Swatch palettes You may have more of them.
Color panel
Name of current swatch palette Tap on it to pick another palette
Add current color to current swatch palette More on page 127
Tap a swatch to set it as the current color
New Create a new, empty palette
Swatch palette options
Open a palette from list
Scroll down to see more swatches
Save current palette as new
The collection of the palettes that can be scrolled is the same as in the Main Swatch palette (See p. 121)
Rename current palette
Remove Remove the palette from the current collection. It will no longer be displayed in the panel, but will remain in your library. You will be able to bring it back via the Open command.
Swatch palette library
Tap on a palette to use it in the color panel
Smart Palette is generated from current canvas view. Learn more on page 128
Custom palettes You can create any number of custom palettes
Learn more on page 126
You can reset the default palette by selecting "Basic palette" from the list. Even if you save a changed palette under the same name, you don't overwrite the default one.
Infinite Painter’s Manual
ref: manual_studio_color_panel_palettes
Studio • Color • Page 125
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