

Préserver le patrimoine franco-ontarien PAGE 2

Cornwall’s new CAO PAGE 6

May 11 mai 2016

V. 6 N. 25

Embarking on a harrowing adventure

Standing at a whopping 6 foot and 6 inches, St. Lawrence College Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)

student Justin Rivette- Bancroft is currently in Africa as part of an elective class. PAGE 6

Nichole White, présidente de Généalogie et Archives St-Laurent inc., espère accueillir plus de bénévoles au sein du centre de recherche. « On voudrait toujours en avoir plus, a-t-elle dit en riant. » Préserver le patrimoine franco-ontarien


l’organisation, dispose d’un gros livre rempli d’exemplaires de L’étoile de Cornwall , un hebdomadaire francophone publié à Cornwall de 1954 à 1969. « Nous avons plusieurs de ces livres, a-t-elle expliqué, tout en feuilletant les pages préservées. C’est une ressource vraiment importante et intéressante. »

En effet, l’organisme de recherche à but non lucratif dispose de centaines de ressources qui touchent non seulement Cornwall et les environs, mais aussi le Québec. « Plusieurs personnes de l’extérieur de Cornwall, de Toronto et même des États- Unis nous contactent, a expliqué Mme White. Ils veulent en savoir plus sur l’un

des membres de leur famille qui aurait vécu ici il y a plusieurs années. » L’organisme a pour mission la conservation du patrimoine franco-ontarien. Elle a vu le jour dans le sous-sol de la paroisse de la Nativité, avec pour seul matériel un dictionnaire généalogique. Toutefois, grâce à des dons, des octrois, des collectes de fonds,

C’est sur les étagères de Généalogie et archives St-Laurent inc. (GASLI) que se retrouve l’histoire du peuple franco- ontarien de la région et des environs. Nichole White, présidente de

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 mai 2016

The Amazing Rotary Rally

ainsi que le travail acharné de plusieurs bénévoles, le centre de recherche a grandi, un livre à la fois. C’est en 2000 que les membres emballaient les livres et les installaient dans l’ancienne école de la Nativité. Les ressources ont ensuite été déménagées, encore une fois, dans lamaintenant défunte école Sainte-Croix. Un autre déménagement a eu lieu en 2015. Les archives sont maintenant entreposées dans la Cornwall Room , située dans la bibliothèque de Cornwall. « Malheureusement, nous accueillons moins de francophones qu’autrefois, a déclaré Mme White, déçue. Nous devons faire en sorte que les francophones de Cornwall sachent que nous sommes toujours dans la ville. » Pour se faire, le centre de recherche consacre plusieurs heures au transfert d’une partie de sa collection. « Lors de la semaine française, l’an dernier, nous avons déménagé plusieurs de nos livres dans un édifice du cheminMontréal, a expliqué la présidente. Nous avons eu plusieurs visites et les gens semblaient très intéressés. » De plus, Mme White a souligné que le centre participe activement aux activités d’autres sociétés historiques. « Nous collaborons souvent avec Héritage Cornwall, un organisme de la ville qui opère aussi dans la Cornwall Room , a confié la présidente. Nous avons aussi tissé des liens avec de nombreuses sociétés historiques avoisinantes, qui nous envoient souvent des gens désireux d’en connaître davantage sur les membres de leur famille, originaires de notre région. » Plusieurs outils s’offrent aux intéressés qui voudraient en savoir davantage sur leurs aïeux, tels des répertoires de baptêmes, de mariages et de sépultures, des dictionnaires généalogiques, des livres d’histoire nationale, régionale et locale, des rapports d’archivistes, des documents notariés ainsi que des cadastres révisés. « Nous avons aussi plusieurs annuaires scolaires en provenance de partout à travers l’Ontario, a expliqué Mme White. Nous en avons de Cornwall et même de Sudbury! » Le centre offre aussi la création d’arbres généalogiques. La GASLI tiendra son assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) le 25 mai prochain dans la Cornwall Room , à 18 h 30. dispose de centaines de ressources qui touchent non seulement Cornwall et les environs, mais aussi le Québec. En effet, l’organisme de recherche à but non lucratif

