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Surpass yourself with military style training

Do you love working out? Maybe now’s the time to give yourself more of a challenge and push your limits even further by registering for boot-camp-style classes. Also known as car- dio boot camps, these classes are inspired by training methods used by the armed forces. First of all, it should be said that unless otherwise specified, this type of class is adapted to those who are already fit and who would like to take on new challenges. Offered both indoors as well as outside in the fresh air, this training method was popularized towards the end of the 1990s by a U.S. military veteran. Each class includes a complete workout built around muscle strengthening, cardiovascu- lar endurance, and surpassing one’s limits. The goal is to enable participants to improve their balance, strength, flexibility, and agility. Just like recruits in the armed forces, you will have to do push-ups, crunches, races, and jumps to the rhythm of your instructor’s whistle blasts. If he or she has been well trained, be prepared to keep going, no matter what! Military style workouts are undoubtedly very demanding, both physically and mentally, but they are the most efficient type of exercise if practiced on a regular basis. If you want to lose weight or get in shape, this method is guaranteed to give you the desired results.


Would you like your child to learn French at an early age and have access to a French school? La Coccinelle offers a French-speaking half-day educational program at Alain-Fortin elementary school located at 676 Lakeridge drive, Orleans. (For children aged 2 ½ to 4 years old) and a French-speaking full-day daycare program at Béatrice-Desloges , located at 1999 Provence Ave., Orleans. (for children aged 18months to 2 ½ years old). If interested, call Nathalie Cardinal at 613 824-4492 or . Have your child join La Coccinelle family today!

Another advantage is that all the equipment you need is a good pair of running shoes, comfortable clothing, a towel, a water bottle, and unflinch- ing determination!

Just like armed forces recruits, you will be required to do exercises to the rhythm of your instructor’s whistle blasts.


- Cours récréatifs et compétitifs - Instruction bilingue - À partir de 3 1/2 ans - Spectacle annuel - Compétitions / ateliers

école de danse

depuis 2002

• Bachelière en musique de l’Université d’Ottawa • Récipiendaire de bourses du conservatoire de Hull • 30 ans et plus d’expérience


Débutant • Intermédiaire • Avancé Piano • Guitare • Flûte • Clarinette • Etc.


Inscription au YMCA: le 28 août et 30 août de 18 h à 20 h Tél. : 1 819 281-7777

Le mercredi 5 septembre 2012 Le jeudi 6 septembre 2012 Le vendredi 7 septembre 2012 Le samedi 8 septembre 2012

17 h à 21 h 17 h à 21 h 17 h à 20 h 9 h à 12 h

160, rue Jessop’s Falls, Plantagenet (Ontario) K0B 1L0 Tél. : 613 673-1121 Directrice artistique : Anne Marie Gour

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