l’événement qui aura lieu est d’amasser 5 000$.
Centre Novas a été retenu comme celui qui sera associé avec le Salon de la femme St- Albert pour l’année 2013. Le Café-rencontre vise d’abord à bri- ser l’isolement des femmes francophones qui habitent Prescott-Russell et à créer un réseau de soutien. «C’est une activité pour laquelle nous fournissons des informa-
REFLET-NEWS@EAP.ON.CA Embrun-Casselman
ST-ALBERT l Les profits du Salon de la femme de St-Albert 2013 iront au pro- jet communautaire Café-rencontres du
for possible short-term solutions to any po- tential overflow problems. One idea is to find neighbouring com- mercial or industrial property owners with available space that could serve for tem- porary parking. The committee noted that past attempts for this solution have failed because of insurance concerns.
problem parking situation along the Rus- sell side of Limoges Road that was creating some potential traffic hazards. Township council responded by ordering No Parking zone sites designated along with warning signs.
LIMOGES | As development interest in Li- moges grows, so does the need for park- ing space.
Chez nous...
The Limoges Citizens Committee has put public parking on its “to do” list of issues to investigate. Prior to the summer break committee members discussed the past problems with illegal parking along some sections of Limoges Road and a new one concerning the public parking area near the Highway 417 interchange. The committee had asked for help from Russell Township council to deal with a
The citizens committee reported satisfac- tory results overall now with the situation along Limoges Road. Members are now turning their attention to future parking needs for the village’s commercial core. The public parking lot at the Highway 417 intersection is “at full capacity” as noted in a report to the committee. Any changes made to the setup would be “for the long- term only” leaving the committee looking
Mobilier de salle à dîner 5 morceaux 999 $ À l’achat d’un mobilier de salle à dîner, Recevez une carte-cadeau de 100 $ ( voir détails en magasin)
Bus reminder Once again it is time for students to head back to school and for motorists to be on the lookout for school buses and students. Area Ontario Provincial Police detachments remind everyone that some school buses are back in service this week, while others will be back on the roads Tuesday, September 3. The public is reminded that everyone driving on a highway while meeting a stopped school bus that has its overhead red signal-lights flashing shall stop before reaching the bus and shall not proceed until the bus moves or the overhead red signal-lights have stopped flashing. Many children walk to school; motorists should also be aware of the increased pedestrian traffic as children make their way for their first exciting day. Reduce your speed in school zones and be extra cautious. Drivers can expect to see an increased police presence.
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