Approximately 20 per cent of the Canadian population will experience some form of mental illness during their lifetime; very few families have not, or will not be touched by the effects of the pain, suffering and misunderstanding that mental illness brings. The Rotary Club of Cornwall Sunrise is therefore organizing its annual Amazing Rotary Rally. The winning team takes home the grand prize of $200 in gift certificates from local businesses. The fundraiser, which raises funds to support the newMental Health facility attached to the Cornwall Community Hospital, will take place on May 14, from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., followed by judging, refreshments, entertainment and awarding of prizes. Pictured are members of 2015’s winning team: Nancy Paquette, Russel Racine, Melanie Paquette, and Justin Wheeler. Additional information is available at — supplied photo

Afraid to smile because of missing teeth? Tired of your removable dentures? Do you want a natural-looking smile? Then come to our FREE SEMINAR on EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT DENTAL IMPLANTS BUT WERE TOO AFRAID TO ASK Call now to reserve your seat. Limited spaces available. Refreshments will be served and those in attendance will receive a SPECIAL OFFER. THURSDAY, MAY 19 TH , 2016 6 P.M. TO 8 P.M.

FREE SEMINAR Given by Dr. George Limantzakis DDS

Family, Implant & Sedation Dentistry 1080 MONTREAL ROAD, CORNWALL • 613-932-7712

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wing it For Kids Sake Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall is organizing its annual Wing it For Kids Sake event, on May 27, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., at the Cornwall Legion. Come enjoy chicken wings and try various sauces from several different Cornwall restaurants, all the while listening to live music frommembers of Spare Parts and Lost Boyz. For tickets or information: 613-933-8035. Tournoi de golf du Club Richelieu Le Club Richelieu de Cornwall organise son 20 e tournoi de golf annuel, le 3 juin prochain, au Club de golf Summerheights. Les joutes se termineront par un souper de homards à volonté. Information : Richard Lalonde au 613-932-4513, ou Michel Pilon au 613-937-0473. Free Clerical Training Course Tri-County Literacy Council is offering a free clerical course that focuses on aspects of office procedures in preparation for entry-level positions. Experience with Microsoft Office products and the Internet will be beneficial. The training is suitable for a variety of learners including those planning to enter the school environment after a prolonged absence and people changing careers.The sevenweek course starts May 24. For Information or to register: 613-932-7161 Moccasin Model Club The Moccasin Model Club at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, starting at 7:30 p.m. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. Information: 613-936-1660. Smart City Toastmasters Smart City Toastmasters Club offers the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives a practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday of each month at the St. Lawrence College, room 3520. Friends of Vets The Friends of Vets support group meets on the 1 st and 3 rd Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at 780 Sydney Street. There is parking in the back of the building and the coffee is free. communautaire community link Le lien The

Des élèves de la maternelle de l’École élémentaire publique Rose-des-Vents ont récemment reçu la visite d’ambulanciers qui leur ont expliqué les divers aspects de leur métier. Ensuite, les enfants ont été invités à grimper à bord d’une ambulance. Les sourires étaient au rendez-vous. — photo fournie Visite des ambulanciers

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

Le Club Richelieu recherche des commanditaires Le Club Richelieu de Cornwall prépare son 20 e tournoi de golf et souper de homards à volonté, qui aura lieu le 3 juin prochain. Le club recherche donc des commanditaires. Pour la somme de 150 $, une entreprise aura droit à une pancarte portant son nom, son logo ainsi que ses coordonnées, au départ d’un trou. Lors du souper, le nom de ladite entreprise sera affichée comme commanditaire durant une présentation Power Point de photos des équipes de golfeurs participantes. Établi à Cornwall depuis plus de 68 ans, le club compte 24 membres actifs. Depuis 2008, le Club Richelieu de Cornwall a remis 79 385,20 $ à la jeunesse des environs. De plus, le club a dévoilé, le 12 septembre 2010, le Monument de la francophonie au parc Lamoureux. Renseignements : Richard Lalonde, président, 613 932-4513 ou 613 932-1364. — Francis Racine

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.: 613-938-1433 • Fax.: 613-938-2798

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 mai 2016

Holy Trinity coach Tammy McAllister, with Gabrielle Simard and Mya Baptiste.

