Merging layers Ex pluribus unum.
Tap layer thumbnail to open layer options popup
Tap to merge current layer with the one right below
The resulting layer inherits the name from the lower layer and its blending mode (but always has 100% opacity)
You can merge only one pair of layers at a time. If you want to quickly merge a number of layers, group them and use Flatten group command. More on page 164
Merging a regular layer with an adjustment layer may produce unexpected results.
Merging an adjustment layer with a regular layer applies the adjustment to the resulting layer, but removes it from all layers below.
Merging a layer with a group below produces a single layer (collapses the group and merges it with the layer.
You can merge a group of layers to a layer below using Merge command from group options. See page 164.
Infinite Painter’s Manual
ref: manual_studio_layers_merging
Studio • Layers • Page 152
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