HFL_Relief for Your Arthritis

Exercise Essentials by Laurie Walters, OTR/L, CHT Micro Breaks:


Forearm Stretches:

anyposition.Try leaningtheexercisesittingwith yourbackstraight.Theabsolutetimeyouspend on inhalation and exhalation is not important by the ratio of 4:7:8 is important, so if you can’t hold your breath or exhale for the 7/8 seconds adjust the timing to maintain the ratio of 4:7:8. Atyougetbetterat ityoucanslow thingsdown and get to the 4:7:8 timeframe. 1. Exhalecompletelythoughyourmouth,pursing your lips slightly (like you are blowing out a candle) and make a whooshing sound. 2. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose slowly for a count of 4. 3. Hold your breath for a count of 7. 4. Exhalecompletelythoughtyourmouth,pursing your lipsasabove,makingawhooshingsound to a count of 8. 5. This is one breath, now inhale and repeat the cycleforatotalof4breaths.(Donotdomore than4breathsfor thefirstmonthofpractice, later you could increase to 8 breaths. You can’t perform this too often, but at first aim for twice a day.)

Extensor Stretch:

No chair or efficiently arranged workstation, no matter how comfortable, can protect you from the

Hold your arm straight in front of you with the palm down (facing the

potential hazards of staying the in the same position every day. Exercise and activity are the best overall medicine for pain. So, for every 30 minutes of repetitive tasks/prolonged sitting take a short break (about 2 minutes) or switch to another task. Get up and go to the restroom, placeyourprinter ina locationthatyoumustwalk tofordocuments,performsomesoundpostural exercises (like Bruegger’s Relief Position) and breathe (in through your nose, out through your mouth like you are blowing out a candle). Relaxation Breathing: Controlling and regulating our breathing is one of the best ways to achieve relaxation and to handle the stress that can come from a myriad of health issues and to clear our minds. The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise requires no special equipment and can be done anywhere and in

floor). With your other hand, gently press your hand down. Only press down until you feel a gentle stretch. If you experience elbow pain, eitherdecreasetheamountofpressureorslightly bend your elbow. Hold the stretch for 30-45 seconds.

Flexor Stretch: Hold your arm straight in front of you with the palm up (facing the ceiling). With your

other hand, gently press your hand down (push in the palm, don’t push your fingers back). Only press down until you feel a gentle stretch. If you experience elbow pain, either decrease the amountofpressureorslightlybendyourelbow. Hold the stretch for 30-45 seconds.

Welcome, Lolly! We are pleased to announce that Lolly Brasseur, Office Coordinator, has joined our Hands for Living team!

HFL HOLIDAY PARTY Our holiday party was a lot of fun! We went to cooking school at HipCooks inSeattle, learningtomakeSpanishtapas.Westrapped on our aprons, chopped, stirred and flipped with abandon, and came away with great ideas and new cooking tips! We made several dishes together, learned about different techniques, and then ate ameal together. Ifyou’re looking for a fun group activity, I think we’d all give it five stars!

Lollyisoftenyourfirstpointofcontactforschedulingand insurance questions! She is our Front Office Coordinator, and a bright spot in our day.

Herfavoritetraveldestination: Wales. Anywhere in Wales, thank you! (She’d do again in a heartbeat.) A fun fact: Shevolunteers as a singer intheSeattleSymphony Chorale. A pet peeve: When drivers don’t use their blinkers. Abookshewouldrecommend: “Wives and Daughters”, by Elizabeth Gaskell.

A movie she would watch again and again: “Ever After”, featuring Drew Barrymore. In her spare time: She loves to teach music, read, spend time with family, and go trail-biking with friends. Personal quote to live by: People are a gift. Look for opportunities to love.


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