Members of the Falcons; Gabrielle Simard, Mackenzie McAllister, Jenna Scott and Mya Baptiste.

Sydney Seymour with her silver medal.

Students from all over the region participated in this year’s Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association (OFSAA) gymnastics competition in Windsor. Their performances allowed them to come back to the city as champions, having won an array of medals. In total, six athletes from SD&G attended the competition, representing Holy Trinity and St. Joseph’s. Holy Trinity Holy teamwas made up of four members: Jenna Scott, Mackenzie McAllister, Mya Baptiste and Gabrielle Simard; Cierra Lalonde and Sydney Seymour were part of St. Joseph’s team. Scott and McAllister, competing in Level 5, won gold in team points while McAlister also won a gold medal on bars and a bronze medal on vault. Baptiste and Simard, in Level 4, won the team silver medal, Baptiste also winning a silver medal on bars. Seymour, in Level 4, earned a silver medal on vault. Lalonde had a 15 th -place finish on beam. — supplied photos Local students win several medals

Cet investissement dans l’innovation et l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins de santé dont ils ont besoin, pour tous les habitants de l’Ontario, signifie : • 700 nouveaux docteurs et spécialistes • 35 hôpitaux actuellement en voie de rénovation, de modernisation ou d’expansion • 250 millions de dollars investis dans les soins à domicile et en milieu communautaire • 345 millions de dollars investis pour réduire les temps d’attente et améliorer l’accès aux soins

Cette année, le financement de notre système de santé va augmenter de plus d’un milliard de dollars.

Pour un système de soins de santé vigoureux aujourd’hui et demain.

Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Area employers are optimistic about their hiring plans for the rest of 2016, according to a recent survey of local employers. The recently conducted Employer One survey indicated that 26.9 per cent of the 1,013 area employers who responded expect to hire in the coming year, according to figures released by the Eastern Ontario Training Board. In addition, 43 per cent of survey respondents said they hired in 2015. «Every year, local employers have reported hiring far more people than they anticipated hiring, which is good news for residents of SDG and Prescott-Russell Counties,» said Diane Soucie, Labour Market Information analyst for the local board. «We’ve surveyed employers for three years now, and the hiring trend is positive and moving upwards.” “There have been some positive emerging trends,” saidDenis Thibault, executive director. “This survey found that the share of employers who had hard-to-fill jobs decreased, and more employers rated the availability of qualified workers in our five counties higher than last year.” Local employers optimistic

Maureen Adams named CAO Maureen Adams was recently named new chief administrative officer (CAO) for the City of Cornwall. — photo Francis Racine


City of Cornwall. For the past eight years, she has served as the general manager and chief financial officer for the City, a key position that involves overseeing the annual City budget process and ensuring the City maintains a strong financial position. In this capacity, Adams oversaw financial plans for key infrastructure projects such as the Benson Centre and Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade. “I think my biggest challenge will be to get up to speed with every project,” she explained following a short time of pondering. “We have to make sure that the shift is done as smoothly as possible.” Her leadership experience in the municipal sector is complemented by a 20-year private sector career in both the banking andmanufacturing industries. “I am really excited by this new

opportunity to work alongside great people to build Cornwall into an even greater City,” said the woman. “We have a lot of great attributes and I’m looking forward to building on our strengths.” Adams moved to Cornwall at the age of eight. She then lived in Toronto for 20 years. “We moved back to Cornwall in 2008,” she said. “It’s a great community with a lot of potential. We’re located between major big cities.” Chief administrative officers are executives who supervise the daily operations of a corporation and are ultimately responsible for its performance. Found across all industries and in both the non-profit and publicly traded sectors, these management professionals are experts at maintaining numerous functions of the businesses they serve.

