GWO Basic Safety Training Online Partial Refresher

BSTR-P Manual handling partial online refresher V01 - DRAFT

turbine work situation with one or more obstacles (stairs, uneven floors and/or in a constrained space)


Appropriate mechanical lifting aids can be included in the practical exercises.


The instructor shall:

Explain safety precautions that the participants shall adopt during this element

Explain that each course participant shall perform a manual handling operation that includes the following:

a. Safe and correct manual handling techniques for an object on the floor

b. Safe and correct manual handling techniques for an object at height (e.g. on a table, shelf or similar) Following each participant demonstration lead a group discussion about how these techniques can be applied to the participants daily work situations

Lesson 5 Notes :

The practical training shall be structured in such a way that each participant can gain practical understanding through application of theory introduced in the previous lessons. Specifically, the experiences and challenges that were discussed during element 2.3 shall be reviewed and applied during this lesson. Each participant will benefit most if they can connect and explain how they can apply these exercises to their daily work situation. Lifting various objects in the correct and proper manner. These can be of different shapes and sizes but shall not weigh more than 15 Kg (33.07 lbs). The instructor should observe and provide immediate constructive feedback to the delegates focusing on the following areas:

a. Reducing manual handling using suitable handling aids where possible

b. Planning of manual handling tasks using the T.I.L.E. Principle and MAC tool - considering the load weight, maximum reaching distance and aggravating factors

c. Correct manual handling techniques

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