HFL_Relief for Your Arthritis




staff with great

We are pleased to announce that Helen Reillyhaspassedtherigorousexaminationto becomea Certified Hand Therapist (CHT). She joinsourotherCHTswhohaveachieved

teamwork... I would highly recommend!”

thismilestone,and isnowourfifthCHT!Shehasworkedveryhard to achieve this designation, and we are proud of her commitment to our patients and her professional development. Therapists must have at least 3 years of experience and 4000 hoursworking inhandtherapybeforetheyareeligibletositforthe CHT exam. Therapists re-certify every five years, demonstrating continuedactivepractice,andongoingprofessionaldevelopment.

“ Kari was amazing at identifying my particular needs after having carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists. Hands for Living has an awesome staff with great teamwork. I would highly recommend to anyone if you’re looking for a very professional staff as well as a very clean facility, to highly consider the team of experts at Hands for Living. Thanks again to the entire staff, including the young ladies at the front counter. They go above and beyond to fit your schedule in!” - T.

A fun fact is that Helen managed to achieve this designation just four months after the birth of her first child, her son George, who was born in July!

2020 in Focus Living Hands for

FromJoAnn Keller Founder and Owner of Hands for Living

The start of a new decade brings lots of excitement. Hands for Living is nearly 9 years old, and we love to see how things have grown and changed in that time. This year will be no different, and we have new things on the horizon. One of the most exciting is the full launch of our Video Conference Service . You can now talk with me via video conference from the comfort of your own home or office! We are offering a special introductory event and will include details with this newsletter. No more traffic hassles! This cutting edge technique allows us to reach people from all over Washington state. We are pleased to be the first clinic to offer it in Washington for hand therapy consultations. Please let us know how we can serve you this year - can’t wait to catch up! Call us with any questions you might have. Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2020! – JoAnn Keller

We are SOOOO excited about 2020! We finally feel like we are fully settled in to our new clinic space, after being here for a year. It takes awhile, whether you’re moving into a new space, whether it’s home or clinic, to be able to find just the right furniture and spot for everything. Patients now enjoy a full view out the windows during their appointments, and we love the extra light that the big windows bring.

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