From a conference room in the Civic Complex, overlooking Lamoureux Park, Maureen Adams stares at the many people playing soccer. “I’m looking forward to working with city council and city employees,” she said, smiling. The City recently announced the appointment of Adams as the new chief administrative officer, effective May 2, replacing Norm Levac. “City Council conducted a thorough search for the replacement of Mr. Levac and we are pleased with the result,” said Mayor Leslie O’Shaughnessy. “Maureen Adams is the perfect fit for continuingmany of the progressive initiatives currently underway and we are pleased that she has accepted this position.” Adams is no stranger to the

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 mai 2016

Des nouvelles bornes électriques continuer à toujours mieux répondre aux besoins des électromobilistes . Ceux-ci pourront circuler plus facilement entre le Québec et l’Ontario en véhicule électrique, ce qui est une bonne nouvelle, tant sur le plan touristique qu’économique », a pour sa part mentionné France Lampron, présidente de Circuit électrique. C’est à la suite d’un appel du Gouvernement de l’Ontario que la proposition de Circuit électrique a été acceptée. Le contrat se chiffre à plus de

1,4 million $ et s’inscrit dans un projet totalisant près de 20 millions $, annoncé par le ministre du Transport, Steven Del Duca, la semaine dernière, et qui vise l’installation de 500 bornes de recharge à l’échelle provinciale d’ici 2017.


La promenade d’honneur cherche des candidats Le comité organisateur de la promenade d’honneur est à la recherche de candidats qui pourraient devenir le prochain lauréat ou la prochaine lauréate à être inauguré en septembre. Rappelons que pour être choisi lauréat de la Promenade d’honneur, le récipiendaire doit avoir fait preuve de fierté envers sa langue et doit en avoir fait la promotion, tout en affichant fièrement ses couleurs et ses convictions. De plus, il doit être engagé activement dans sa communauté en organisant, en coordonnant ou en participant à diverses activités dans le milieu culturel, éducatif, sportif ou autre. Les intéressés peuvent soumettre une candidature par courriel à ou par la poste à Promenade d’honneur, à l’intention de François Bazinet, 15628, chemin de comté 43, Finch, Ontario, K0C 1K0. – Francis Racine Hydro-Québec installera 22 bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques à divers endroits dans l’Est ontarien. C’est ce qu’a annoncé Hydro Québec par voie de communiqué le lundi 2 mai. Hawkesbury, Clarence, Casselman et Cornwall sont quelques-uns des endroits ciblés par la société québécoise. Les bornes seront installées par Circuit électrique, une filiale d’Hydro-Québec, et ce, dès 2017. Quatorze bornes seront érigées dans les stationnements des épiceriesMétro et Food Basics ainsi que ceux des restaurants St-Hubert situés le long de la route 17 et des autoroutes 417, 401 et 416. L’installation de ces bornes aidera les propriétaires de véhicules électriques qui empruntent le corridor reliant le Québec à la région d’Ottawa. « C’est une très belle opportunité qui facilitera grandement le transport dans ce corridor fréquemment utilisé par les électromobilistes », a indiqué Louis-Olivier Batty, attaché de presse pour Hydro-Québec. Une première percée en Ontario L’installation des nouvelles bornes de recharge électrique représente une percée en Ontario, que la société d’État souhaite étendre ailleurs également. « Il est certain qu’on regarde les opportunités du côté des États-Unis et des autres provinces, mais pour lemoment, on se concentre sur l’installation de bornes au Québec et en Ontario », a poursuivi M. Batty. « Le déploiement d’un corridor Québec- Ontario est une étape importante pour Circuit électrique, qui nous permet de

1 er événement AVENTUREPLEINAIR à Hawkesbury

Hawkesbury • 1 st Annual OUTDOOR ADVENTURE Show

Complexe Sportif Robert Hartley Sportsplex

May 13-14-15 mai

Celebrate the great outdoors, adventure and learning Join us at the Robert Hartley Sportsplex May 13-14-15

Support local businesses, plan an adventure…taste Beau's all natural in the Boutique Beer Garden while walking around the show. Check out the 2017 sleds, ATV’s, trikes and PWC. An Alliance Event production in cooperation with the Town of Hawkesbury, The Jewel Radio Network, and Maximum Powersports. This exciting and educational three day event offers a wide range of activities for the whole family - new outdoor adventure equipment, try a kayak in the pool, zip line across the floor, try archery, paintball, or Bubble Football.

