2019 3rd Quarter Crime Report

Citizens Police Academy Spanish Graduation

Homeless Outreach Program Enforcement Team (HOPE) Created On September 24, 2019, the Fort Worth City Council ap- proved a new ordinance to help assist the homeless. As part of the new ordinance, the Homeless Outreach Pro- gram Enforcement (HOPE) Unit was created. HOPE will provide a more compassionate solution when working with homeless individuals and quality of life complaints. The HOPE Unit is comprised of six officers and work in the Central Patrol Division. The primary goal is to improve quality of life in Fort Worth and connect homeless individ- uals to services and housing.

The Fort Worth Police Department hosted a Spanish Citi- zens Police Academy (CPA), a twelve week class where participants attend weekly three - hour trainings from po- lice officers and investigators who present and explain their roles within the City of Fort Worth and the Police Department. The goal of the CPA is to provide infor- mation and to establish long - term relationships with the citizens of Fort Worth. In July, 64 participants graduated. The next CPA is scheduled to begin in mid - April of 2020.

Officer Rebecca Woodward and the FWPD Explorers were honored by the Fort Worth City Council on August 20. The Explorers were recognized for their performance at the 2019 Texas Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association State Law Enforcement Explorer Competition held in July. Officer Woodward was recognized as the William H. Spurgeon, III Award recipient - the highest recognition for individuals and organizations contributing significant leadership to the Explorer Program. FWPD Explorer Teams received the following awards at the com- petition:  Team 1 - 1st Place Arrest Search and Seizure  Team 2 - 1st Place Arrest Search and Seizure  1st Place Bomb Threat  2nd Place Domestic Disturbance  1st Place Misdemeanor Traffic Stops Congrats to the FWPD Explorers! For more information and how to join, visit: https://police.fortworthtexas.gov/Get - Involved/explorer - program FWPD Explorers Acknowledged by City Council

On December 1, 2005, Officer Hank Nava died from a gunshot wound he suffered two days earlier while serving an arrest warrant. During the funeral procession, Officer Nava ’ s Patrol Captain ordered Nava ’ s patrol car to be parked at the corner of Ellis Avenue and N. 25th Street. During this time multiple people took a marker and wrote a message of thanks and sympathy on the patrol car. In 2007, the decision was made to loan the vehicle to the American Police Hall of Fame and Museum in Titusville, Florida. Almost 12 years later in August 2019, Nava ’ s patrol car returned to Fort Worth, and is permanently on display in the lobby of Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex. Officer Hank Nava ’ s Patrol Unit Receives Permanent Home

Section V - Department Initiatives


Third Quarter (July - September) 2019 Crime Report

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