2019 3rd Quarter Crime Report

FWPAL Grand Opening and National Officer of the Month! The Fort Worth Police Athletic League (FWPAL) held a Grand Opening on August 3 for the FWPAL North PAL Gym. The gym is located at 1000 Calvert Street. During the event there was a demonstration of the youth boxing program. Attendees were able to tour the gym, meet with FWPD officers, and enjoy cake and refreshments.

Community Clean Up Event

The Fort Worth Police Department hosted a community cleanup and cookout event for the Hillside neighborhood. Chief Edwin Kraus along with Assistant Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, and Police Officers joined with volunteers to help clean up the neighborhood. Together they covered over one mile of ground. Thank you to all the volunteers that participated.

Assistant Chief Charlie Ramirez was selected as the National PAL Officer of the Month! As- sistant Chief Ramirez ’ s vi- sion of greater positive interac- tion and com- munication has removed barri- ers between youth and uni- formed officers through the FWPAL pro- gram. Numer-

K - 9 Retirements

Fort Worth Police Department K - 9s Beny and Oso offi- cially retired from duty on August 19, hanging up their leashes for a life of leisure and tons of treats. Beny spe- cialized in criminal apprehension and tracking, narcotics detection, article searches and handler protection. During his career, Beny assisted in a multitude of felony and misdemeanor arrests. Oso worked several months on street duty and is credited with numerous assists in the field, including felony and misdemeanor arrests involving narcotics.



ous youth sports programs include boxing, flag football, after dark Code Blue Basketball, cheerleading, and out- door excursions. Over 500 kids are currently enrolled in the program. In addition to his vision for FWPAL, Assis- tant Chief Ramirez has allocated a uniformed officer to work full - time at FWPAL events. Congratulations to As- sistant Chief Ramirez!

Section V - Department Initiatives


Third Quarter (July - September) 2019 Crime Report

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