SUV’s, trucks, trailers, ATV’s, bikes, trikes, sleds, parts and accessories. Seminars, learn new things, cast a lure, get your boat license, and more.

Venez célébrer le plein air, l'aventure et vivre des expériences enrichissantes. Rejoignez-nous au Complexe sportif Robert Hartley les 13, 14 et 15 mai. Encouragez les entreprises locales, planifiez une aventure ... goûtez la bière Beau’s all natural à la Boutique Beer Garden, tout en faisant le tour de l’exposition. Découvrez les traîneaux 2017, les trois-roues et les VTT. Une production de Alliance Event en collaboration avec la Ville de Hawkesbury, le réseau de radio Jewel et Maximum Powersports. Cet événement passionnant et éducatif de trois jours offre une vaste gamme d'activités pour toute la famille – voyez les nouveaux équipements d'aventure de plein air, essayez un kayak dans la piscine, la tyrolienne, le tir à l'arc, le paintball ou le soccer-bulle. VUS, camions, VTT, motos, trois-roues, traîneaux, pièces et accessoires. Séminaires, vivre de nouvelles expériences, lancer un leurre, obtenir votre permis de bateau, et plus encore.

modern photo booth

Magic Lily Pad


The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Embarking on a harrowing adventure St. Lawrence College Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) student, Justin Rivette-Bancroft, left for Moshi, Tanzania, on May 8, as part of a three-week cross-cultural nursing experience. The eager Cornwall native will be taking part in several health-related activities and will be back in his hometown on May 26. — photo Francis Racine

Africa, but I already know I’ll want to go back!” During the trip, students, hailing fromall three St. Lawrence College campuses, will be working at the Pamoja TunawezaWomen’s Centre. To make things even more special, Rivette-Bancroft is the only student from Cornwall taking part in the journey. Yet, although it seems like an ideal adventure, the student explained that he sure had to work hard to ensure his place amongst the twelve soon-to-be nurses. “To go there, we had to pay $6000,” he added. “I therefore had to do a lot of fundraising. It was hard at times, but it worked out.” His fundraiser efforts included a spaghetti dinner as well as the selling of several goods, such as clothing. While in Tanzania, the students will be working at the clinic and at outreach clinics in villages surrounding the city of Moshi, located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. They will be doing health promotion and

teaching, screening, and working with the local health care providers. Students participating in the trip are enrolled in a cross-cultural nursing elective, according to Donna Clarke-McMullen, professor in the BScN program at SLC, and accompanying the students on this trip. “This generation of students are globally interested, as they have grown up being aware of the inequities between developed and developing countries.There has been a growth of companies providing international opportunities for students to volunteer. One of the reasons we chose Pamoja, was that it provided global health care in a local capacity building and in an ethical manner.” To prepare for the trip, the towering student read about global health, cultural nursing practice, common illnesses he will encounter in Tanzania, and culture shock. In addition, he heard from guest speakers, prepared case studies and discussed important topics like travel safety and what

to expect in local culture. Rivette-Bancroft will also have to do a project on various topics such as the education system, political and health care system in Tanzania and how it compares to Canada. “This is a nursing focusedmission, so the activities involve outreachmedical caravans, health education, and worksite hypertension screening,” Clarke-McMullen said. “Learning opportunities include learning about public health and local health initiatives for women, a day spent withmothers in village homes.” Although the endeavour might be intimidating for some, the Cornwall native is quite eager to embark on the adventure. “I want to do travel nursing,” he explained. “I want to work either in Africa, South America or even China or the Middle East. I want to go wherever I’m needed.” Several organizations, such as Nurses without borders and the Red Cross, employ several travel nurses.


