
YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of May 8 to 14, 2016


ARIES Start preparing in order to get a head start if you’re planning a move. Alternatively, you might decide to renovate your home instead. TAURUS Traffic is a bit of a headache and com- munications are complicated. Try to find secondary roads, and don’t forget to charge your phone before leaving home in order to avoid delays. GEMINI You get the green light to undertake a project or an apprenticeship. Funding is made available to you, and you succeed in guaranteeing a good retirement for yourself in an unusual way. CANCER You feel like conquering the world. You are very determined to advance your cause and improve your lot in life. This could lead you to some kind of new beginning. LEO You need to be patient this week. You feel as if you are treading water and having to wait for everyone. Take time for yourself; this setback is necessary in order to make better progress afterwards. VIRGO You are responsible for an important meeting at work or an event that brings everyone together. You look after a lot of customers, which substantially increases your income. LIBRA One of your projects requires special attention. Delays are possible just about everywhere. On the phone, you are put on hold; at the grocery store, you choose the wrong line. SCORPIO The summer holidays are fast approaching and you should start plan- ning them this week. You may also need to reserve places at a day camp for your children. SAGITTARIUS A particular event is surprisingly revealing about your family or professional future. You are able to set more specific goals. CAPRICORN You receive a marriage proposal or other proof of commitment if your relationship is very recent. Your sweetheart confirms his or her love for you in a rather spectacular way. AQUARIUS Do not hesitate to apply the laws of attraction where your work is concerned. You will be able to realize your goals more quickly if you visualize them precisely. PISCES You are able to regain your self-esteem this week. You experience a situation that shows you off to advantage and provides you with tools to set new goals.


ACROSS 1. Decades 5. Chime 9. Luxury hotel 12.Skip 13.Car part 14.Corn piece 15.Shortest skirt type 16.Tiniest 18.Look steadily 20.Average: hyph. 21.False front 23.Singe 27.Stylish 30.Workbench clamp 32.Limo, e.g. 33.Brunch dish 35.Small amount 37.Business note 38.Type of exercise 40.Gibbon or gorilla, e.g. 41.Winter school closer 42.Although 43.Subsides 46.African mammal, for short

51.Pleads 55.Person, place, or thing 56.“____ Are There” 57.On the water 58.Ripped 59.Breakfast item 60.Eccentric person 61.Mineral-bearing rocks DOWN 1. Male turkeys 2. Radiate 3. 1492 vessel 4. Move slightly 5. Sidekick 6. Has being 7. Choir voice 8. Leases 9. Examine 10.Dads 11.Paintings, e.g. 17.Certain train 19.Roof projection 22.Salt Lake ____ 24.Grass-skirt dance 25.At the summit of 26.Heavy twine 27.Some parents

28.Indication of future events 29.Audition tape 31.Border


34.Bring down 36.Declaration 39.Pearl source 44.Legume 45.Foundation 47.Dividing preposi- tion 48.Meager 49.Absolute 50.Wallet stuffers 51.Spud bud 52.Yuletide drink 53.Pull 54.Glum


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HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 mai 2016

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