The Alleynian 706 2018


Emma Berry

Jonathan Lansley-Gordon J onathan joined the College in September 2017 as Second in Charge of the Physics Department, arriving from Latymer Upper School in Hammersmith. Though he has only been with us for a short time, this has not prevented him from becoming involved in a range of areas of College life. In the classroom, Jonathan has introduced many new techniques, especially his famous green pen self- assessment. He has supported his classes well and also taken a lead in supporting our Year 13 boys, running the Catch-up club with Fermina Marche every Thursday after school. He also ran a successful Year 12 trip to the Particle Physics Masterclass run by Royal Holloway university, which the boys enjoyed greatly. Beyond the Physics Department, Jonathan has been a conscientious tutor to his Year 12 form, and he has also taught Upper School games, having worked with with the 4th XV rugby team in the Michaelmas term before taking charge of the 9th XI football team during Lent. Jonathan leaves to take up the role of Assistant Head at King’s College London Maths School. We wish him the best of luck as he embarks upon this exciting opportunity. Andy Wheble

James Humphrey

E mma joined the Design and Technology Department in September 2016, following seven years at Tiffin Girls’ School, where she was Head of Department. Within the first few weeks of term, she took her Year 7 tutor group on a residential outward-bound trip to Wales, and later in the year, she accompanied the Design and Technology Department to Prague, where her navigational and organisational skills were second to none. Emma led Dulwich Community Design and Technology (DCDT), a club in which boys design and make productions commissioned by people from within the College community. Most notably, Emma worked with Ollie Chang and Travis Yip to facilitate the design and construction of a fantastic water activity wall for DUCKS, which has been a real hit. At the end of September 2017, Emma had a baby, Iris, which led her to re-evaluate her career options. She has started a career as an editor and writer working with PG Online. She joins former Head of Department, Mike Ross, in a role which allows her to work flexibly and from home. We all wish her the best of luck in this new venture.


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