You could consider Justin Rivette-Bancroft a gentle giant. Standing at a whopping 6 foot 6 inches, the ex TeamCanada football player and now St. Lawrence College Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) student is currently in Africa, as part of an elective class. “I always knew I wanted to help people,” he explained during an interview, mere days before his May 8 departure. “I played football in Texas and was approached by several scouts. I had a future in the sport, but I knew I wanted to be a nurse.” Rivette-Bancroft is part of a 12-student, 2-teacher team that is currently travelling Moshi, in Tanzania, on a three-week cross cultural nursing experience. “We’re leaving May 8 and coming back on the 26,” he said, smiling. “I can’t wait. I’ve never been to

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 mai 2016

ACFO - Centre C-E Claude - 146 Chevrier TAS Convenience Store - 1001 Montreal Rd Food Basics - 1315 Second East No Frills - Eastcourt Mall 711 MAX - 472 Leitch Drive FreshCo - 525 - 9th East Jean Coutu Pharmacy - 5 - 9th East OLCO - 18267 Cty Rd. 2, Glen Walter Shopper’s Drug Mart - Cornwall Square Lotto Centre - Cornwall Square MacEwen C-Store - Second W. & York Short Line Convenience & Video Store - 1300 Second West A-Z Convenience Store - 340 - 4th West Pop Shoppe - 101 Emma C-Store/MacEwen Gas Bar - 5756 Hwy 138 Mitchell’s Variety - 3034 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 1292 Pitt Desjardins Caisse populaire - 840 Pitt Carl’s Smoke Shop - 272 Pitt Food Basics - 960 Brookdale Metro - 1400 Vincent Massey Benson Centre - 800 - 7th West Giant Tiger - 609 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 439 - 13th West disponible Est aux endroits suivants : at these fine places: Is available

Three lifters of the Cornwall Weightlifting Club (CWC) participated in the Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships, in Trenton, and came home with three gold medals in their respective age and weight categories. Masters weightlifting in Canada is for athletes 30 years of age and older, and are split into five-year age categories in a number of weight classes. Chantal Smith won the -75 kg weight class. Mark Sicard won the men’s 30-34 year-old, 105 kg+ category. He started the contest by snatching 120 kg. Thorin Gault won his fourth consecutive title in the men’s 40-44, -94 kg category. Pictured are CWC Head Coach Kyle Pichie, Chantal Smith-Crowl, Mark Sicard andThorin Gault. — supplied photo Cornwall weightlifters impress Canstruction winner announced

For the first time in Cornwall, teams of engineers, builders, designers, students and supporters, plus thousands of cans of f ood, converged at the Benson Centre from April 16 to April 30. The event, called Canstruction, is an international charity competition in which teams compete to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food. Visitors had the chance to not only admire the sculptures, but also fill a raffle ticket in the hopes of winning grand prizes. One hundred per cent of the ticket sales will be used to purchase President’s Choice gift cards for food purchases. Pictured is Miline Ensoc-Vallee, winner of the second prize, a Fandom Basket with 2 deluxe tickets to Ottawa’s Comiccon, next to Agapè Centre Executive Director, Alyssa Blais. — supplied photo



The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 11, 2016






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EST À LA RECHERCHE DE D’UN(E) CONSEILLER(ÈRE) EN PUBLICITÉ À CORNWALL La personne idéale sera une personne retraitée ou semi-retraitée qui possède beaucoup d’entregent et qui désire arrondir ses fins demois. EXIGENCES : • Posséder de l’expérience dans le domaine de la vente • Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral

• Respecter les heures de tombées • Être capable de travailler en équipe

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal in Cornwall has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on first or second floor. Room for storage.

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LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal à Cornwall a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2 e plancher. Espace additionnel pour

• Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle • Time/Schedule flexibility for special projects SALARY: Good commission STARTING DATE: As soon as possible

entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433

Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae par courriel à : Send your resume by email to:

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 mai 2016

You can now place a personal classified ad for FREE in Le/The Journal. Maximum 40 words. The ad will appear 2 consecutive weeks at a time. Commercial classified ads are accepted for only $5.00 (+ HST) a week (prepaid). Classified Ads FREE consécutives à la fois. Les petites annonces commerciales sont acceptées pour un coût de 5,00 $ (+ TVH) par parution (payable à l’avance). GRATUITES Petites annonces Vous pouvez maintenant placer une petite annonce (classée) GRATUITEMENT dans Le/The Journal . Maximum 40 mots. L’annonce paraîtra 2 semaines

Richard and Manon Miron were all smiles as Cornwall’s Chamber of Commerce recently delivered their brand new, spectacular cooking island, with a Jenn- Air 5-burner barbecue, and a built-in fridge. The Miron couple were the grand prize winners at the Cornwall Chamber’s 2016 Spring Home & Leisure Show. The excited couple had a patio stone pad already in place for the cooking island and are already planning their first outdoor meal. — supplied photo Start grilling

Coming from all over to play hockey

613- 938-1433 ✆ F196030_TS

For the next two weekends, hockey players from around the region will be shredding the Benson Centre and Civic Complex ice rinks. Own the Ice is organizing a tournament called The Border Town Challenge spring AAA . The inaugural challenge will host 55 teams in all. Participating teams will come from communities in Ontario, Quebec and the United States. The tournament took place last weekend and will continue on the May 7 and 8 weekend. Pictured above, Landon Sweat moves the puck in front of goaltender Derrick Champagne. — supplied photo

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of May 8 to 14, 2016


ARIES Start preparing in order to get a head start if you’re planning a move. Alternatively, you might decide to renovate your home instead. TAURUS Traffic is a bit of a headache and com- munications are complicated. Try to find secondary roads, and don’t forget to charge your phone before leaving home in order to avoid delays. GEMINI You get the green light to undertake a project or an apprenticeship. Funding is made available to you, and you succeed in guaranteeing a good retirement for yourself in an unusual way. CANCER You feel like conquering the world. You are very determined to advance your cause and improve your lot in life. This could lead you to some kind of new beginning. LEO You need to be patient this week. You feel as if you are treading water and having to wait for everyone. Take time for yourself; this setback is necessary in order to make better progress afterwards. VIRGO You are responsible for an important meeting at work or an event that brings everyone together. You look after a lot of customers, which substantially increases your income. LIBRA One of your projects requires special attention. Delays are possible just about everywhere. On the phone, you are put on hold; at the grocery store, you choose the wrong line. SCORPIO The summer holidays are fast approaching and you should start plan- ning them this week. You may also need to reserve places at a day camp for your children. SAGITTARIUS A particular event is surprisingly revealing about your family or professional future. You are able to set more specific goals. CAPRICORN You receive a marriage proposal or other proof of commitment if your relationship is very recent. Your sweetheart confirms his or her love for you in a rather spectacular way. AQUARIUS Do not hesitate to apply the laws of attraction where your work is concerned. You will be able to realize your goals more quickly if you visualize them precisely. PISCES You are able to regain your self-esteem this week. You experience a situation that shows you off to advantage and provides you with tools to set new goals.


ACROSS 1. Decades 5. Chime 9. Luxury hotel 12.Skip 13.Car part 14.Corn piece 15.Shortest skirt type 16.Tiniest 18.Look steadily 20.Average: hyph. 21.False front 23.Singe 27.Stylish 30.Workbench clamp 32.Limo, e.g. 33.Brunch dish 35.Small amount 37.Business note 38.Type of exercise 40.Gibbon or gorilla, e.g. 41.Winter school closer 42.Although 43.Subsides 46.African mammal, for short

51.Pleads 55.Person, place, or thing 56.“____ Are There” 57.On the water 58.Ripped 59.Breakfast item 60.Eccentric person 61.Mineral-bearing rocks DOWN 1. Male turkeys 2. Radiate 3. 1492 vessel 4. Move slightly 5. Sidekick 6. Has being 7. Choir voice 8. Leases 9. Examine 10.Dads 11.Paintings, e.g. 17.Certain train 19.Roof projection 22.Salt Lake ____ 24.Grass-skirt dance 25.At the summit of 26.Heavy twine 27.Some parents

28.Indication of future events 29.Audition tape 31.Border


34.Bring down 36.Declaration 39.Pearl source 44.Legume 45.Foundation 47.Dividing preposi- tion 48.Meager 49.Absolute 50.Wallet stuffers 51.Spud bud 52.Yuletide drink 53.Pull 54.Glum


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HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 mai 2016

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